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Indian guard dies after Bangladesh border attack

of course this study will be treated like gods by the Indians! this survey has been done by their white masters in usa.

Ok good, you keep on living in your bubble that Bangladesh is the best nation in the world, while sitting in Canada.
Another example of anti-national treachery by UPA government. All the more reasons we must throw them out before 2014. We must follow what Maldives did. THat's the only option left if we have to save India from aggressive neighbors. How many of our brave men go wasted like this every year! Just give a gun to Rahul the puppy Gandhi and ask him to stand guard for 2 years. Would love to see how Madam G would then arrange for security. :angry:
Ok good, you keep on living in your bubble that Bangladesh is the best nation in the world, while sitting in Canada.

More Indian propaganda from an Indian. I never said Bangladesh was the best nation in the world. Stop spreading propaganda, Indian.
have u read LAJJA?

I am not sure which book it was, but it was the one about her growing up, issues she faced while renting apt when she was a Dr at a hospital in Dhaka, her marital issues. It seemed like she was shooting at anyone who disagreed with her.
Another example of anti-national treachery by UPA government. All the more reasons we must throw them out before 2014. We must follow what Maldives did. THat's the only option left if we have to save India from aggressive neighbors. How many of our brave men go wasted like this every year! Just give a gun to Rahul the puppy Gandhi and ask him to stand guard for 2 years. Would love to see how Madam G would then arrange for security. :angry:

We can opt for the ways like how Thais do? Load them in a boat with no motor and enough rice to survive for few days and push them into the sea.. That's where they belong if not in their land..

and there should be no exceptions. It should be applicable to the whole of the illegal families..
We can opt for the ways like how Thais do? Load them in a boat without motor and enough rice to survive for few days and push them into the sea.. That's where they belong if not in their land..

you can do whatever you want with those hindu traitors and cattle smugglers....i suggest pouring hot oil down their throats. thank you india.
you can do whatever you want with those hindu traitors and cattle smugglers....i suggest pouring hot oil down their throats.

That's how most of you are dealt with in most of the places you move.. One gets what it deserves..
India is a failed state ..dont call bangla failed an neith us...India do crime...the BSF police have killed many inocent...stop this...UN should take action

Calling for white master help now are you?

Lol Hypocrites all of you are!
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