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Indian kids being fed hatred against Pakistan

I think getting personal is wrong.
Do you want me to mention Indians that put constant abuse and sarcastic rubbish on here? My list would be heavy. We both know judging by the pink sari list where most of them come from. Shouldn't mention individuals Butters - you are better than that.

My point being, when you have people like Hafizzz populating your Forum with India related threads you will attract Indians... and guess what? The Admins love it! Money, money money! :woot:
Its quite simple. I am not going to judge a whole nation on a few internet global warriors on here as that would be unfair.
I wanna say that you're right here, but wanna suggest you to tell this to Chinese dragon first. He keeps on mentioning the Chinky word while saying that he was angel before, but after sometimes he changed his view about India.
Some of your colleagues come on here talking constant trolling material.
I can say the same thing for some of your colleagues too. What about that?

Some of you are obsessed with us that's why you are on here.
Though I hate to say this but this site has India section which has highest number of threads after world affairs section. What does it tell you?

Some of you try hard to pretend you feel no hostility or negativity towards the site owners land yet your posts clearly show your annoyance at our sheer existence.
Be happy with my existence and I'll be happy with yours. Its very simple.

What do you expect Pakistani members to sit back and relax and constantly take the sarcasm and underlined abuse from Indians that come on here to get cheap thrills?
Do you mean that we should sit back and listen to all the cr*p against our India?

Have a little think stop abusing and stop getting abused. Respect the site and the site will respect you. If you are naive enough to think all Pakistani or Indians are like this then you are sadly wrong.

Totally with you sir. My advise to you is- tell this to that Chinese Dragon who keeps on mentioning the same thing while calling himself Chinky or something. Not even a single time I've seen you suggesting this to him. Mein karu toh character dheela? Shouldn't I call this hypocrisy?
Indians are fed hatred against China and Chinese people as well.

When I first came here, I was very friendly to Indians, even though I didn't need to be. Everything I said about any topic concerning India was positive and supportive, anyone can check my post history and see.

Their response? "Stupid slanty-eyed chink!" :lol:

They even refer to their own fellow Northeasterners using this racial slur.

That's nothing new. I also came across many racist Indians.
You don't have people like Zaid Hamid?? That was a full class of em right there, in training! You don't see rallies because theres not enough reasons to go around... every think of that? Again India has long been aggressive against pakistan(no secret) playing sly cards initiating wars/blames/contemplating strikes and what not. Average pakistani has no time to hate Indians,we have our politicians:smokin:...

---------- Post added at 12:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 PM ----------

Heres a good example...

you hit your head or something
Such shows occur by the dozen in Pakistan .As far as china is concerned , their controlled media does a good job of censoring all news at all about India so the average Chinese has very little knowledge of India or Indians. But then the same cannot be said for numerous officially approved papers , editorials , thinktank views etc which spew venom against India quite often at any real or perceived threat to Chinese interests.

If a person gets influenced by negative propaganda , its his mistake and responsibility to balance himself. The media can only put forth facts before people's eyes.

At least we don't bring the religion angle into play . If we hate , we hate for reasons --Mumbai attacks , cross border terrorism , Chinese hegemony and expansionist behaviour , incursions etc.

On the other hand hating because the opponent belongs to a different religion --eg Hindu, Muslim , Jewish etc etc is truly worrisome since it transcends the boundaries of rational behavior .This is something Pakistani society ( Of the present day ) has inadvertently inculcated in the minds of its members which is why the 'hate' is very much on a personal level.
Sadly in a way you are right....but its not because of the media propaganda but becoz of wat we have undergone.
I can tell u...till mumbai happened most indians had the same feelings that u say a normal pakistani has. But to be frank....mumbai was the flash point....even though it might not seem like a big event for u or anyone else around the world.....
i cant emphasize on how much it has effected the psychie of normal indians. The trauma...yea 'trauma' of watching it happen live on tv for 3 days continuously.....the pictures and emotions are still fresh and i dont think it will vanish soon.
Though i would agree that generalisation of pakistanis is wrong but a normal indian who doesnt get to interact with ordinary pakistanis cannot be blamed for having such feelings ultimatly.....I wish theirs a going back for us...i truely wish...but its a tough road! it is!!

Just one incident should not change the feelings from "an average Pakistani is similar to us" to "all Pakistanis are terrorist sympathizers/terrorists/suicide bombers". It's too drastic a change. A few Pakistanis might have been involved in the attack, but it does not mean that about 180 million Pakistanis had anything to do with it. I can assure you, no Pakistani rejoiced over these attacks, just as no Pakistani rejoiced over the Mumbai or Delhi HC bombings this year.

I think India is going through a phase of "ultra nationalism/patriotism", & whoever goes against this convention is labeled an India hater/anti-Indian. Pakistan is seen as a hindrance, a spoiler to India's progress, so "anti-Pakistanism" is high. While anti-Pakistan government/authorities feeling is justified for them, there is no reason for Indians to hate every Pakistan, & label them as a terrorist or suicide bomber. Most Pakistanis are able to distinguish the actions of a government, & the people. I don't think Indians have that capability, especially when it comes to Pakistan. Most Pakistanis hate the foreign policies of the US government, but have nothing against the American people. Americans that visit Pakistan are treated as honored guests, even in these difficult times of conflict (WOT). I have a feeling that ultra nationalism/patriotism makes Indians blind, making them paint all Pakistanis with the same brush they paint the Pakistan government/authorities with.
Just one incident should not change the feelings from "an average Pakistani is similar to us" to "all Pakistanis are terrorist sympathizers/terrorists/suicide bombers". It's too drastic a change. A few Pakistanis might have been involved in the attack, but it does not mean that about 180 million Pakistanis had anything to do with it. I can assure you, no Pakistani rejoiced over these attacks, just as no Pakistani rejoiced over the Mumbai or Delhi HC bombings this year.

I think India is going through a phase of "ultra nationalism/patriotism", & whoever goes against this convention is labeled an India hater/anti-Indian. Pakistan is seen as a hindrance, a spoiler to India's progress, so "anti-Pakistanism" is high. While anti-Pakistan government/authorities feeling is justified for them, there is no reason for Indians to hate every Pakistan, & label them as a terrorist or suicide bomber. Most Pakistanis are able to distinguish the actions of a government, & the people. I don't think Indians have that capability, especially when it comes to Pakistan. Most Pakistanis hate the foreign policies of the US government, but have nothing against the American people. Americans that visit Pakistan are treated as honored guests, even in these difficult times of conflict (WOT). I have a feeling that ultra nationalism/patriotism makes Indians blind, making them paint all Pakistanis with the same brush they paint the Pakistan government/authorities with.

Bilal, i don't think 'majority' of India believes that everyone in Pakistan hates India and it is actually otherwise and i think the vice versa is true across the border. The whole issue and frustration is around the dealing with 26/11 culprits, where what is being played out is that nothing is being done in pakistan against those that India hold responsible. The 'anger there is against the Pakistan administration's' lack of empathy for those who lost their lives or were injured and it exists because there was mention of specific names and those did not see a fair trail.

In a currently socially volatile india, where you see ministers behind bars and parliament being questioned by civilians (and parliament is made to listen due to amazing numbers of voilenceless protests), people do trust that something more should have been done by the adminstration on the other side. They are hurt by the lack of feeling of their pain by the pakistani administration, and that a lot of people are not coming out and say that the culprits should be brought to the toughest possible justice. I am not mentioning this to start a debate or another slugfest, I am stating this to mention why is there a certain & definite discomfort at the way that sensitive issue was tackled...

However, I personally have never experienced that kind of feeling towards the general public in Pakistan in the minds of the Indians and i do believe that majority definitely believes that no one one the other side also likes someone die an undeserving death.

Though, there is definitely a concern on growing radicalization and lack of security, when u hear about news that taliban is few miles from islamabad (which is one of the funniest stuff i have ever read)or the attack on srilankan cricket team, or the recent OBL case or that people see a whole lot of news about radicalization in pakistan on international media and that definitely hurts the image of a normal Pakistani in the eyes of the world. But, at least so far as I have met people, including my elders and peers, i don't think there is an en-masse enimity towards pakistani public, infact you will be surprised that it can be quiet a concern for some of us to think what does a normal person go through daily, with so many reported instances of millitancy....
Bilal, i don't think 'majority' of India believes that everyone in Pakistan hates India and it is actually otherwise and i think the vice versa is true across the border. The whole issue and frustration is around the dealing with 26/11 culprits, where what is being played out is that nothing is being done in pakistan against those that India hold responsible. The 'anger there is against the Pakistan administration's' lack of empathy for those who lost their lives or were injured and it exists because there was mention of specific names and those did not see a fair trail.

In a currently socially volatile india, where you see ministers behind bars and parliament being questions by civilians (and parliament is made to listen due to amazing numbers of voilenceless protests), people do trust that something more should have been done by the adminstration on the other side. They are hurt by the lack of feeling of their pain by the pakistani administration, and that a lot of people are not coming out and say that the culprits should be brought to the toughest possible justice. I am not mentioning this to start a debate or another slugfest, I am stating this to mention why is there a certain & definite discomfort at the way that sensitive issue was tackled...

Just read the comments coming out of your 'educated crowd' in mainstream Indian outlets like the The Hindu, TOI; labeling all Pakistanis Hindu haters, terrorists, suicide bombers. Whatever hatred you have for the Pakistan government does not give you the right to paint all Pakistanis with the same brush, but you guys are blinded by your hatred. As I said before, about 180 million Pakistanis were not responsible for what happened 26/11, neither did they support what happened.

Sunil Gavaskar, who I had massive respect for once, said this about the Pakistan cricket team right before the WC semi finals against India:

He said, "I doubt whether Pakistan would lose the Mohali game; Pakistanis have a special fascination for Mumbai. They keep sneaking into Mumbai by whatever route they can find and which is available. So I would not be surprised if they do it again and reach Mumbai again."

His hatred towards the Pakistani administration blinded him badly, & it reflected in his comments when he brought politics into the sport.

Though, there is definitely a concern on growing radicalization and lack of security, when u hear about news that taliban is few miles from islamabad (which is one of the funniest stuff i have ever read)or the attack on srilankan cricket team, or the recent OBL case or that people see a whole lot of news about radicalization in pakistan on international media and that definitely hurts the image of a normal Pakistani in the eyes of the world. But, at least so far as I have met people, including my elders and peers, i don't think there is an en-masse enimity towards pakistani public, infact you will be surprised that it can be quiet a concern for some of us to think what does a normal person go through daily, with so many reported instances of millitancy....

Don't worry about Pakistan, terrorism in Pakistan is decreasing everyday, the figures have dropped significantly. The incidents you quoted happened a few years ago anyways. I think radicalization & communalism in India is a much bigger problem.
They even refer to their own fellow Northeasterners using this racial slur.

I love that part when abusing Pakistan they start abusing Islam and muslims in general not realizing that millions of Muslims are also citizen of their "secular" country. Just check comment section of any TOI news about Pakistan. ;)
Just read the comments coming out of your 'educated crowd' in mainstream Indian outlets like the The Hindu, TOI; labeling all Pakistanis Hindu haters, terrorists, suicide bombers. Whatever hatred you have for the Pakistan government does not give you the right to paint all Pakistanis with the same brush, but you guys are blinded by your hatred. As I said before, about 180 million Pakistanis were not responsible for what happened 26/11, neither did they support what happened.

Sunil Gavaskar, who I had massive respect for once, said this about the Pakistan cricket team right before the WC semi finals against India:

His hatred towards the Pakistani administration blinded him badly, & it reflected in his comments when he brought politics into the sport.

Don't worry about Pakistan, terrorism in Pakistan is decreasing everyday, the figures have dropped significantly. The incidents you quoted happened a few years ago anyways. I think radicalization & communalism in India is a much bigger problem.

Bilal, press loves to sensationalize on both the sides. I don't think we will get anywhere with a discussion on who is holier there... the short answer to that is ... both sides beat each other at sensationalization. what i tried to reflect on was a genuine heart of hearts feelings that I believe exists with most of Indians... to respect it or not is completely upto you.

For Gavaskar's quotes comments... If you read it the way i read it... It just highlights that a player of his stature was worried about the 'capability' of a young pakistani team to beat India team. The statement, in a way commended the hunger of your team. Second, we are worthy opponents in sports and that should not be mixed with feelings for general public. Below the belt pranks with fellow commentators on a cricket match, does not or should not be taken as hatred against the general public. I am sure, on many such occasions, emotional sportsment from both sides would do it again... I am sure he would also have praised the way the pakistani team won so many hearts and showed character in the world cup... Again, this is my personal opinion and as such, could be fallible.

I never said India does not have problems. We do have a lot of them and i am sure every country in the world has it. I don't converse by the mode of vieled insinuations. That is not my style. It is perfectly human to be worried or be concerned or to think about something or someone. and, it was not a comparison between India and pakistan, in what I had scribbled. I was just trying my hand at giving a commentary of how a normal indian looks at the news. Rest, as i said, is up for what u would like to read from it or read between these lines...

1.) This is 10 year old video when BJP was in power

why have you posted a 10 year old video?????????
:woot: :rofl:

2. Nothing in the video reflects any hate whatsoever.
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What victim card? :lol:

I am simply letting people know what you get for being friendly to Indians. Never miss a chance to stab in the back, no matter how much effort you put in to being friendly with them.

You are right I don't know why but majority of them are backstabber........ they also try to make indian muslim to hate Pakistan if they love india. its not my personal opinion there video and response reflect their thoughts.On other hand Pakistanis and Chinese don't make any vedio or comment that make to feel other that hindus or sikh living in Pak and china have to hate india.:what:
1.) This is 10 year old video when BJP was in power

why have you posted a 10 year old video?????????
:woot: :rofl:

2. Nothing in the video reflects any hate whatsoever.

It means that indian kids had hated preceptions about Pakistan before mumbai attack.
Indians are fed hatred against China and Chinese people as well.

When I first came here, I was very friendly to Indians, even though I didn't need to be. Everything I said about any topic concerning India was positive and supportive, anyone can check my post history and see.

Their response? "Stupid slanty-eyed chink!" :lol:

They even refer to their own fellow Northeasterners using this racial slur.

Just tell us one more time Chinaji.
This thread still going? Lol. Seems like a bunch of butthurt buddies getting together to discuss how bad those evil bhartis are. :lol:

Okay guys, we accept we're eeevuuuul! Happy? :P
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