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Indian LCH, new threat for Pakistan in Siachin and Kashmir?

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so now you are bringing is fighter jets i wonder what will be next roohani flying machines :haha:
You know what? Go to bed and stop drinking. Scroll up and do read my previous post in which I have mentioned that sensitive installations will be protected by the front line jet fighters so which part you didn't get? Forgot what happened to your cheetak heli few years back? When your media was crying like a lil girl that PAF jet has forced it to land in Pakistan?
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You know what? Go to bed and stop drinking. Scroll up and do read my previous post in which I have mentioned that GCU will be protected by the front line jet fighters so which part you didn't get? Forgot what happened to your cheetak heli few years back? When your media was crying like a lil girl that PAF jet has forced it to land in Pakistan?
its funny how the indian members talk about kargil but lets talk about more recent events, in 2002 indian failed to mobilize its along the border, the pak army was already fully mobilized and entrenched, in the process they lost close to 2000 soldiers killed laying mines and getting counter shelled by the pak army, during LOC skirmishes more of there troops have been killed then on the pak side. So don't act like your some big version of israel
its funny how the indian members talk about kargil but lets talk about more recent events, in 2002 indian failed to mobilize its along the border, the pak army was already fully mobilized and entrenched, in the process they lost close to 2000 soldiers killed laying mines and getting counter shelled by the pak army, during LOC skirmishes more of there troops have been killed then on the pak side. So don't act like your some big version of israel

They don't rant as it is not necessary to derail thread.
Is this your best answer? What do you think LCH will be facing in case if war erupts? Just SAMs?
ok lets get serous shall we :azn:

now all the pakistanies are saying just one thing that we have anza and we need not worry LCH but what is the job of LCH in the first place :azn:

LCH is designed as a very high altitude anty tank and anty personell helli copter which was designed after the limitations of other high altitude helies were learned in kargil war (just like cobra and apache were designed after USA learned the limitations of huey choppers in vietnam)

now lets look at a given situation

what is the type of seeker & flight cieling & comabt range of of ANZA Manpads :azn:

which accoring to wikipedia is infra red homing seeker with 5KM range and 4km flieght cieling and for infra red seeker chaffs and flairs are potent enof and its a known fact go google it while flight cieling of fully loaded LCH is 6.5 KM(2.5KM more than ANZA MK3s flieght cieling) and helina ATGMs have a range of 8KM in short: your beloved anza... khair janee do i hope you can calculate that yourself even if the combat range flieght cieling in 15% (4.6KM FC&5.75CR)more even then ANZA MK3 wont be able to bring down LCH try googling and then we shall talk OK :azn: :sarcastic:
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Beta, ghar jao, mummy bula rahi hai.

A black painted LCH flying in the white snowy valleys of siachin. This is something called camouflage by indian definition.

And which hostile power overlooks the white snowy valleys of Siachen?

Yeh tu helicopter say zayada bataira dekhta hai. Jab mausam aye ga tu iss ka shakaar khela jayega...:butcher:

Dikhta hai na? Jab aap dekha sakoge, hum baat karenge. Tabtak Leggo ke helicopter banate rahiye.

bcz we didn't make nukes for firing on barats

No. Like your friends and masters, conventional weapons are good enough.
Are u high or something? What do you think we have air force for? Talk about reality rather than dreams. How are you going to survive against fighter jet? 99.9 percent chances goes in the favor of the jet.

Actually, we don't know what you have the air force for.

According to Air Cmde Kaisar Tufail

When Lt Gen Mehmud asked for questions at the end of the rather crisp and to-the-point briefing, Air Cdre Saleem Nawaz opened up by inquiring about the type of air support that might be needed for the operation. Lt Gen Mehmud assured us that air support was not envisaged and that his forces could take care of enemy aircraft, if they intervened. “I have Stingers on every peak,” he announced. Air Cdre Saleem tried to point out the limited envelope of these types of missiles and said that nothing stopped the IAF from attacking the posts and artillery pieces from high altitude. To this, Lt Gen Mehmud’s reply was that his troops were well camouflaged and concealed and, that IAF pilots would not be able to pick out the posts from the air. As the discussion became more animated, I asked the Corps Commander if he was sure the Indians would not use their artillery to vacate our incursion, given the criticality of the situation from their standpoint. He replied that the Dras-Kargil stretch did not allow for positioning of the hundreds of guns that would be required, due to lack of depth; in any case, it would be suicidal for the Indians to denude artillery firepower from any other sector as defensive balance had to be maintained. He gave the example of the Kathua-Jammu Sector where the Indians had a compulsion to keep the bulk of their modern Bofors guns due to the vital road link’s vulnerability to our offensive elements.

So then there was massive intervention by the IAF, which effectively strangled the infiltration. What was the PAF doing? Worrying about spares.

F-16 CAPs could not have been flown all day long as spares support was limited under the prevailing US sanctions. Random CAPs were resorted to, with a noticeable drop in border violations only as long as the F-16s were on station. There were a few cases of F-16s and Mirage-2000s locking their adversaries with the on-board radars but caution usually prevailed and no close encounters took place. After one week of CAPs, the F-16 maintenance personnel indicated that war reserve spares were being eaten into and that the activity had to be ‘rationalised’, a euphemism for discontinuing it altogether. That an impending war occupied the Air Staff’s minds was evident in the decision by the DCAS (Ops) for F-16 CAPs to be discontinued, unless IAF activity became unbearably provocative or threatening.

Only a professional can post these type of amswers.

Dear Sir would you like to explain MASTERS who is our Master.

No, I would not like to explain to anyone with an IQ level of less than 50 what masters means. Ask your KG teacher, if she has the time.
Beta, ghar jao, mummy bula rahi hai.

And which hostile power overlooks the white snowy valleys of Siachen?

Dikhta hai na? Jab aap dekha sakoge, hum baat karenge. Tabtak Leggo ke helicopter banate rahiye.

No. Like your friends and masters, conventional weapons are good enough.
but i think nukes are necessary to equilize 1/7...conventional weapons are not good enough to fight with an enemy like India
LOL read a more about Pak's UNZA's its also homemade and alot more cheaper than your LCH's APACHE's DHRUV's RUDRA's but still more than enough to bring em down no matter how many you bring :D :P
Ever heard of of the term ECM??
Only a professional can post these type of amswers.

Dear Sir would you like to explain MASTERS who is our Master.

See #122 to see what a professional can do when you irritate him sufficiently for him to forget that he is talking to a bunch of juvenile delinquents.

but i think nukes are necessary to equilize 1/7...conventional weapons are not good enough to fight with an enemy like India

They are. And conventional weapons aren't good enough.
Actually, we don't know what you have the air force for.

According to Air Cmde Kaisar Tufail

When Lt Gen Mehmud asked for questions at the end of the rather crisp and to-the-point briefing, Air Cdre Saleem Nawaz opened up by inquiring about the type of air support that might be needed for the operation. Lt Gen Mehmud assured us that air support was not envisaged and that his forces could take care of enemy aircraft, if they intervened. “I have Stingers on every peak,” he announced. Air Cdre Saleem tried to point out the limited envelope of these types of missiles and said that nothing stopped the IAF from attacking the posts and artillery pieces from high altitude. To this, Lt Gen Mehmud’s reply was that his troops were well camouflaged and concealed and, that IAF pilots would not be able to pick out the posts from the air. As the discussion became more animated, I asked the Corps Commander if he was sure the Indians would not use their artillery to vacate our incursion, given the criticality of the situation from their standpoint. He replied that the Dras-Kargil stretch did not allow for positioning of the hundreds of guns that would be required, due to lack of depth; in any case, it would be suicidal for the Indians to denude artillery firepower from any other sector as defensive balance had to be maintained. He gave the example of the Kathua-Jammu Sector where the Indians had a compulsion to keep the bulk of their modern Bofors guns due to the vital road link’s vulnerability to our offensive elements.

So then there was massive intervention by the IAF, which effectively strangled the infiltration. What was the PAF doing? Worrying about spares.

F-16 CAPs could not have been flown all day long as spares support was limited under the prevailing US sanctions. Random CAPs were resorted to, with a noticeable drop in border violations only as long as the F-16s were on station. There were a few cases of F-16s and Mirage-2000s locking their adversaries with the on-board radars but caution usually prevailed and no close encounters took place. After one week of CAPs, the F-16 maintenance personnel indicated that war reserve spares were being eaten into and that the activity had to be ‘rationalised’, a euphemism for discontinuing it altogether. That an impending war occupied the Air Staff’s minds was evident in the decision by the DCAS (Ops) for F-16 CAPs to be discontinued, unless IAF activity became unbearably provocative or threatening.

No, I would not like to explain to anyone with an IQ level of less than 50 what masters means. Ask your KG teacher, if she has the time.
Dear Sir i clearly know what r u reffering by calling USA our masters i can say if they r our then Russia is step daddy of India.
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