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Indian hegemony in Nepal

Well said bro...Nepal and Bhutan have such huge hydel power potential that it can meet a substantial portion of our need..But I am disappointed with India's policy regarding utlilizing this potential for the benefit of both the countries. The locals in Bhutan are more than welcoming for any Indian project. Regarding Nepal although the locals always welcome Indian investment the Maoists may create a problem or two. India will have to treat both these countries on a mature level and try not to use Big Brother attitude so as not to draw the ire of those with fragile egos (read Maoists)

The problem is, we don't even have a decent foreign policy vis a vis our region. The entire southeast Asia is more than pleased to have us as the alternative to constant Red domination, but South Block has no clue what to do. Burma has always welcomed our approach, but we wanted to be uncle Sam's puppy boys of "democracy" only to wake up last year. Vietnam was so much interested in bilateral relations that it point blank asked us for arms (no 2 nations starting anew ask such stuff). Thai PM just visited us.
Cambodia and Laos have been totally neglected. Instead, we further annoyed Cambodia with announcing to imitate the Angkor Wat Vishnu temple (we have thousands of temple architects all over India; WTH do we need to copy it for?).

Bhutan has always welcomed our investment, but only a handful of private bigwigs are into it. Nepal has shown a positive attitude towards investments and expected it from us at least in natural resource exports, but no avail.

However, Krishna and his goons don't forget to clean Pakistani politicians' shoes with this and that nonsensical schemes that will only bleed us faster in longer run. Though not an example, just to give you an idea of such "schemes"; AMAN KI ASHA joke.

This is so pathetic. :tdown:

Sorry for my no meaning words,I am Chinese,not good at English,just as what you have implyed,don't care about us and what we have said here.

Nothing taken badly, mate. Just was not sure of what you meant before. Cheers. :)

Oriental features are there for a huge section of Asian population. Doesn't mean they're 'chinese'. Trust me, none of our kind is even remotely similar to Chinese in appearance.

Is that why you mistreat your Mongoloid looking NE people, as they are not regarded as “yours”?

No one should be surprised in a rampant racist India.

AFSPA and human rights issues tabled in UN session

Imphal, March 05 2012: Taking the fight against Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act and human rights violation to a higher plane, the demand for repealing the military Act has been tabled in the ongoing 19th session of the United Nations at Geneva today.


During the morning session, UN Special Rapporteur Margaret Sekaggya raised the issue of AFSPA and its impacts as witnessed in Manipur.


Before presenting her case at the UN session, Margaret Sekaggya visited Guwahati on January 14 last year where she interacted with many human rights activists of the North East region.

She also visited Manipur and talked with representatives of 18 different civil society organisations about the law and order related issues, AFSPA and the status of human rights in the State.

In her report presented at the UN session, Special Rapporteur Margaret Sekaggya said, "At the time of the visit, Manipur was reportedly the State worst affected by militarization with more than half a dozen human right groups having been branded as terrorists due to their self-determination advocacy work.

"Since 2000, Irom Sharmila, has been who has been on hunger strike demanding repeal of AFSPA, has been forcibly detailed and force-fed in a hospital at Imphal.

For 10 years, NHRC never visited Ms Sharmila despite repeated requests by defenders", it read.

"In Manipur, on August 5, 2010, several human right defenders were arrested as part of a crackdown to end protest against an illegal extra-judicial killing in Imphal by police.

"They were remanded to judicial custody for 13 days and detained under the National Security Act in addition to the judicial remand according to an order of the Imphal West District Magistrate" .

"On August 25, the President of Poirei Leimarol Meira Paibi Apunba Manipur was arrested by the Imphal West Police along with two activists.

The police seized posters advocating abolition AFSPA 1958 and punishment of criminal police commandos.

She was remanded in judicial custody for 15 days together with the two other activists", Margaret reported.

Talking about the immense pressure under which journalists have been working in Manipur, Margaret reported that six journalists were killed in the State in the last decade.

"Journalists reported pressure exerted on them by the authorities not to report on some aspects of the conflict.

They mentioned the closure of four newspapers in the last few years" .

"State agencies often use the presence of armed underground groups to suppress a certain type of information or journalist's works.

The Editor of the newspaper Sanaleibak was arrested and detained for a week in December 2010 on the allegation that he works for secessionist elements operating in the region.

He was released on bail as no prima facie case has been made against him", Margaret reported.

AFSPA and human rights issues tabled in UN session : 06th mar12 ~ E-Pao! Headlines


Trust you? NO WAY!

Free NE!
Is that why you mistreat your Mongoloid looking NE people, as they are not regarded as “yours”?

No one should be surprised in a rampant racist India.


Trust you? NO WAY!

Free NE!

get the fuc# out of Afganistan and other states where you have your Marines stationed and speak about INDIA.
I had great respect for your post until recently i found that you are against anything that INDIA stands for. we have no problem some one pointing our wrongs but when our armed forces have the same moto as yours to protect the Republic of INDIA from both forigne and domestic threats you whin a lot.
Is that why you mistreat your Mongoloid looking NE people, as they are not regarded as “yours”?

No one should be surprised in a rampant racist India.

Trust you? NO WAY!

Free NE!


He is a mongoloid looking person from north-east.

Next question please.
get the fuc# out of Afganistan and other states where you have your Marines stationed and speak about INDIA.
I had great respect for your post until recently i found that you are against anything that INDIA stands for. we have no problem some one pointing our wrongs but when our armed forces have the same moto as yours to protect the Republic of INDIA from both forigne and domestic threats you whin a lot.

He is chinese:) you are hitting at wrong wall
get the fuc# out of Afganistan and other states where you have your Marines stationed and speak about INDIA.

Completely agree with you, boy! But democracy fails American ordinary people on this point.

This is exactly what I was debating with my colleagues yesterday about US soldier committing atrocity in Afghanistan: pull all American troops out of any foreign countries: Iraq, Afghanistan, EXCEPT Japan, Germany, S. Korea. Those tree countries deserve to be our permanent occupied countries due to WWII and Korea War legend. They don’t deserve military sovereignty.

But that doesn't mean I can't speak out against Indian human rights violation.

I had great respect for your post until recently i found that you are against anything that INDIA stands for. we have no problem some one pointing our wrongs but when our armed forces have the same moto as yours to protect the Republic of INDIA from both forigne and domestic threats you whin a lot.

Anything untruthfulness with my recent posts? Please point them out, I am glad to learn from different opinion, unlike small-heart you (plural), I, with different upbringings, have a pretty big one.

Domestic? Does this guy treat NE people as domestic? Pretty refreshing. This guy said:

Trust me, none of our kind is even remotely similar to Chinese in appearance.

He effectively rule out your NE Mongoloid looking Indians as Indian kinds, perhaps in attempt to creating yet another level of caste for pure race, high caste Indians to discriminate against.

Read this:
NationMaster - Encyclopedia: Kangleipak


Due to the Mongoloid features of the natives, their unique culture, language and customs, Indians in other states find it quite difficult to believe that Manipuris are also Indians. Many Manipuris who studied outside the state had a hard time explaining that Manipur was inside India and not somewhere near Thailand. Some people looked down on the Meiteis because they thought that they had got their University seats and jobs due to the reservation policy for scheduled tribes and scheduled castes (similar to the Affirmative Action policy in the US). In fact, the majority of Meiteis belong to the 'General' category and have to compete equally with other Indians in the same category. These incidents led to a feeling of alienation.

Do you trust him? And you thanked him for his racist remarks!

UN must take action to counter against some Indians action to blatantly put human rights under their @ss!
Completely agree with you, boy! But democracy fails American ordinary people on this point.

This is exactly what I was debating with my colleagues yesterday about US soldier committing atrocity in Afghanistan: pull all American troops out of any foreign countries: Iraq, Afghanistan, EXCEPT Japan, Germany, S. Korea. Those tree countries deserve to be our permanent occupied countries due to WWII and Korea War legend. They don’t deserve military sovereignty.

But that doesn't mean I can't speak out against Indian human rights violation.

Anything untruthfulness with my recent posts? Please point them out, I am glad to learn from different opinion, unlike small-heart you (plural), I, with different upbringings, have a pretty big one.

Domestic? Does this guy treat NE people as domestic? Pretty refreshing. This guy said:

He effectively rule out your NE Mongoloid looking Indians as Indian kinds, perhaps in attempt to creating yet another level of caste for pure race, high caste Indians to discriminate against.

Read this:

Do you trust him? And you thanked him for his racist remarks!

UN must take action to counter against some Indians action to blatantly put human rights under their @ss!
sorry mate, I am not replying you any more. when you shed the prejudice for my people and my nation, let me reply you. I hope you have lot of troll INDIANS who can take your bait and give you ample oppertunity to redicule my nation,.
And as far as WW2, its a history and the Germans, Japanese are not the same as they were under Hitler or the Imperial Regim, your forces are stationed there just to have a wide force presence in the world to bully CHINA, RUSSIA who ever has thier own sovering idea in the UN.
:rofl::rofl::rofl: I cant stop my laugh when US, China or Pakistan talks about HUMAN RIGHTS. Let me start with some points..
1. USA troops killed many civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan ( dont say that this is common in battle ). USA even disobey the decision of UN ( you think that you own UN? ). Now come to very early AMERICA, your whole country is built on the graves of native american who were brutally killed by now called Americans. I some where heard a line " AMERICA IS BUILD BY TERRORISTS FOR THE TERRORIST" ( no offense , not my line).

2. China :rofl: This country is impressive when it comes of being two faced. It broke several international law having the shield of communism. When any Chinese say Human rights then simply point there brutality in TIBET ( place dont want in CHINA as you said that NE dont want to be in INDIA ). Other referrals was the incident of protest in Beijing.

Chinese Cars - China Motor Vehicle Documentation Centre - Lawsuits

3. Pakistan :hitwall: come on yaar you guys got bigger problem, than human rights, created by yourself. The problem that destroyed human rights in North India now destroying your country.

Now when you talked about making Bangladesh dry then what are you doing with that river in your country. So dont talk ........

For Indian guys . Bhai kahawat to suni hai naa " HAATHI CHALA JAATA HAI PAR KUTTE BHUKTE REHTE HAI". ( @ SINOCHALLENGER who referred us as ELEPHANT).

Just ignore politics then think how beautiful ASIA will be.

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