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Indian girl stripped and molested on 8km walk of shame.

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OMG!, I have never seen this, 8km?! that is really shameful!
No one protected her? No one even gave a S***, I hate seeing this sort of stuff, No 'Human beings' stepped up for her, Disgusting behaviour, Lack of Maturity! I really do feel sorry for her :frown: :cry::angry:
So now where are all the crap talkers who wrote page after page of insulting BS when the taliban flogging girl video came out? This is just as bad if not worse. I knew we had a commonality between extremism in our two countries. No respect for women and a suppressed raging sexually deranged attitude. India has two faces, the modern one and this one.
Not suprising. After all the U.S. State Department issued this travel warning about india for a reason.

U.S. citizens, particularly women, are cautioned not to travel alone in India. Western women continue to report incidents of verbal and physical harassment by groups of men. Known in India as “Eve-teasing,” these incidents can be quite frightening. While India is generally safe for foreign visitors, according to the latest figures by Indian authorities, rape is the fastest growing crime in India. Among large cities, Delhi experienced the highest number of crimes against women. Although most victims have been local residents, recent sexual attacks against female visitors in tourist areas underline the fact that foreign women are also at risk and should exercise vigilance.

Women should observe stringent security precautions, including avoiding using public transport after dark without the company of known and trustworthy companions; restricting evening entertainment to well known venues; and avoiding walking in isolated areas alone at any time of day. Female travelers are advised to respect local dress and customs. Women should also ensure their hotel room numbers remain confidential and insist the doors of their hotel rooms have chains, deadlocks, and spy-holes. In addition, it is advisable for women to hire reliable cars and drivers and avoid traveling alone in hired taxis, especially during the hours of darkness. It is preferable to obtain taxis from hotels and pre-paid taxis at airports rather than hailing them on the street. If women encounter threatening situations, they can call 100 for police assistance.

And even the reason for the punishment is mindblowing. Really shameful.

Isn't the clip from an indian news channel, why are they speaking english and not hindi?
Has anybody been arrested ? After this horrific incident, wonder what she will do. This girl has nothing to lose anymore .
What are those Journalists and Cameramen looking at, Instead of making News out of Her Couldnt they first save her???? Come on where the Hell Is Our Voice Guys????
Where are soo called US SUPER DUPER ORgnaization who always raise thr voices over Taliban (fake) beating videos made by Zionist network channel ??

now suppose if those Taliban beating videos are real.. if even that.. THIS ACTIVITY IS MOOORE BS as compare to beating women!
It was posted before and it has nothing to do with caste system. The molesters were tribals themselves and the reason being the girl relationship with another tribal guy from different sect or something. Police later picked up the mms and booked the people who can be recognized from the mms.
This stuff is quite common in Subcontinent.This has more to do with backward tribal laws then anything else.
caste system is the biggest menace of our society. pathetic indeed.

Normally such incidents take place because of powerul people in the area where law and system does not work. This is the reason "Tribal" mentioned otherwise Indian media use different adjectives.

Shame on such pathetic individuals who call themselves a Man..
What were the news reporters doing there?? They should have helped that woman instead of just making a news story for their channels.. :angry:
What were the news reporters doing there?? They should have helped that woman instead of just making a news story for their channels.. :angry:

Actually reporters did a good thing here. This thing happened in tribal area and no one knew about it. MMS are taken by those assholes themselves, reporters later picked up the mms which has been circulating in web and showed that to local SP. Those who can be recognized in the mms are booked by police after that.
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