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Indian Foreign Policy Under Narendra Modi

In fact, foreign policy under Modi, Sreenivasn says, “will not change in any significant way.” It would be “continuity rather than change, because former diplomats would be advising Modi, foreign policy not being his forte.” Changes if any will be in nuance and not fundamental in nature.
Suffices the practical approach to entire analysis.

It is possible and I am only speculating but the BJP may try to achieve a purified Hindu Rashtra by seeking to first expel what they describe as Muslim illegal immigrants from Bangladesh which they claim falsely to numbers in the tens of millions and then move on to the fifth columnist Muslims who the BJP will describe as any Muslim with sympathies for Pakistan and Bangladesh or Islamist terrorism.

This is not possible. BJP is committed to constitutional democracy. It has to take immense risk to try such a revolutionary steps which might led to a civil war.

The BJP in other words could incite a witch hunt against Muslims that could ignite war in South Asia.

BJP is not a militant political party like German National party.
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Well you found the comment with the link to my non-fiction book .... So what do you have to say in response to my analysis.
ahh.. I was just kidding.. you know giving you a hard time...don't mind..will give your post proper and decent attention and come back with my take on the matter tomorrow.Okay ?
It is possible and I am only speculating but the BJP may try to achieve a purified Hindu Rashtra by seeking to first expel what they describe as Muslim illegal immigrants from Bangladesh which they claim falsely to numbers in the tens of millions and then move on to the fifth columnist Muslims who the BJP will describe as any Muslim with sympathies for Pakistan and Bangladesh or Islamist terrorism.

The BJP in other words could incite a witch hunt against Muslims that could ignite war in South Asia. I had thus far assumed that like the Congress party the BJP would foster hegemony and expansionism in South Asia and the Indian Ocean but it now seems that Narendra Modi may seek to consolidate the Hindu position and purify India of its Muslim invaders .... For a preliminary discussion of these issues please read The India Doctrine –

How utterly childish can you get Munshi? Your so called comments on the issue reek of stupidity.

Don't spew nonsense just for garnering a few brownie points from your 'chelas'.

Your baloney is breathtaking, as usual.
In my view Indian foreign policy will remain the same. Modi could push India slightly towards China and other east asian countries.
Straight from the Horse's mouth

You have said that you do not want to be confrontational with Pakistan. Do you feel that your "tough-on-national security" platform will give you space to deal with Pakistan?

We do not want to be confrontational with any country. Foreign policy cannot be conducted by having a confrontational approach with neighbours or for that matter with any other country. We have to conduct our foreign policy with all other nations and specially our neighbours with a sense of trust and mutual cooperation. However, supremacy of national interest has to be one of the basic planks of foreign policy.

Relations cannot be improved as long as there is a trust deficit and to bridge the trust deficit, mere talk cannot replace concrete action. Our country continues to face the onslaught of terrorism emanating out of the soil of Pakistan. The first step in building any meaningful relation with Pakistan has to be Pakistan taking effective and demonstrable action against the terror networks that operate from its soil. Once that happens there will be an increased trust between the two neighbours which will enable us to pursue a policy of dialogue to solve all the issues. We will be very frank and forthright in our dealing with Pakistan.

We are very clear that both our countries have a common history and we share not only borders but also common culture and traditions. Besides, the problems that we face are also common; our biggest enemy being poverty and lack of development. India and Pakistan can together write a new chapter in the development of South Asia if the two countries were to concentrate on fighting poverty and unemployment.

Will you be deterred by the fact that Pakistan responded to Vajpayee's peace initiative by launching the Kargil attack?
I will only say that we should not be constrained by what has happened in the past if the present throws up new possibilities in terms of solutions. However, as I have said, building trust between the two nations is prerequisite to any further meaningful movement on the relations and that can happen only when the terror networks operating out of Pakistan are dismantled.

Pakistan has multiple centres of power and there is universal acknowledgement that the Army calls the shots when it comes to relations with India. Will you be mindful of this reality?

It goes without saying that pragmatic foreign policy has to be guided by an understanding of the ground realities. However, I think the people in Pakistan increasingly want to strengthen the democratic institutions in Pakistan. As a responsible member of global fraternity, we would also like to work with Pakistan, like any other nation to ensure that the democratic institutions in Pakistan are strengthened.

China has been very warm towards investment prospects in Gujarat. Unlike the US, it did not bring the 2002 riots in its dealings with Gujarat under you. Do you think you can build upon that to settle political differences?

It is possible to solve our problems with China and take the relationship with it to another level. If India and China want to work together towards improving our relationship and resolving our differences, it would be helpful to both the nations. The 21st century belongs to Asia. More than 60% of the world's population resides in Asia. It would thus be in the interest of the entire world that Asia develops and concentrates on improving the standard of living of its people.

Will the strain between you and the US over its refusal of visa to you come in the way of US's anxiety to mend fences?

I have said several times in the past that relations between the two countries cannot be determined or be even remotely influenced by incidents related to individuals. The Atal Bihari Vajpayee government started a new era of partnership with the US. We will build upon that and take it forward. It is in the interest of both the nations to develop further on our relationship. The oldest democracy in the world and the largest democracy in the world are natural allies and we must work together towards global peace and prosperity.

I’m an outsider to Delhi and to politics as well, Narendra Modi says - The Times of India
This is not possible. BJP is committed to constitutional democracy. It has to take immense risk to try such a revolutionary steps which might led to a civil war.

Did not Indira Gandhi declare Emergency and mess with the constitution as well?

BJP is not a militant political party like German National party.

The RSS looks pretty militant to me ....
My comment at the end of the article ...

Oh that part with the link of your book!! You are grossly mistaken, unlike the BNP+Jamat+Hefajot combination in your country, BJP is not a militant force fixated at religious cleansing, BJP is in power in many Indian states for a long time now, and most of those states are doing far better than the rests.

Our national priority is to bring back the economy to growth path which was derailed because of the incompetence of the present government. I can understand that it will be difficult for you to grasp as our national priorities and goals are completely different from that of the Bangladesh.
Oh that part with the link of your book!! You are grossly mistaken, unlike the BNP+Jamat+Hefajot combination in your country, BJP is not a militant force fixated at religious cleansing, BJP is in power in many Indian states for a long time now, and most of those states are doing far better than the rests.

Our national priority is to bring back the economy to growth path which was derailed because of the incompetence of the present government. I can understand that it will be difficult for you to grasp as our national priorities and goals are completely different from that of the Bangladesh.
Was wondering what's Hefazot? Anything to do with Hifazat?

About priorities... these people think changing a script is more important than say increasing food production or irrigation.

Well you found the comment with the link to my non-fiction book .... So what do you have to say in response to my analysis.
Which non fiction book did you write? :cuckoo:
Did not Indira Gandhi declare Emergency and mess with the constitution as well?

Yes, she did. But she did it because she mingled her personal insecurity with the national insecurity. There were several factors working behind '75 Emergency which are not quite possible at present.

The RSS looks pretty militant to me ....

In fact it is. But BJP has slowly parted away from such militant sense of nationalism and adapted itself more with the sense of plurality of this nation state.To rule a country of 1.2 billion, it has pragmatically understood the fact that such rabid views of national integration might not work well for it.
There is likely to be a great deal of continuity in foreign policy between the Congress administration and the incoming BJP one with the exception as pointed out in the article that there will likely be “a bigger role for the military in shaping India’s national security and formulating doctrines,” and a greater say for the states in the government’s formulation and execution of foreign policy which are both prone to increasing tensions with neighbors

This is exactly what an assertive, nationalist and job-creationist government does. Military will play a pivotal role in defining the national security concerns and methods to address them. BSF located on all our borders will have greater autonomy to deal with incursions, infiltration and of course, 'pole-vaulting'.

I hope they are given the autonomy to use any means necessary including lethal options, for the safety of our folks.

Also Narendra Modi will likely reach out to China and seek greater economic cooperation, trade and investment with the country. However, there may also be something new and unanticipated in Narendra Modi's foreign policy initiatives that are only now beginning to take shape during the present elections campaign

Good part in your entire paragraph.

It is possible and I am only speculating but the BJP may try to achieve a purified Hindu Rashtra by seeking to first expel what they describe as Muslim illegal immigrants from Bangladesh which they claim falsely to numbers in the tens of millions and then move on to the fifth columnist Muslims who the BJP will describe as any Muslim with sympathies for Pakistan and Bangladesh or Islamist terrorism./QUOTE]

Tens of millions, true fact. Hindu rashtra.. if development, job security, economic growth, safety for women, better border management and a ruthless attitude towards Jihad means Hindu rashtra for you, then we welcome it in India.
If you are not involved in activities against India, then you have no reason to fear. But you will worry because you are involved in activities against our country. So be very worried.

The BJP in other words could incite a witch hunt against Muslims that could ignite war in South Asia. I had thus far assumed that like the Congress party the BJP would foster hegemony and expansionism in South Asia and the Indian Ocean but it now seems that Narendra Modi may seek to consolidate the Hindu position and purify India of its Muslim invaders .... For a preliminary discussion of these issues please read The India Doctrine –

If other countries want to meddle in our internal affairs using false excuses that internally concern us, then we more than welcome a war to finish off the job.

So you admit that your religion came into India through massacres, attacks, invasions and forcefully converted.

Good. Now trace your historic roots and become who your ancestors were. Once you come out of your current religion, you will realize that the world is a beautiful place and there are other things magnificent on earth to admire, love and respect.
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