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Please move my post to a new thread in the Current Affair section or some other appropriate section.
What India needs is a population that consists of 0.1% with IQ's exceeding 120. You don't need eugenics.

What about the millions of people with depressed IQs below 80 points? How will they contribute to the economy? They will continue to drag India down with their lack of talent.
I think India should stop this democracy bullshit, and start a comprehensive eugenics program aimed at increasing average IQ of India to atleast 100 points.

That means IQ testing of the entire Indian population, and compulsory sterilization of those with lower than average IQ.

Low quality population is India's biggest problem. The only solution is to encourage high-quality individuals to produce more children, and prevent low-quality people from doing so.

Eugenics, really :what:
and genocide.

You want to start world war 3.

And with regards to the article it does make a logical point

All humans are genetically a like, Other than a few secondary chromosomes that are different. These only determine our physical characteristics.

upon conception every human has a equal opportunity.
Conditions In India right now may not encourage the development of the mind at a younger age to the fullest of its ability for some of the population. Which brings down the Mean IQ level. However as conditions improve, however as condition's improve more care is taken for a child's early development, this would undoubtedly raise the mean.

And following the principles of probability since India does have a larger population than most. The chance that India may produce individuals with high IQ's is far greater than anywhere in the globe.
wither way India has more people with an IQ of greater than 110 than the US. Just because of the Huge population size.

Except for China Who, however will loose their Population advantage, due to the one child policy and gender imbalance.

Secondly, and most imporantaly
IQ is not a basis on which you judge a persons ability especially a nation.

There is a saying i once heard.

"you can accomplish anything"

it does not mean, that anyone can accomplish anything.

But success can come for anyone.

even if China or India has the greater number of People with a high IQ. It will not mean that they have success and ingenuity or innovation handed to them.
They still have to work for it like everyone else.

This is the only logical conclusion i could reach
why genocide? Is sterilization = genocide?

It is simply preferential reproduction. We do it for breeding superior animals and food crops, why not humans?

Of course IQ is important. Go to any university, what is the average IQ? What is the average IQ of Nobel prize winners?

So is it not logical that low-iq population will continue to be poor, unable to engineer a better society?

If low-iq is simply a result of malnutrition and lack of opportunity, then how does North Korea have higher IQ than India?
Fact is that we Indians (apart from the few Brahmins and other upper castes) are too stupid.

Chinese are on average much smarter, and if India wants to compete, it must improve the quality of its population.

All this "India Shining" crap will never affect the majority of Indians because they are too dumb to improve themselves.
Why India will (probably) never catch China

Silly article.

The Indian diaspora has been spread all over the world, with varying results. The South Asian comparison would be the UAE, which is actually fairly wealthy even without the oil revenue.

So the Arab UAE's economy is a reflection of the Indian diaspora's IQ? What's the author's IQ again?

Indians in the UK do better than the native British (while Pakistanis do worse) on a host of societal measures.

That's largely because Pakistani immigration into Britain was largely due to family connections and Commonwealth policies. This is in contrast to the US where it was mainly driven by professionals. British Pakistanis tend to be more conservative and distrustful of Western education and integration.

I think India should stop this democracy bullshit, and start a comprehensive eugenics program aimed at increasing average IQ of India to atleast 100 points.

That means IQ testing of the entire Indian population, and compulsory sterilization of those with lower than average IQ.

Low quality population is India's biggest problem. The only solution is to encourage high-quality individuals to produce more children, and prevent low-quality people from doing so.

You need to have a lie down.
You keep calling me silly (like many others) but are unable to refute my arguments.

Simple question:

Is an individual with higher IQ more capable than an individual with low IQ? Yes.

Is a group of several individuals with higher IQ more capable than a group with lower IQ? Yes.

Then why does the same logic not apply to countries?

Ans: It does. Unless Africa, South Asia and other backwaters are able to improve the brain capacity of their population, they are destined to remain poor.
Don't bring Hitler and Nazis into the debate. Hitler was an idiot. He tried to eliminate the smartest portion of German population (Jews).
I think Salman's point cant be shrugged off easily. There is some validity in his argument. Because even American experts believe that average Chinese IQ standard is much better than that of the Indians. I saw a video on youtube that says so.

IQ matters. And some genes do have some qualities that others dont. It may sound racist, but unfortunately its true, I believe.
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Its not racist. That's rubbish. Racism implies that some races are inherently smarter. That's not true at all. The IQ of any race can be improved through selective breeding.
Its not racist. That's rubbish. Racism implies that some races are inherently smarter. That's not true at all. The IQ of any race can be improved through selective breeding.

I find your point very interesting. I am also interested in genetic engineering.

I must mention here that IQ and looks/ appearances are different questions altogether. A person may look very much Caucasoid, but that does not mean he is intelligent. For example in Bollywood industry, Hritik Roshan looks very Caucasoid, but Ram Gopal Verma or Maniratnam is more intteligent than Hritik, thats why Hritik is just an actor (commercially superstar) but Ram Gopal Verma is a filmmaker. So one should not confuse looks with IQ status.
Of course it has nothing to do with looks.

The Great Geniuses from south India like Ramanujan looked very different from the Nazi ideal.

However, harsh environmental conditions dating back to the ice-age ensured that the less-capable european and east-asian bloodlines were unable to survive, leaving behind only those who were smart enough to plan for the future and built high-quality shelters.

On the other hand, regions with a mild climate like India were left with a large pool of low-quality individuals.
This "democracy" that we have is nothing but pandering to the wishes of the lowest, least qualified, and least talented portions of society. And we wonder why India is a backward country.

Solution: Get rid of democracy, and get in place a government run by technocrats and scientists, who base their policies on science and not the whims and fancies of illiterates.

China has got by far the better government.
You keep calling me silly (like many others) but are unable to refute my arguments.

I said the article is silly, not you.

Economic success cannot be linked to IQ so simplistically. Probably the two most important factors in individual economic success are risk taking/entrepreneurship and social skills. Even education and 'talent' are secondary, because you can always hire smart people. I don't know of any IQ test that measures these qualities.

Simple question:

Is an individual with higher IQ more capable than an individual with low IQ? Yes.

Capable of what?
Understanding quantum physics? probaby.
Raising socially and emotionally mature children? I don't know.

Is a group of several individuals with higher IQ more capable than a group with lower IQ? Yes.

Given a choice between:
1) A group of socially inept geniuses
2) A group of mediocre people who can work together

I will put my money on group #2.
Every time.
IQ doesn't measure social skills.
Actually in India, due to the larger existence of Dravidians, Caucasoid looks sell. Those who have Caucasoid looks capitalize from this obsession and make their fortunes in entertainment industry. They can easily turn into fashion models, film stars, item girls and stuff like that. That is why Lisa Ray or Yana Gupta or Katrina Kaif whose mother is a British, can easily make find entrance in Bollywood.

Anyway, its a different topic.
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