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Indian hegemonic wishlist in South Asia

My 6th sense said something was cooking with sweeping tamil victory in Lanka. India no wonder is has hegmonic ambitions and it envisions itself as the regional "dada geer" and will resort to terrorism to persure its aims. India therefore, could be world largest exporter of state terrorism in near future.

Well that's my point with the whole map and the saffron color...:devil:. It adds the extra effect.
only indian head is so small to go where sun does not sine. Its amusing to see indian desperation to pollute the thread.

---------- Post added at 03:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:07 AM ----------

India - regional bully or friend?

By Brajesh Upadhyay
BBC Hindi service

India shows off its military pride on Republic Day
To many in the rest of the world India is an emerging economic success story and a working secular democracy.
But ask people in its neighbouring countries for their views and you may well get a much more hostile response.

Culturally, India and its neighbours are more similar than dissimilar. It's hard to tell an Indian from a Pakistani, a Nepali, a Bangladeshi, or a Sri Lankan.

The food is similar, the music comes from the same scales, in films they have the same tastes. They even share holy places.

Many in Pakistan thought that Indian help during the October 2005 earthquake was a gesture of friendship. Others saw it as a ploy to gather intelligence over Kashmir.

To some India was capable of providing the solution to last year's political crisis in Nepal. Others say India was the problem, interfering where it was not wanted.

India played an active role in the birth of Bangladesh. Today Bangladesh refuses to sell gas to India.

Back in the 1980s, the Indian army became involved in peace-keeping efforts in Sri Lanka which went badly wrong.

Should India's neighbours still view it as a threat? Is Indian industry a big shark waiting to chew up the smaller fishes?

As part of the BBC's India Rising week, the BBC Hindi Service is hosting a regional debate Indian television's NDTV channel in both English and Hindi.

"India - Brother or Bully?" is the theme.

An audience comprising diplomats, politicians, artists, industrialists and students in Islamabad, Dhaka, Kathmandu and Colombo will join a panel in Delhi through satellite video-link.

The Indian panel will feature former foreign minister Yashwant Sinha and vice-chairman of telecom giant Bharti Enterprises Rakesh Mittal.

The radio broadcast will be on 11 February. It will be televised on 17 and 18 February. You can participate by sending in your questions or views for the panellists by 8 of February.

Use the form at the top right-hand side of this page. Below are a selection of comments sent so far.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | India - regional bully or friend?
Which country doesnot show its military power on national days of importance???
What does ur country show, p o r n videos??
Nepal: Say NO to Indian hegemony!

Niraj Aryal

From the Indian BSF (Border Security Force) encroaching upon our lands, thrashing our country men to finally kill a Nepali national of Madhesi origin within our own territory to the India’s fake Television channel infringing upon our air to mislead the comparatively ignorant/innocent masses in Nepal, India of late has exceeded all possible diplomatic conducts between nations by challenging our national sovereignty and territorial integrity, if we have any.

Let us forget here in the name of friendly gestures the Indian missionaries in Nepal visiting our leaders suggesting them as to what should be their next political moves.

Not to blame India entirely though, in all these frequently occurring incidents- that often come to the fore as if it were a routine affairs, thanks duly goes to the Nepalese media, that is also getting tired of following to the Indian dictates.

In any case, the only question that may be raised: is India solely responsible for such acts or have we the Nepalese, more so our Loktantric leaders given them ample space to continue with their nauseating acts of intruding upon our sovereignty as and when they so desire?

Better late than never, the Nepali staff members at a TV channel planted by the Indian establishment to mislead Nepalese viewers have spearheaded a campaign to expose this Indian vested interest in Nepal.

The Nepalese staff members working at this India’s fake channel popularly known as the Nepal-1 had enough of obeying to the dictates of one notorious Indian lady called Nalini Singh who more often than not reprimanded as lady Viceroy the Nepalese nationals.

Nalini Singh, not many people know about her background though, as written by Keshav Poudel a prominent analyst, for the Spotlight Magazine is the daughter-in-law of former Indian ambassador to Nepal, Mr. C.P.N Singh and sister of prominent Indian journalist Arun Shouri.

Mr. Poudel in the same write-up says further quoting great poet Lekhnath Poudyal in his poem Rastrako Jagriti (national consciousness)- written a century ago indicating the revolution of 1950, it is still applicable to present-day Nepalese character as Nepalese wake up only after they are in the middle of difficulty. Perhaps Mr. Poudel is urging that all the Nepalese should follow their compatriots working at the Nepal-1 to wake up amidst difficulty and fight against this continued Indian hegemony.

Anyway, this standoff within the Nepal-1 premises could be taken as a lesson by such similar companies owned and governed by the erratic owners like Nalini. It should act like an eye opener to the Nepalese personnel working in those companies wherein one has to “mortgage” nationality and nationalism at the hands of the wild and fraudulent Indian managers- rather the victims of colonial mindset, who do not even know how to behave with sovereign citizens-never colonized before -that remains afresh in the pages of history.

When it had become enough, some time back, a staff at the fake Channel, Anjana Rawal-slapped at Nalini’s powdered plus wrinkled face which came to the open through the kind courtesy of Jan Aastha Weekly some months back. A tit for tat incident indeed!

To add more the Nepal-1 channel running under the banner of TV Live India is neither registered in Nepal nor in India, writes Sanghu Weekly in its latest edition dated April 30th.

In the similar fashion amidst difficulty and knowing lenience of our Loktantric Leaders who more often than not leave for Delhi pilgrimage, all the Nepalese no matter from which part of the country they come should first learn to say NO to this ever increasing Indian hegemony experienced every where from the Nepalese Air to the Nepalese Ground. Yo, Man Ta Mero Nepali Ho!

Telegraph Nepal : Nepal: Say NO to Indian hegemony!

Look dude, we indians and all our neighbours started at the same time with more or less same resources.we indians have tried our best to stay together but u guys opposed,u guys even massacared lakhs in calcutta for ur so called freedom,still
My 6th sense said something was cooking with sweeping tamil victory in Lanka. India no wonder is has hegmonic ambitions and it envisions itself as the regional "dada geer" and will resort to terrorism to persure its aims. India therefore, could be world largest exporter of state terrorism in near future.

Indeed something must be cooking with the Tamil victory in a Tamil area.

I presume it is the same of Pashtun victory in NWFP because the Punjabis are no where in the picture!

I am sure something is cooking because the Pashtun victory is surely being organised by Afghanistan to break away NWFP and make it a part of Afghanistan and the Durand Line, as it is, the Pashtuns don't recognise, at least the Afghan Pashtun.

Good logic, what?
Madhesis of Nepal, who are from the Terai region are actually from India as it is.

They have been there historically.

It maybe interesting to note that the Gurkha, also spelled Gorkha, are people from Nepal who take their name from the legendary 8th-century Hindu warrior-saint Guru Gorakhnath. Gurkhas claim descent from the Hindu Rajputs and Brahmins of Northern India, who entered modern Nepal from the west.
Bangladeshis will resist Indian hegemony

Posted on 17 March 2010

A lot of water has gone down the Brahmaputra since December 16th 1971 and August 14th 1975. After becoming a country in 1971 Bangladesh reversed course on August 14th 1975 and told the world that it did not want to become a colony of West Bengal, and did not want to be secular (euphemism for Hinduism light). The Bengali patriots who killed the Indian agent Mujib Ur Rehman informed the world that the 100 year struggle that began on October 24th 1906 for the creation of Muslim Bengal was alive. Konkkor Mushtaque and General Zia tore up the ‘treaty of friendhip” with India and told Ne Delhi that it did not want to be a Sikkim. Today bangladesh is the major impediment to the hegemony designs of India

India wants hegemony over the region: says BD newspaper

A leading weekly newspaper of Bangladesh “The EkalerKatha” in its latest issue has strongly criticised India for its negative behaviour withneighbouring countries.The newspaper in its editorial said India extremely violates all norms of peaceful coexistence.In its June 17-23 issue, the weekly wrote, “Instead of coexistence withits neighbours with equal status and sovereignty India wants to forcibly realize submissive loyalty from its neigbours.”

India shows such attitude, as if, other sovereign countries of South Asian region will have to act on whatever India may dictate them to act and they will formulate their internal and external policies, even defence arrangements, according to India’s will and whims.”

The weekly says, India desires its neighbouring counties will obey and do whatever and whenever India asks them to do. “It means the expansionists of New Delhi will determine the extent of independence and sovereignty their neighbouring countries will enjoy,” it said.

Referring the recent comment of M K Narayanan, the weekly alleged, “India very recently bid to set such an example. India unjustifiably rebuked and scared Sri Lanka when she (Sri Lanka) expressed her desire to collect traditional, but effective, radars and other smaller equipments from Pakistan and China due to inability and failure of India-origin radars to detect air attacks of Tamil rebels.”

“Ignoring and reputing Sri Lanka’s sovereign and independent status, and violating all limits of shamelessness, M K Narayanan, India’s National Security Advisor, on May 13, 2007, thundered out like a so-called superpower declaring, “We are the big power in this region. Let us make it very clear. We strongly believe that whatever requirements the Sri Lankan government has, they should come to us. And we will give them what we think is necessary. We do not favour their going to China or Pakistan or any other country.

“M K Narayanan more nakedly said, we will not give such strong deterrents and arms to Sri Lanka that will ensure superiority of the Sri Lankan Armed forces over the Tamil guerrillas. It means, India wants to continue Sri Lanka’s war withthe Tamils so that India can sell arms bothto both the parties.”
The weekly asked, “In what power and sense India expresses its intention to impose such disgraceful and shameful precondition on Sri Lanka that she will not be able to collect arms from other sources according to her own requirements and policy.”

“India’s such audacious threatening is also an awful warning to other sovereign and independent nations of the region. If the adventurous and audacious precondition that India designs to impose on Sri Lankais not responded befittingly with equal tone, India will tomorrow dare to impose such preconditions on other counties of the region as well,” the weekly warned.

Referring to the urgency of defence factor among the neighbouring countries of India, the weekly suggested, “To deter India’s aggressive attitude, all other countries of the region immediately should form a strong forum with strong military might. It is imperative to develop such strong and effective defence arrangement, so that India does not dare to extend its paw on any country of the region.”
Moreover, to make international community aware of the situation, the issue must be raised in the international forums uncovering India’s hegemonic designs that may irk unrest and violence, even war in the region, the weekly warned.
“No nation having minimum sense of prestige will tolerate or consume such insulting deliberation. So it is the responsibility of the international community to take initiative to bridle the expansionist paw of India and compel India to shun her aggressive and hegemonic design so that no evil shadow can overcast the region. No country in the region will accept the roar of so-called big power, named India,” the weekly opined.

The daily said, the concerned countries of the region have already made it clear that they will not accept such bully in the region. “Sri Lankan government itself officially conveyed the message to India and all concerned that Sri Lanka reserves the freedom to acquire necessary and suitable equipments from wherever this was available, particularly in view of the fact India was unable to meet Sri Lanka’s perceived needs.”"The spokesman of Pakistan Foreign Ministry said, Pakistan would not accept the hegemonic tendencies from any country in the region and added, the matter primarily for Sri Lanka to decide,” the weekly quoted Pakistan’s reaction.
The weekly said, India’s statement virtually questions India’s attitude and policy to its neighbouring countries. “It is hoped good sense will develop in the mindset of Indian leadership. India for her own interest will shun its expansionist mentality and attitude and follow the policy of peaceful coexistence.”
“Otherwise India will have to compensate heavy price for its policy,” the weekly cautioned and added, “India should keep it in mind, the independent nations of this region will never accept Indian supremacy, i.e., slavery under any circumstances.”


Oh my we rescued ur countrys @$$ from whom?? From ur islamic brothers underwhose instructions u guys massacated thousands in calcutta1946..and now u potray as if u saved us and we a biting the hand thay fed us??what else can be expected from the book of sands??
Idune quotes Pakistani sources.

He requires the Pakistanis to express what he wants to say.

There are the usual lot who always require assistance and hence lean on others to steer through life, even though, it is assumed, one has two firm legs.

Pakistan would be the last country that will be pleased about Bangladesh being cordial to India.

Therefore, the imagination of certain Pakistani correspondents will naturally float on the filigree cobwebs of fertile dreams to wipe away the nightmare caused to them by the East Pakistani themselves!

If one observes the Bangladesh sub forum's threads, it will be observed that much of the claims by posters are dreams and based on the premise of 'if'.

'If' this happens, the Bangladesh would conquer the world is the refrain.

Check it out if I am wrong.

There is a tank some local engineer is said to have built with 07 Lakhs only. If it were a tank, then the world must be totally daft to spend so much for just one tank from elsewhere. In fact, it does not appear comparable to a WWI tank!!

Then take the TAPI pipeline going through Afghanistan. Some Bangladeshi posters have already counted the chicken as if they have hatched that the pipeline will be joined to Bangladesh and then Bangaldesh will be poise to conquering the world. Little do they not realise of the reality that Afghanistan is in turmoil and there is little hope in the near future of the pipeline fructifying.

These are some examples.

It is not that all Bangladeshis are daylight day dreamers. There is at least one who is quite practical about the issues, but then that person being abroad is aware of the world situation and the realities and verities of existence.

One should not be harsh on Bangladeshis, they are a new nation and they have great hope.

However, they should not lose sight of Robet Frost's famous lines from his poem, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening:

“The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. ”
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