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Please post the sources of your information as you say. Also please enlighten how is this related to our Civil Nuclear deal.

Due to the nuclear deal, I know that we are very close to achieve complete energy security. But being richest nation in the world due to Nuclear technology? I don't know. Seems too far stretched.
Thorium Energy Paradigm

This article shows us where the thorium reserves are and just how huge they really are. It also explains India’s long development of thorium reactors.

This article describes a fifty percent thermal efficiency which is excellent. Again no mention is made of the reverse Rankin cycle engine as a cooling system. That method can deliver an additional 37 ½ percent brake horsepower to the already produced fifty percent. In short, it is plausible that a LFTR can achieve 87 ½ percent brake horsepower which is surely optimistic. It does make the protocol very attractive.

You cannot come away from this article but to be sure that the systems described will nicely consume all our uranium waste problems while supplying massive grid power anywhere needed.

The Liquid Fluoride Thorium Paradigm

Excitement has recently been rising about the possibility of using thorium as a low-carbon way of generating vast amounts of electricity. The use of thorium as a nuclear fuel was extensively studied by Oak Ridge National Laboratory between 1950 and 1976, but was dropped, because unlike uranium-fueled Light Water Reactors (LWRs), it could not generate weapons' grade plutonium. Research on the possible use of thorium as a nuclear fuel has continued around the world since then. Famed Climate Scientist James Hanson, recently spoke of thorium's great promise in material that he submitted to President Elect Obama:

The Liquid-Fluoride Thorium Reactor (LFTR) is a thorium reactor concept that uses a chemically-stable fluoride salt for the medium in which nuclear reactions take place. This fuel form yields flexibility of operation and eliminates the need to fabricate fuel elements. This feature solves most concerns that have prevented thorium from being used in solid-fueled reactors. The fluid fuel in LFTR is also easy to process and to separate useful fission products, both stable and radioactive. LFTR also has the potential to destroy existing nuclear waste.

(The) LFTR(s) operate at low pressure and high temperatures, unlike today’s LWRs. Operation at low pressures alleviates much of the accident risk with LWR. Higher temperatures enable more of the reactor heat to be converted to electricity (50% in LFTR vs 35% in LWR). (The) LFTR (has) the potential to be air-cooled and to use waste heat for desalinating water.

LFTR(s) are 100-300 times more fuel efficient than LWRs. In addition to solving the nuclear waste problem, they can operate for several centuries using only uranium and thorium that has already been mined. Thus they eliminate the criticism that mining for nuclear fuel will use fossil fuels and add to the greenhouse effect.

The Obama campaign, properly in my opinion, opposed the Yucca Mountain nuclear repository. Indeed, there is a far more effective way to use the $25 billion collected from utilities over the past 40 years to deal with waste disposal. This fund should be used to develop fast reactors that consume nuclear waste, and thorium reactors to prevent the creation of new long-lived nuclear waste. By law the federal government must take responsibility for existing spent nuclear fuel, so inaction is not an option. Accelerated development of fast and thorium reactors will allow the US to fulfill its obligations to dispose of the nuclear waste, and open up a source of carbon-free energy that can last centuries, even millennia.
It is commonly assumed that 4th generation nuclear power will not be ready before 2030. That is a safe assumption under "business-as-usual”. However, given high priority it is likely that it could be available sooner. It is specious to argue that R&D on 4th generation nuclear power does not deserve support because energy efficiency and renewable energies may be able to satisfy all United States electrical energy needs. Who stands ready to ensure that energy needs of China and India will be entirely met by efficiency and renewables?

Development of the first large 4 generation nuclear plants may proceed most rapidly if carried out in China or India (or South Korea, which has a significant R&D program), with the full technical cooperation of the United States and/or Europe. Such cooperation would make it much easier to achieve agreements for reducing greenhouse gases.

Uranium-235 is the only fissionable material that is observed in usable amounts in nature. Thus pioneering nuclear physicist like Enrico Fermi and Eugene Wigner had no other choice of but to use U-235 to create their first chain reaction under the bleachers of the University of Chicago’s unused football field.

But Fermi and Wigner knew early on that once a reactor was built, it was possible to create other fissionable substances with the excess neutrons produced by a U-235 chain reaction. Thus if U-238 absorbed a neutron, it became the unstable U-239, which through a two stage nuclear process was transformed into plutonium-239. Plutonium-239 is very fissionable. The physicists also calculated that if thorium-232 was placed inside a reactor and bombarded with neutrons, it would be transformed into U-233. Their calculations also revealed that U-233 was not only fissionable, but had properties that made it in some respects a superior reactor fuel to U-235 and Pu-239.

During World War II, Fermi and Wigner, who were geniuses with active and far ranging minds, collected around themselves a group of brilliant scientists. Fermi, Wigner and their associates began to think about the potential uses of the new energy they were discovering--uses that would improve society rather than destroy it.

The capture of nuclear energy and its transformation into electrical energy became a central focus of discussions among early atomic scientists. They were not sure how long the uranium supply would last, so Fermi proposed that reactors be built that would breed plutonium from U-238. Wigner counted that thorium was several times as plentiful as uranium, and that it could produce an even better nuclear fuel than Pu-239.

The first nuclear era was dominated by uranium technology, a technology that was derived from military applications, and carried with it, rightly or wrongly, the taint of association with nuclear weapons. As it turned out, there was far more uranium available than Fermi or Wigner had originally feared, but other rationales propelled scientific interest in developing thorium fuel cycle reactors. First, Pu-239 was not a good fuel for most reactors. It failed to fission 1/3 of the time when it absorbed a neutron in a conventional Light Water Reactor (LWR). This led to the most difficult part of the problem of nuclear waste. Plutonium made excellent fuel for fast neutron reactors, but the fast neutron reactor that Fermi liked used dangerous liquid sodium as its coolant, and would pose a developmental challenge of enormous proportions.

Advocates of the thorium fuel cycle point to its numerous advantages over the uranium-plutonium fuel cycle. B.D. Kuz’minov, and V.N. Manokhin, of the Russian Federation State Science Centre, Institute of Physics and Power Engineering at Obninsk, write:

Adoption of the thorium fuel cycle would offer the following advantages:

- Increased nuclear fuel resources thanks to the production of 233U from 232Th;
- Significant reduction in demand for the enriched isotope 235U;
- Very low (compared with the uranium-plutonium fuel cycle) production of long-lived radiotoxic wastes, including transuraniums, plutonium and transplutoniums;
- Possibility of accelerating the burnup of plutonium without the need for recycling, i.e. rapid reduction of existing plutonium stocks;
- Higher fuel burnup than in the uranium-plutonium cycle;
- Low excess reactivity of the core with thorium-based fuel, and more favourable temperature and void reactivity coefficients; . . .

Thorium could replace U-238 in conventional LWRs, and could be used to breed new nuclear fuel in specially modified LWRs. This technology was successfully tested in the Shippingport reactor during the late 1970’s and early 1980’s.

WASH-1097 remains a good source of information on the thorium fuel cycle. In fact, some major recent studies of the thorium fuel cycle rely heavily on WASH-1097. A recent IAEA report on Thorium appears to have been prepared without overt reliance on WASH-1097.

One of the first things physicists discovered about chain reactions was that slowing the neutrons involved in the process down, promoted the chain reaction. Kirk Sorensen discusses slow or thermal neutrons in one of his early posts.

Under low energy neutron conditions, Th232 can be efficiently converted to U233. The conversion process works like this. Th232 absorbs a neutron and emits a beta ray. A neutron switches to being a proton and the atom is transformed into Protactinium 233. After a period averaging a little less than a month, Pa 233 emits a second beta ray and is transformed into U233. U233 is fissionable, and is a very good reactor fuel. When a U233 atom encounters a low energy neutron, chances are 9 out of 10 that it will fission.

Since U233 produces an average of 2.4 neutrons every time it fissions, this means that each neutron that strikes U233 produces an average of 2.16 new neutrons. If you carefully control those neutrons, one neutron will continue the chain reaction. That leaves an average of 1.16 neutrons to generate new fuel.

Unfortunately the fuel generation process cannot work with 100% efficiency. The leftover U-234 that was produced when U-233 absorbed a neutron and did not fission will sometimes absorb another neutron and become U-235. Xenon-135, an isotope that that is often produced after U-233 splits, is far more likely to capture neutrons than U233 or Th232. This makes Xenon-135 a fission poison. Because Xenon in a reactor builds up during a chain reaction, it tends to slow the nuclear process as the chain reaction continues. The presence of Xenon creates a control problem inside a reactor. Xenon also steals neutrons needed for the generation of new fuel.

In conventional reactors that use solid fuel, Xenon is trapped inside the fuel, but in a fluid fuel Xenon is easy to remove because it is what is called a noble gas. A noble gas does not bond chemically with other substances, and can be bubbled out of fluids where it has been trapped. Getting Xenon 135 out of a reactor core makes generating new U233 from Th232 a whole lot easier.

It is possible to bring about 1.08 neutrons into the thorium change process for every U-233 atom that splits. This means that reactors that use a thorium fuel cycle are not going to produce an excess of U-233, but if carefully designed, they can produce enough U233 that burnt U233 can be easily replaced. Thus a well designed thorium cycle reactor will generate its own fuel indefinitely.

Research continues on a thorium cycle LWR fuel that would allow for the breeding of thorium in LWRs. There is however a problem which makes the LWR a less than ideal breeding environment for thorium. Elisabeth Huffer, Hervé Nifenecker, and Sylvain David note:

Fission products are much more efficient in poisoning slow neutron reactors than fast neutron reactors. Thus, to maintain a low doubling time, neutron capture in the fission products and other elements of the structure and coolant have to be minimized.

India has only a small uranium supply, but an enormous thorium reserve. Millions of tons of thorium ore lie on the surface of Indian beaches, waiting to be scooped up by front loaders and hauled away to potential thorium reactors for a song. (For those of you who are interested in the EROEI concept, the EROEI for the recovery of thorium from Indian beaches would be almost unbelievably high, and the energy extracted could power the Indian economy for thousands of years, potentially making India the richest nation in the world.)

India has for 50 years been following a plan to gradually switch from uranium to thorium cycle reactors. That plan is expected to finally come to fruition by the end of the next decade. At that point India will begin the rapid construction of a fleet of thorium fuel cycle reactors.

A commercial business, Thorium Power, Limited, continues research based on the Shippingport Reactor experiment. Thorium Power plans to offer a thorium cycle based nuclear fuel with a starting charge of enriched U-235 for modified LWRs. Thorium Power has sponsored Throium fuel research at the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow, and a Russian VVER has been used to conduct thorium cycle fuel experiments.

Research on thorium cycle liquid fuel reactors is ongoing world-wide. The best-known effort is being performed in Grenoble, France at the Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie. The Reactor Physics Group there is the only one in the world that has the resources and backing needed to actually develop a fluid core thorium cycle reactor that can be commercialized. In terms of organization size, the Thorium Molten Salt Reactor research group is much smaller than would be required to sustain a full-scale rapid development of thorium cycle reactor technology. The LPSC group thus is working in a business as usual time frame, and has no urgent motivation to do otherwise. After all, 80% of French electricity already comes from nuclear power plants.

Thorium fuel cycle research is also being carried on in the Netherlands, Japan, the Czech Republic. There is also presently a small-scale effort in the United States.

Thorium is extremely abundant in the earth's crust, which appears to contain somewhere around 120 trillion tons of it. In addition to 12% thorium monazite sands, found on Indian beaches and in other places, economically recoverable thorium is found virtually everywhere. For example, large-scale recovery of thorium from granite rocks is economically feasible with a very favorable EROEI. Significant recoverable amounts of thorium are present in mine tailings. These include the tailings of ancient tin mines, rare earth mine tailings, phosphate mine tailings and uranium mine tailings. In addition to the thorium present in mine tailings and in surface monazite sands, burning coal at the average 1000 MWe power plant produces about 13 tons of thorium per year. That thorium is recoverable from the power plant’s waste ash pile.

One ton of thorium will produce nearly 1 GW of electricity for a year in an efficient thorium cycle reactor. Thus current coal energy technology throws away over 10 times the energy it produces as electricity. This is not the result of poor thermodynamic efficiency; it is the result of a failure to recognize and use the energy value of thorium. The amount of thorium present in surface mining coal waste is enormous and would provide all the power human society needs for thousands of years, without resorting to any special mining for thorium, or the use of any other form or energy recovery.

Little attention is paid to the presence of thorium in mine tailings. In fact it would largely be passed over in silence except that radioactive gases from thorium are a health hazard for miners and ore processing workers.

Thorium is present in phosphate fertilizers because fertilizer manufactures do not wish to pay the recovery price prior to distribution. Gypsum present in phosphate tailings is unusable in construction because of the presence of radioactive gasses associated with the thorium that is also present in the gypsum. Finally organic farmers use phosphate tailings to enrich their soil. This has the unfortunate side effect of releasing thorium into surface and subsurface waters, as well as leading to the potential contamination of organic crops with thorium and its various radioactive daughter products. Thus the waste of thorium present in phosphate tailings has environmental consequences.

The world’s real thorium reserve is enormous, but also hugely underestimated. For example the USGS reports that the United States has a thorium reserve of 160,000 tons, with another 300,000 tons of possible thorium reserve. But Alex Gabbard estimates a reserve of over 300,000 tons of recoverable thorium in coal ash associated with power production in the United States alone.

In 1969, WASH-1097 noted a report that had presented to President Johnson that estimated the United States thorium reserve at 3 billion tons that could be recovered for the price of $500 a pound – perhaps $3000 today. Lest this sound like an enormous amount of money to pay for thorium, consider that one pound of thorium contains the energy equivalent of 20 tons of coal, which would sell on the spot market for in mid-January for around $1500. The price of coal has been somewhat depressed by the economic down turn. Last year coal sold on the spot market for as much as $300 a ton, yielding a price for 20 tons of coal of $6000. How long would 3 billion tons last the United States? If all of the energy used in the United States were derived from thorium for the next two million years, there would be still several hundred thousand years of thorium left that could be recovered for the equivalent of $3000 a pound in January 2009 dollars.

Nor would exhausting the USAEC’s 1969 estimated thorium reserve exhaust the American thorium supply. Even at average concentrations in the earth’s rocks, thorium can be recovered with a good EROEI, without making the cost of electricity impossibly expensive.
Please post the sources of your information as you say. Also please enlighten how is this related to our Civil Nuclear deal.

Due to the nuclear deal, I know that we are very close to achieve complete energy security. But being richest nation in the world due to Nuclear technology? I don't know. Seems too far stretched.

Dear PeacefulIndian have some patience. I am going to post a plethora of info on this field. Let me post all the info first then we can have some meaning full discussions.


Thorium Fuel Cycle Development in India​

Homi Jehangir Bhabha, an Indian physicist, who had, during a pre-World War II stay in Europe, made important discoveries about cosmic rays. Upon his returned to India at the start of the war, he began to campaign for Indian research institutions deveoted to physics and nuclear energy. He quickly established himself as a scientist politician who had the ear of Pandit Nerhu, the first Indian Prime Minister. Shortly after Indian independence in 1948, Bhabha was assigned the task of establishing the Indian Atomic Energy Commission, and developing a nuclear research program.

During the first UN Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (1955), Bhabha, who was the Conference President, presented a paper on Indian Atomic development. He argued that India lacked energy resources, and in order for the Indian people to have a Western standard of living, Indian electricity must be generated by nuclear means. He noted, "the necessity of obtaining enriched or pure nuclear fuel (plutonium- or uranium-233) for use in future atomic power stations of a more advanced design required the setting up during the next decade of a few atomic power stations designed to produce these materials as well as electric power.”

Bhabha once remarked that "No energy is costlier than no energy". He was what Texans use to call a wheeler-dealer. He used his position at the The First Conference to obtain British, Canadian and American assistance for the Indian nuclear program. Soon Indian Scientists were showing up at Chalk River, Harwell, and Oak Ridge for on the job training.

In addition to training, during the 1950’s, with American support and Canadian help, India began to construct its first reactor, the heavy water Cirus. What the Americans and Canadians did not notice was that the Cirus was capable of producing weapons grade plutonium.

In early 1957, Bhabha summarized his plan for the Indian nuclear energy future,

“It is likely that in the future more advanced and efficient types of atomic power stations will use concentrated atomic fuel, such as uranium-235, uranium-233, or plutonium, rather than the naturally occurring uranium. If we are not to depend on the import of such fuel from abroad, and not to build a gaseous diffusion plant involving an enormous expenditure and technical effort, it is necessary for us to start producing this fuel now by converting natural uranium into plutonium, and thorium into uranium-233 in atomic reactors. If we are therefore, not to lose further ground in the modern world, it is necessary for us to set up some atomic power stations within the coming five years, which will produce plutonium for our future power reactors, in addition to producing electricity now."

Bhabha believed that nuclear generated electricity would play an important future role in the Indian economy, and that India possessed only limited Uranium resources. However, India possessed large thorium reserves. Thus Bhabha believed that the Indian nuclear research must be directed toward the development of the thorium fuel cycle. During the 1950’s Bhabha set out a three stage development program for Indian Nuclear technology.

In the first stage, Heavy water reactors using unenriched uranium derived from India’s limited uranium reserve, would be constructed and begin operating. The use of heavy water reactors meant that India did not need to to develop expensive and power demanding uranium enrichment facilities.

During the second stage, India was to construct Fast Breeder Reactors, which burned plutonium reprocessed from the spent fuel of the heavy water reactors as well as their depleted uranium. India needed to develop breeder technology quickly, because it had limited uranium resources. Breeders allowed India’s uranium supply to be used much more efficiently.

During the third stage thorium was to be bred, and U-233 would fuel Indian power reactors.

This plan enabled India to boot strap its limited nuclear resources, into a viable nuclear energy program. Of course, along the way, something which Pandit Nehru swore on a stack of Bhagavad Gitas would never happen, did. India used some of Bhabha plutonium to build nuclear weapons. But remarkably fifty years later, India is still following Bhabha’s three stage plan for nuclear power development. The plan is now at the beginning of the third stage.

India has 13 heavy water reactors with 4 more under construction. These Indian reactors are smaller than western commercial power reactors. India also has fuel reprocessing facilities, and a developmental breeder reactor. A full scale fast breeder (500,000 MW), which will breed both U-238 and Th-232 in a hybrid fuel cycle, is under construction, and is expected to be completed in 2010. A second large thorium fast breeder, the ATGB is already in the planning stage. The KAMINI test reactor is used to test the use of U-233 produced by the Kalpakkam experimental breeder. A Generation 3+ Thorium fuel cycle Advanced Heavy Water Reactor is also in the planning stage. India plans, by 2020, to have reactors capable of generating 20 GWs of power, most of it using thorium fuel cycle nuclear fuel. Bu 2050, India plans to produce 30% of its electricity from thorium fuel cycle nuclear generating facilities. The Indians believe that their thorium reserve will last them for at least 350 years.

The Indian nuclear program is remarkable in several respects. First, is the depth of Homi Bhabha's understanding of Indian nuclear resources and the sort of nuclear program that would achieve the maximum benefit from his country. The second, was the reliance on the relatively simple CANDU technology, during the first development stage and its continued development through all three stages. Reactors were kept small, 220 MW's, limiting capitol commitment for each reactor. In addition reactor design was given a chance to develop, successive improvements were made as new reactors were designed. Operational experience gave feedback to reactor designers. During the second stage, the full plutonium - thorium - U233 fuel cycle was tested in two small reactors.

Finally, believing that they had mastered all of the individual components of their thorium fuel cycle program, the Indians have set about to build prototypes of commercial reactors that are intended to go into serial production. They have been faithful to Bhabha's vision. They have found a way to highly efficient technology, a technology that is far more efficient in its use of nuclear fuel, than the French/American nuclear system by ingeniously mastering and organizing relatively old nuclear technologies, and leveraging them into a fuel efficient system. By doing so they will achieve EROIE's many times that achieved by Western fuel/reactor systems. The Indian Thorium fuel cycle system will provide electricity to an enormous country for at least 350 years, from 500,000 tons of fuel. Indian scientists and engineers are on the brink of a significant human accomplishment, the realization of Bhabha vision of bringing nuclear generated electricity to India's vast population. - Charles Barton

Official Targets: (refer the link for full source)

  • The DAE plans to have an installed nuclear generation capacity of 20,000 MWe in the country by the year 2020. This will consist of a mix of Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors, Fast Breeder Reactors and Advanced Light Water Reactors.

  • PHWR technology has already reached a stage of maturity. Further efforts will be concentrated to reduce plant gestation period, reduce capital cost and improve designs as well as O&M practices to achieve highest possible capacity factors.

  • It will be our endeavour that by the year 2020, FBR technology also reaches a stage of maturity. It would involve research, development, demonstration and deployment of fast reactor technology as well as associated fuel recycle technologies. Specific aims of R&D would be to come up with plants having long design life, higher thermal efficiency, very high burn-up fuel, short doubling time, low gestation period and low capital cost.

  • Third stage of the nuclear power programme envisages utilization of thorium on large scale. During the next 20 years, we would like to lay a firm foundation for the use of thorium by developing appropriating technologies. Specific goals would include to launch the first AHWR, develop all components, equipment and sub-systems for the Accelerator Driven Systems and commission a spallation neutron source.

  • A matching augmentation in the fuel cycle facilities to support the power programmes is envisaged. This includes setting up of heavy water plants, opening new uranium mines after exploration of uranium sources, setting up of new and augmenting the capacity of existing fuel fabrication plants, setting up of adequate spent fuel reprocessing and waste management facilities. R&D efforts are being pursued to develop and deploy energy efficient and near zero discharge process flow sheets for all the chemical operations involved in the fuel cycle activities.

  • Radiation technologies have been developed by the DAE and have been deployed in a manner that they are contributing to increase in the GDP of the country or are leading to improvement in the quality of life by providing better health care services in the areas of nuclear medicine and cancer treatment. These contributions will be further increased by deploying existing technologies on a larger scale and by developing new technologies. Particular emphasis will be laid on development of indigenous accelerators for industrial applications, medical treatment and food preservation. Lasers and their application on a large scale in health care and material processing will receive equal emphasis.
So far I have touched upon the basics of Thorium based fuel cycle and its advantages over conventional fuel based fission reactors. I have also highlighted the potential of this technology in the context of India's energy security for thousands of years and the plans and visions of India's Department of Atomic Energy (DAE).

Next I will be posting some credible news reports that will highlight India's capabilities in this field Vis-à-vis other countries' capabilities.

Wednesday, Sep 07, 2005

CHENNAI: The Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor, under construction at Kalpakkam near here, will be completed 18 months ahead of schedule. The PFBR will generate 500 MWe, Baldev Raj, Director, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, said on Monday.

According to the original schedule, the construction, inaugurated by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in October 2004, should be completed in 2010. The (18-metre deep) foundation was completed and most of the components started arriving, said Dr. Baldev Raj, who spoke on "Development of Fast Breeder Reactors at Kalpakkam in the context of energy security to the nation."

He said, "We told the Union Planning Commission that we will construct the reactor in seven years. We are confident that we will do it in five years and a half. There is place for construction of two more Fast Breeder Reactors at Kalpakkam."

Dr. Baldev Raj was delivering the ``Prof. C.Y. Krishnamurti memorial lecture,'' organised by the National Institution for Quality and Reliability (NIQR), Chennai branch.

The IGCAR designed the PFBR. It would use plutonium-uranium oxide as fuel, and liquid sodium would be the coolant. Four more FBRs, of 500-MWe capacity each, would be built in the country by 2020. Beyond 2020, breeder reactors of 1,000-MWe capacity would come up and they would use metallic fuel.
(This will be an astonishing achievement as no country in the world has attempted even 500MWe-Skull)

Dr. Baldev Raj said the PFBR design was robust. Tremendous importance was given to safety in designing it and manufacturing components. Effects of earthquakes and explosions were simulated on the huge main vessel of the reactor. The IGCAR had developed robots for inspection of reactor components. Special steel and stainless steel were developed. ``We have been able to develop a grid plate with 6-metre diameter and 25-mm thickness without any cracks.'' From 1990 to 2000, peer reviews and deliberations were held on the PFBR design and manufacture of components.

``Then we demonstrated to the Union Planning Commission that we are mature enough. So the Planning Commission was convinced [about the PFBR's feasibility) and Dr. Manmohan Singh inaugurated its construction.''

India had mastered the technology of Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors, which used natural uranium as fuel, and heavy water both as moderator and coolant. With the natural uranium available in the country, 10,000 MWe of nuclear energy could be generated. Through the FBRs, it was possible to generate 2,75,000 MWe. A beginning in utilisation of thorium as fuel would be made when construction of a 300-MWe Advanced Heavy Water Reactor started, Dr.Baldev Raj said.

V.R. Janardhanam, NIQR president, appreciated the work done at the IGCAR to make the PFBR safe. A. Krishna Swami, treasurer, said the IGCAR was internationally renowned, developing technologies for the FBRs. A. Sanjeeva Rao, vice-president, and N. Gowrishankar, chairman, NIQR Chennai branch, said Prof. Krishnamurti was one of the founding-fathers of the quality movement in the country. From 1966 to 2000, he worked in the Statistical Quality Control Unit of the Indian Statistical Institute in Chennai. More than 100 organisations benefited from his advice in quality management. S. Ramachandran, vice-chairman, NIQR Chennai branch, proposed a vote of thanks.

July 11, 2007

A novel Fast Thorium Breeder Reactor (FTBR) being developed by V. Jagannathan and his team at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in Mumbai has received global attention after a paper was submitted to the International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems (ICENES) held June 9-14 in Istanbul.

They believe their FTBR is one such 'candidate' reactor that can produce energy from these two fertile materials with some help from fissile plutonium as a 'seed' to start the fire.

By using a judicious mix of 'seed' plutonium and fertile zones inside the core, the scientists show theoretically that their design can breed not one but two nuclear fuels - U-233 from thorium and plutonium from depleted uranium - within the same reactor.

This totally novel concept of fertile-to-fissile conversion has prompted its designers to christen their baby the Fast 'Twin' Breeder Reactor.

Their calculations show the sodium-cooled FTBR, while consuming 10.96 tonnes of plutonium to generate 1,000 MW of power, breeds 11.44 tonnes of plutonium and 0.88 tonnes of U-233 in a cycle length of two years.

'At present, there are no internal fertile blankets or fissile breeding zones in power reactors operating in the world,' the paper claims.

The concept has won praise from nuclear experts elsewhere. 'Core heterogeneity is the best way to help high conversion,' says Alexis Nuttin, a French nuclear scientist at the LPSC Reactor Physics Group in Grenoble.

Thorium-based fuels and fuel cycles have been used in the past and are being developed in a few countries but are yet to be commercialised.

France is also studying a concept of 'molten salt reactor' where the fuel is in liquid form, while the US is considering a gas-cooled reactor using thorium. McLean, Virginia-based Thorium Power Ltd of the US, has been working with nuclear engineers and scientists of the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow for over a decade to develop designs that can be commercialised.

India does not have sufficient uranium to build enough thermal reactors to produce the plutonium needed for more FBRs of the Kalpakkam type.

'Jagannathan's design is one way of utilising thorium and circumventing the delays in building plutonium-based FBRs,' says former BARC director P.K. Iyengar.

Wednesday, Jan 09, 2008

CHENNAI: The 500-MW prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) at Kalpakkam will go critical by September 2010, according to the Director of Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Baldev Raj.

Talking to journalists here on Monday, Mr. Raj, who is responsible for designing and developing FBRs, said the Central government had approved four more FBRs of 500 MW each during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period. “The sites for two FBRs have already been identified. They would come up in Kalpakkam near Chennai, while the other two units can be set up anywhere in India. They would go critical by 2020.”

Mr. Raj said they were setting up the first FBR by investing over Rs.3,400 crore and the power could be supplied at Rs.3.22 per unit.

The generated power would be fed into the Central grid and thereafter, discussions would be held with different States to ascertain their requirements.

“After evaluating the performance of the first FBR for six months, we will start work on the next set of two FBRs. The construction work would be taken up by 2013-14 and would be completed by 2020. At that time, India would be in a strong position with regard to technology, robustness and competitiveness. By 2020, France is trying to build a prototype. At this point of time, we can’t say whether we would be in a position to supply our expertise to others,” he added.
(Look at the irony here: France will only try to build a prototype by 2020 when we would have mastered the tech!-Skull)
Please post the sources of your information as you say. Also please enlighten how is this related to our Civil Nuclear deal.

Due to the nuclear deal, I know that we are very close to achieve complete energy security. But being richest nation in the world due to Nuclear technology? I don't know. Seems too far stretched.

I hope now you understand the significance of the Indian Thorium based FBR research program?

The civilian nuke deal with US is pure business and nothing more. It is just to achieve the goal of 20GW of nuke energy by 2020 set by DAE. Also due to this deal our scientists need not worry about R&D in Uranium based fuel cycle as this is of least significance to us coz we dont have enough uranium. Now the scientists can concentrate on the Thorium based FBRs.

Since, we possess humongous amounts of Thorium we can ensure energy security for at least 2500 years. We will be producing 30% of our total energy through these ingeniously developed reactors. Total tech and fuel will be completely ours without any dependence on other countries.

Can you imagine the implications of that?

1. Marked reduction in oil imports.

2. 30% of energy in India by 2050 means a huge a domestic business. The domestic nuclear industry could become one of the largest employers in India.

3. Export of Thorium fuel to other countries. As we have enuf for 2500 years.

4. Export of reactors to other countries.

And many more benifits that I cant think of now. But do read the articles posted by me to get a better understanding.



1 Feb 2009,

CHENNAI: After over two decades of work, India's first nuclear reactor that will breed more fuel than it consumes will be ready next year, say
senior officials at the Kalpakkam nuclear complex 80 km from here.

The heavily-guarded complex is a hive of activity now as the 4,000-odd experts who are designing and building the 500-MW prototype fast breeder reactor (PFBR) can finally foresee when it will be ready.


A breeder reactor is one that breeds more material for a nuclear fission reaction than it consumes, so that the reaction - that ultimately produces electricity - can continue.

If all goes well, the Rs.35 billion (Rs.3,500 crore/$700 million) project promoted by Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Ltd (Bhavini) will become the crowning glory for the experts past and present at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) at the complex that already houses four nuclear power reactors.

"The project is interestingly poised. Civil construction is nearing completion. Most of the reactor components are at the site and deliveries of other equipment are expected soon," IGCAR Director Baldev Raj told IANS.

Measured in terms of physical progress - including component manufacturing - around 40 percent of the project work is complete with an average increase of around 2.5 percent every month.

Officials are hopeful of getting the necessary clearances from the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) this month to erect the main vessel and other equipments.

Last June, the huge safety vessel (200 tonnes, 13 metres in diameter and 13 metres in depth) was lowered into the reactor vault.

"Normally safety clearances are in a sequence; first for the site followed by clearances for concrete pour, erection of major equipments and reactor commissioning," IGCAR's reactor engineering group director S.C. Chetal said.

As the project itself is first of its kind in India clearance for lowering of the safety vessel was obtained first.

Bhavini's project director Prabhat Kumar, who literally oversees the project's progress through the glass wall opposite his seat, told IANS: "Around Rs.1400 crore (Rs.14 billion) has been spent till date. This year we have exceeded even the revised estimates of Rs.725 crore (Rs.7.25 billion)."

Orders have been placed for equipments worth around Rs.32.50 billion (Rs.3, 250 crore) and purchase orders worth Rs.2.5 billion (Rs.250 crore) will be soon issued.

Reeling off the equipment that has been received - safety vessel, main vessel, thermal insulation, thermal baffle, five sodium pumps, four argon buffer tanks, grid plate and others - Kumar listed the items to be received, such as inner vessel, roof slabs for the reactor building, compressed air system and nitrogen supply system.

Around 175 tonnes of solid sodium in 98 tankers have been imported from France and out of that 75 tonnes have been transferred to the sodium tanks.

"Next fiscal we will get two steam generators, heat exchangers, sodium pumps, similar panels," he added.

Civil works to house power generation equipment like turbine generator and facilities like sea water pump house, sea water intake and others have started and by this March switchyard, auxiliary power and outfall structures will be ready.

Confident that the reactor would start generating power some time in 2010, Kumar added a rider: "There may be some surprises as the project is the first of its kind in many ways".

He added: "Each and every weld point in reactor equipment has to be inspected and safety certified. It is dangerous to ease fabrication and welding processes."

The officials, however, fall silent when asked about rise in project cost due to rising prices of steel, cement and other raw material. "The Bhavini board has to consider the revised cost estimates first," is all they say.
Excellent information. I am surprized there is no discussion going on here.
Advancement of thorium research and its potential was the sole reason Mr AB Vajpayee opposed the neuclear deal. He was the full force authority when thorium research was at its peak in india. He had full confidence in the scientist that India would be a thorium based reactors hub in 10 years.

One among the reasons why he added "Jai Vigyan" to Jai Jawan and Jai Kishan.

Congress has nothing to be proud of our home grown products. They are sold out people.

Thanks to Vajpayee that we have much better highways in india than the torn out ones since independence. Heaps of money have been pocketed by god knows how many of those topi walas.

Success of Thorium will have only one say "Jai Vajpayee"

ANUSHAKTI : Atomic Energy In India : Strategy for Nuclear Energy ----Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC) Official Website

Strategy for Nuclear Energy

India has consciously proceeded to explore the possibility of tapping nuclear energy for the purpose of power generation and the Atomic Energy Act was framed and implemented with the set objectives of using two naturally occurring elements Uranium and Thorium having good potential to be utilized as nuclear fuel in Indian Nuclear Power Reactors. The estimated natural deposits of these elements in india are :

Natural Uranium deposits - ~70,000 tonnes

Thorium deposits - ~ 3,60,000 tonnes

Indian Nuclear Power Generation : Envisages a A Three Stage Programme

STAGE 1 -> Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor using

  • Natural Uranium di oxide as fuel matrix

  • Heavy water as moderator and coolant

Natural U isotopic composition is _ 0.7 % fissile U-235 and the rest is U-238. In the reactor

  • U-235 (n,f) several radioactive fission products + large amount of energy

  • U-238 (n,g,ß-) Pu-239

  • The first two plants were of boiling water reactors based on imported technology. Subsequent plants are of PHWR type through indigenous R&D efforts. India achieved complete self- reliance in this technology and this stage of the programme is in the industrial domain.

The future plan includes

  • Setting up of VVER type plants based on Russian Technology is under progress to augment power generation .

  • MOX fuel (Mixed oxide) is developed and introduced at Tarapur To conserve fuel and to develop new fuel technology.

Reprocessing of spent fuel => By an Open Cycle or a Closed Cycle mode.

“Open cycle” refers to disposal of the entire waste after subjecting to proper waste treatment.

This Results in huge underutilization of the energy potential of Uranium (~ 2 % is exploited)

“Closed cycle” refers to chemical separation of U-238 and Pu-239 and further recycled while the other radioactive fission products were separated, sorted out according to their half lives and activity and appropriately disposed off with minimum environmental disturbance.

  • Both the options are in practice.

  • As a part of long – term energy strategy, Japan and France has opted “closed cycle”

  • India preferred a closed cycle mode in view of its phased expansion of nuclear power generation extending through the second and third stages.

  • Indigenous technology for the reprocessing of the spent fuel as well as waste management programme has been developed by India through its own comprehensive R&D efforts and reprocessing plants were set up and are in operation thereby attaining self - reliance in this strategic field

STAGE 2 Fast Breeder Reactor

India’s second stage of nuclear power generation envisages the use of Pu-239 obtained from the first stage reactor operation, as the fuel core in fast breeder reactors (FBR). The main features of FBTR are

  • Pu-239 serves as the main fissile element in the FBR

  • A blanket of U-238 surrounding the fuel core will undergo nuclear transmutation to produce fresh Pu-239 as more and more Pu-239 is consumed during the operation.

  • Besides a blanket of Th-232 around the FBR core also undergoes neutron capture reactions leading to the formation of U-233. U-233 is the nuclear reactor fuel for the third stage of India’s Nuclear Power Programme.

  • It is technically feasible to produce sustained energy output of 420 GWe from FBR.

  • Setting up Pu-239 fuelled fast Breeder Reactor of 500 MWe power generation is in progress. Concurrently, it is proposed to use thorium-based fuel, along with a small feed of plutonium-based fuel in Advanced Heavy Water Reactors (AHWRs). The AHWRs are expected to shorten the period of reaching the stage of large-scale thorium utilization.

STAGE 3 Breeder Reactor

The third phase of India’s Nuclear Power Generation programme is, breeder reactors using U-233 fuel. India’s vast thorium deposits permit design and operation of U-233 fuelled breeder reactors.

  • U-233 is obtained from the nuclear transmutation of Th-232 used as a blanket in the second phase Pu-239 fuelled FBR.

  • Besides, U-233 fuelled breeder reactors will have a Th-232 blanket around the U-233 reactor core which will generate more U-233 as the reactor goes operational thus resulting in the production of more and more U-233 fuel from the Th-232 blanket as more of the U-233 in the fuel core is consumed helping to sustain the long term power generation fuel requirement.

  • These U-233/Th-232 based breeder reactors are under development and would serve as the mainstay of the final thorium utilization stage of the Indian nuclear programme. The currently known Indian thorium reserves amount to 358,000 GWe-yr of electrical energy and can easily meet the energy requirements during the next century and beyond.

Toronto April 17, 2009,

After sealing nuclear fuel supply deals with Russia and France, India is "very close" to inking a similar agreement with Canada.

With New Delhi planning to import reactors upto 20,000 MW of capacity in next 10 years, it has laid down a road map for strategic partnership with Ottawa and is "very close" to signing a nuclear cooperation agreement, Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission said here.

"This offers a major market opportunity to Canadian firms to sell nuclear reactors, fuel and technology for safeguarded nuclear reactors but they have to compete with France, the US, Russia and Australia," Ahluwalia said at a three-day Indo-Canada Energy Conference.

"Both countries are very close to signing a bilateral nuclear cooperation agreement. A joint study group is working on Free Trade Agreement," Ahluwalia said.Commending Canada's efforts at the nuclear supply club, Ahluwalia said, India is committed to restart closer nuclear cooperation with the country.

He also invited Canadian help in providing clean coal technology, non-renewable energy sources like solar and wind energy to help improve India's energy security.

Canadian Minister for Natural Resources Lisa Raitt said Canada, which is the fifth largest producer of energy, was committed to strengthening energy relations with India and "both countries are working a bilateral nuclear cooperation agreement".

"India's strategic plan is to import nuclear reactors that could generate 20,000 MW of power based on imported uranium," Ahluwalia said. "Plutonium generated from these reactors would be fed into fast breeder reactors that could end up generating more plutonium."Once India has sufficient plutonium that would put into thorium based reactors to generate power, India has large source of thorium that can only be used if the country has sufficient plutonium," he said, while outlining India's strategic plan for its energy security.

Later, Ahluwalia told newsmen that India was actively involved in two working groups set up by G-20 countries, which would lay down global standards for international financial security.Top executives of over 100 Canadian companies and top policy makers and energy sector companies from India are participating in the three day conference.

Earlier, former President Abdul Kalam addressed the delegates through video conferencing and said India and Canada could work together and realign themselves in solar, wind, nuclear and bio-fuels, municipal waste management areas.S R Gavai, the Indian High Commissioner said alleviation of poverty was a major challenge for India and Canada could play an important role in strengthening its energy security.
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