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Indian journo dares to call Bangladesh a ''buffer state''-Local newsmen taken aback

He's a freaking journo. Grow up. Next thing I know the journalist will become a RAW Agent planted by GOI to insult Bangladeshis.

He is a journalist, freaking or not representing indian media and accompanying Indian FM. So his tone and statement reflects clear Indian psyche as one can hear from across the border.

And you defending such demening statement only validate our view - that "freaking" (as you called that journalist) journalist statement was not far from how you and most indian thinks of Bangladesh.
e our view - that "freaking" (as you called that journalist) journalist statement was not far from how you and most indian thinks of Bangladesh.

Did you even read the Journo's remarks?

He said that its PAKISTAN which used Bangladesh as a "buffer state" to use for waging Jehad in India. Get the point?

How is that an insult? Its a question, albeit controversial, but it hardly warrants the kind of reaction that we are getting here.

If you hate the media so much, just shut them down and appoint a state propoganda agency to do the work.
I wonder what Indians would think if it was described as a hotbed of Hindu terrorism and the RAW apparatus acting as a State-within-a-State to assist the Hindu agenda for an Akhand Bharat.
People would probably continue doing what they already do: ridicule you first and then summarily ignore your machinations.

As a side note, if Hindu terrorism did get out of hand like its Islamic counterpart, and the intelligence agency of the state got embroiled in a scheme to further their own causes by weaponizing Hindu terrorists and unleashing them upon other countries; then I gather the entire world (Indians or otherwise, including me) will be right up there with you clamoring about this.

To get back to the main topic however... there are serious concerns about radicalism and organized terrorism already having metastasized into Bangladesh from Pakistan. These concerns are now being addressed by a number of real* security and policy experts from around the world (*not pseudo intellectual nutjobs who peddle their conspiracy trash over the internet). And hopefully the Bangladeshi leadership will take this threat very, very seriously and do everything in their power to curtail the effects of mass radicalization.
Did you even read the Journo's remarks?

He said that its PAKISTAN which used Bangladesh as a "buffer state" to use for waging Jehad in India. Get the point?

How is that an insult? Its a question, albeit controversial, but it hardly warrants the kind of reaction that we are getting here.

If you hate the media so much, just shut them down and appoint a state propoganda agency to do the work.

Whole nation read indian journalist statement in front of indian FM that includes myself. Calling an independent nation "buffer state" of any nation that gained its independence through arms struggle is desgraceful and dispicable. And your repeated attempt to pretend, divert and distort that very truth will not change the fact how Indian view Bangladesh.

It goes to show typical indian habit - first they insult and propagate lie then they come back with another set of twisting and lies to cover the first set.
He said that its PAKISTAN which used Bangladesh as a "buffer state" to use for waging Jehad in India

Here buffer state dosnt mean that bangladesh is a buffer state..For example
"India acted as a mediator state in lankan conflict"This statement does not says exclusivly India is a mediator state but it has been used as a mediator state because of crisis..
I think the whole issue is blown out of proportion because bangladeshies are still very sensitive on the issue..
He said that its PAKISTAN which used Bangladesh as a "buffer state" to use for waging Jehad in India

Here buffer state dosnt mean that bangladesh is a buffer state..For example
"India acted as a mediator state in lankan conflict"This statement does not says exclusivly India is a mediator state but it has been used as a mediator state because of crisis..
I think the whole issue is blown out of proportion because bangladeshies are still very sensitive on the issue..

It goes to show typical indian habit - first they insult and propagate lie then they come back with another set of twisting and lies to cover the first set.
He is a journalist, freaking or not representing indian media and accompanying Indian FM. So his tone and statement reflects clear Indian psyche as one can hear from across the border.

And you defending such demening statement only validate our view - that "freaking" (as you called that journalist) journalist statement was not far from how you and most indian thinks of Bangladesh.

Journalist ask difficult Question, if you dont want them to then shoot them. lol.
It goes to show typical indian habit - first they insult and propagate lie then they come back with another set of twisting and lies to cover the first set.
Now here you go
If a Indians jurnalist can speak for Indian policies I dont want to argue any further..If the statement was from minister himself then also it wont indicate bangladesh is a buffer state..
To get back to the main topic however... there are serious concerns about radicalism and organized terrorism already having metastasized into Bangladesh from Pakistan. These concerns are now being addressed by a number of real* security and policy experts from around the world (*not pseudo intellectual nutjobs who peddle their conspiracy trash over the internet). And hopefully the Bangladeshi leadership will take this threat very, very seriously and do everything in their power to curtail the effects of mass radicalization.

You mean security expert from "coalition of willing" from around the world who concocted WMD story and rolled out now defunct "war on terror". We are well aware of those concocted and relentless propaganda by Indo-US-Israeli axis. At any given time that includes today, Bangladesh is far far safer, stable and terror free than India ever was and is. Only a decade ago it was dream of many to go to US and seek better life. Today, terrorist in India seek who is carrying US passport. That shows a miserable descend and disgrace for star and stripe.

Looks like you are guilty of your own accusation "nutjobs who peddle their conspiracy trash (about Bangladesh) over the internet".

Getting back on topic,
This is NOT discussion about "redicalism" in Bangladesh but a discussion about demening and despicable Indian view on Bangladesh as a independent and sovereign country.
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So what if Bangladesh is a "buffer state of Pakistan". What do you Indians want to do about it????????????
Journalist ask difficult Question, if you dont want them to then shoot them. lol.

And you defending such demening statement only validate our view - that journalist statement was not far from how dispicable your and most indian view on Bangladesh.
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Whole nation read indian journalist statement in front of indian FM that includes myself. Calling an independent nation "buffer state" of any nation that gained its independence through arms struggle is desgraceful and dispicable.

I totally agree with you on this.Dipu Moni should have given a strong reply,so that the journalists think twice before using such words in future.Unfortunately that did not happen.I feel this lady is really not fit for job.We need someone who can remain strong under all circumstances.I believe there are people capable of conducting such role.

As for the Indian journalist,he should go back and do his journalism course again.So that he can learn what to ask,how to ask and what not to ask.:angry:
Lol, dont make us laught at you guys so much.

keep laughing who's stopping you?

Everyone does not necessarily has to have same opinion,does it?That is called democracy,free to believe.You should be knowing that.

About her being a spy,I don't know what she is,but one thing is very sure she is very pro-India and pro-West.This is a stark contrast to BNP's "look East":-)china:) policy.
Did you even read the Journo's remarks?

He said that its PAKISTAN which used Bangladesh as a "buffer state" to use for waging Jehad in India. Get the point?

How is that an insult? Its a question, albeit controversial, but it hardly warrants the kind of reaction that we are getting here.

If you hate the media so much, just shut them down and appoint a state propoganda agency to do the work.

Whatever you say mate,I think the journo's choice of words was definitely wrong and inappropriate.

He could have said:

"Pakistani terrorists using Bangladeshi soil to wage Jehad against India" or anything better than that.

"Buffer state" is a strong word,and it is disrespectful for Bangladesh having fought for freedom and sacrificing so many lives.
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