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Indian girl stripped and molested on 8km walk of shame.

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May 3, 2009
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Indian girl stripped and molested on 8km walk of shame after falling in love

A TEENAGE girl in India was forced to walk naked for almost 8km, being beaten and groped by hundreds of jeering men along the way, as punishment for loving a boy from another community.

The Times of India said some men recorded videos on mobile phones as the 17-year-old tribal girl staggered along to the sound of beating drums.

The incident occurred in April, but the girl was too traumatised to tell police - while village leaders kept silent.

Police acted after being made aware of the video being sent around in a MMS clip dubbed "Adibasi girl".

Officers in the Birbhum district of West Bengal arrested five men today.

The Times of India described the video as horrific, noting how the girl had "a dazed, dead look on her face as she staggers along dusty dirt tracks".

The article described how she tried to protect her modesty but was grabbed by men who molested her, laughing, "as the drums beat up a frenzy".

Indian girl stripped and molested on 8km walk of shame after falling in love | Herald Sun

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Shame on Morons.


2009 - same incident in August.

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Indian tribal girl stripped and molested on 8km walk of shame after falling in love

And later these ****** creatures will cry when she"ll joins the Maoist ranks.:tdown:

So how do we expect to contain Maoism when we drive the tribals into their arms?:angry:

The real shameful fact was for 8km ,i mean what couldn't anyone atleast call the cops?
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And later these ****** creatures will cry when she"ll joins the Maoist ranks.:tdown:

So how do we expect to contain Maoism when we drive the tribals into their arms?:angry:

You are right man , these incidents have happened in the past too and they only create recruits for Maoists.

The most pathetic thing is that NONE of the males came to her rescue , this is full of Sh!t to be honest.
ToI is so.....crass, The Hindu is the only paper left with decent journalism.

PS: I DO condemn the incident, its the only thing i can do.

[/COLOR][url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FZx0tbgVCg]YouTube - Shameless and coward Indian males strip and molster a girl in public - No one will save her[/url][/quote]

You"ve got the wrong video ,this one is from 2009



---------- Post added at 05:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:27 AM ----------


Shame on us (Indian) .. Thanks a lot for your great concern Mr Black Blood and I really appreciate your posting skills .. But I really dont understand the relation of above new on defence website?


It has not been posted in Defense section but World Affairs.
Oh ok .. So it means we are allowed to post any news in world affairs section .. Anyway thanks for your clarification.

Indian girl stripped and molested on 8km walk of shame after falling in love


[B][FONT="Book Antiqua"]A TEENAGE girl in India was forced to walk naked for almost 8km, being beaten and groped by hundreds of jeering men along the way, as punishment for loving a boy from another community. [/FONT][/B]

The Times of India said some men recorded videos on mobile phones as the 17-year-old tribal girl staggered along to the sound of beating drums.

The incident occurred in April, but the girl was too traumatised to tell police - while village leaders kept silent.

Police acted after being made aware of the video being sent around in a MMS clip dubbed "Adibasi girl".

Officers in the Birbhum district of West Bengal arrested five men today.

The Times of India described the video as horrific, noting how the girl had "a dazed, dead look on her face as she staggers along dusty dirt tracks".

The article described how she tried to protect her modesty but was grabbed by men who molested her, laughing, "as the drums beat up a frenzy".

[url=http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/breaking-news/indian-girl-stripped-and-molested-on-8km-walk-of-shame-after-falling-in-love/story-e6frf7jx-1225902975633]Indian girl stripped and molested on 8km walk of shame after falling in love | Herald Sun[/url]



Mr Black blood .. I will be very thankfull to you if you remove that Nude image from your post. We do have some female members on PDF...

Thanks in advance


Mr Black blood .. I will be very thankfull to you if you remove that Nude image from your post. We do have some female members on PDF...

Thanks in advance


The Image is graphic , we all are grown ups and this is a Humanitarian problem for us all - grow a spine to look at things like this that you get the real picture.

Those morons can do these acts but we can't see what they have done ?

This is pathetic and people must see it - there is a difference between Nudity and Stripping someone off .

what the fk man!
I mean there was'nt a single human being living in 8km radius..........
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