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$1.5 trillion is like 6 times Indian current forex reserve of $260 billion or even greater than india,s entire $1.2 trillion ANNUAL GDP.

r u sure its indian money ???
Mr Mittal's wealth (India's legally richest person) has plummeted from $45bn to $19.3bn, according to Forbes. He fell from number four to number eight on the list.

All the countries in subcontinent (excluding India) don't have that much money. One Indian is richer then all.
Had India ever been poor, she would not have been invaded as many times as she was -- India was never meant to be poor, it was always rich -- in "modern" times India has been poor because her govt restricted economic activity.

That's right, most Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshi, Nepali and Lankan do not realize that what passes for, actually what is poverty in their countries, is a artificial, in the sense that it is created by policies of their government to restrict trade.
Had India ever been poor, she would not have been invaded as many times as she was -- India was never meant to be poor, it was always rich -- in "modern" times India has been poor because her govt restricted economic activity.

Yes:agree: East India Company or British used to call India "Golden Sparrow"

Writing a para or two in English language does not make you a human being...as Kaskrin said there are more civil methods to purue your line of thought...

By the way , your reply was missing conspicuously after Kaskrin's post...
India, Russia decide to upgrade strategic ties​

Phuket, Jul 22 (PTI) Notwithstanding its growing ties with the US, India today said it values its "time-tested" and "purposeful" relations with Russia as the two sides decided to upgrade their strategic partnership. External Affairs Minister S M Krishna and his counterpart Sergei Lavrov, who met here on the sidelines of the ASEAN ministerial meeting, reviewed the status of bilateral relations and discussed issues related to the upcoming annual bilateral Summit.

Briefing mediapersons after the meeting, Secretary (East) in the External Affairs Ministry N Ravi said Krishna told Lavrov that India "values time-tested and purposeful relations" with Russia. The statement assumes significance as it comes only two days after India decided on a series of steps, marking a leap in its relations with the US, particularly in the fields of defence and science and technology.

Krishna and Lavrov discussed ways to enhance strategic cooperation by seizing new opportunities, Ravi said. The two leaders also discussed the situation in the region, particularly in Afghanistan.

Krishna will be travelling to Russia for joint commission meeting soon. The Foreign Ministers also discussed aspects related to the Brazil-Russia-India-China (BRIC) forum, whose next Summit would be held in India.

Arab scholars slam 26/11 attacks

Monday, August 17, 2009

News Desk

MUMBAI: Islamic scholars and clergymen, mainly from the Arab world, on Sunday supported India’s fight against terrorism asserting that people who engage in barbaric acts like terrorism have no place in Islam.

At a seminar ‘Unity, Love and Tolerance’ organised by Sahyog Cultural Society under the guidance by Fatimi International Organisation, the experts condemned last years Mumbai terror attacks.

Dr Muhammad Shahumi, who is an adviser to Col Muammar Gaddafi of Libya, said terrorism needs to be condemned in all forms. “We have to tackle terrorism in the strictest manner,” Dr Shahumi said. “What we have seen in Mumbai last November is actually a crime against humanity and today’s world order would never tolerate it,” he said.

Besides Dr Shahumi, others who delivered lectures at the seminar include - Muhammad Refaat (President, Muhib Ahle Bait Association and General Secretary of Socialist Wifaaq Party, Egypt); Abdullah Hafizi (General Secretary, Al Adarisa International Association, Morocco); Mustafa bin Yusuf (Professor Morocco University); IAS Al Mufti (Vice President, Al Hashmi League, Jordan) and Khadija Al Sibahi (Women Leader of Al Ashraf’s Adarisa).

“The incident of Mumbai shows the world the dangers of terrorism. We have to condemn terrorism in all forms. Islam does not tolerate terrorism,” Rafaat said.
Friends, on your viewpoint, are you sure that China has so many hungry people ?
Have you ever been to China to do investigate?The glorious cultural traditions of India, "the Koran" teach you to do so? More than suggest that you should go home read more"the Koran" then to talk about China again.
'Solar power in India will cost less than coal energy in five years'
Q&A: IRA MAGAZINER, CCI`s chairman
Maulik Pathak / Mumbai September 13, 2009, 0:15 IST

IRA MAGAZINERThe Clinton Climate Initiative, a programme of the William J Clinton Foundation, is in the process of setting up four ‘solar parks’ across the world with an overall capacity of 20,000 Mw. On Monday,it signed an agreement with the Gujarat government for setting up what is billed as the world’s largest solar project.

IRA MAGAZINER, CCI’s chairman, talked to Maulik Pathak on his plans.

So, you have finally firmed your plans on Gujarat after exploring for over a year now. Have you identified the location?
We have identified three to four locations and will be finalising these in the next three to four weeks. About 5,000 hectares of land is required. We have been to many places where they talk and talk. Finally, we came to Gujarat, where people act. CCI is aiming to set up a solar park with a generation capacity of 3,000 Mw, which could go up to 5,000 Mw. The cost of the project would be about $8-10 billion for 3,000 Mw and for 5,000 Mw, it would be about $15 billion. The feasibility study will be over in 2010 and the plant will start in 2012.

How much of solar capacities has Clinton Climate Initiative planned worldwide?
We are planning four solar parks across the globe. We are looking at South Africa, California in the US, Australia and Gujarat. All these projects are of the same size, as of now. The overall capacity to be generated from solar energy in the four projects could go as high as 20,000 Mw.

From the progress made so far, we feel the Gujarat project will be the first to come up. And this would be the world’s largest solar project.

The cost of generation for solar power is very high as compared to other fossil fuel-fired units.
A solar park can decrease the cost of solar power significantly. The initial cost for setting up the project is very high. Once the plant is set up, its cost comes down. There is no extra cost, except managing the mirrors.

You don’t have to adjust to any fluctuations in cost. In fact, there is no fuel cost. It (solar plant) can go on as long as the sun shines. Of course, we have got to make arrangements when the weather is cloudy. By our calculations, the cost of solar power generation in India will come down to Rs 5-6 per kilo watt hour/unit in the next five years. And this will be lower than the cost of a coal-fired plant.

How do you propose to finance these projects? How many developers have shown interest in the Gujarat project so far?
As the project is very costly in the initial phases, we will arrange finance for the solar developers. We are already in talks with Asian Development Bank for this. As I said earlier, once the project takes off, the cost of generation goes down, so finance is initially essential. About 10 international developers have already shown interest.

The central government had recently written to the state to consider setting up a solar SEZ (Special Economic Zone) in Gujarat. Any plans to park your solar project in the SEZ? Also, do you propose to set up hybrid plants?
We have held talks with the central government on this. In fact, we are very hopeful about the National Solar Mission. Along with developers, research and development, even component manufacturers have shown interest in our project. So, there is a good export market. We can certainly consider that (SEZ).

Hybrid plants are something else that we are considering at the moment.
Why India will (probably) never catch China

The other day I linked to an interesting article and matching review on the relative growth rates of India and China. The authors concluded that India's more transparent court system and their democratic apparatus plus the existence of significant home-grown Indian industries made them more likely to catch China than most people thought.

China and India have pursued radically different development strategies. India is not outperforming China overall, but it is doing better in certain key areas. That success may enable it to catch up with and perhaps even overtake China. Should that prove to be the case, it will not only demonstrate the importance of homegrown entrepreneurship to long-term economic development; it will also show the limits of the FDI-dependent approach China is pursuing. I disagree on human biodiversity grounds.

However, I am not basing my decision primarily on the oft-quoted IQ data from Richard Lynn. Lynn cites studies in which India's mean IQ has been measured to be in the 80's, while China and Hong Kong have been variously measured to be all over the map, from 98 to 110 (!). As I've said before, the problem with IQ is that it is not measured in physical units (like height, for example), and so it is difficult to compare measurements made across space and time.

That said, I do put some credence in the Chinese measurements as being comparable to or greater than European mean scores, because of the following convergent pieces of evidence:

Chinese coracialists have built technological economies on a country-scale in Singapore and Taiwan. Related groups like the Koreans and Japanese have likewise been successful.
The Chinese diaspora in the US (and elsewhere) has been very economically and academically successful
The "Asians > Europeans" in mean IQ figure has been replicated in numerous countries
So for the Chinese, all the IQ signposts point in the same direction. As for India, I'm with Steve Sailer when he says:

The IQ structures of the two giga-countries, China and India, demand more intense study, in part because the future history of the world will hinge in no small part on their endowments of human capital. The demography of India is especially complex due to its caste system, which resembles Jim Crow on steroids and acid. By discouraging intermarriage, caste has subdivided the Indian people into an incredible number of micro-races. In India, according to the dean of population genetics, L.L. Cavalli-Sforza, "The total number of endogamous communities today is around 43,000..." We know that some of those communities - such as the Zoroastrian Parsees of Bombay - are exceptionally intelligent.
But we can't say with any confidence what is the long run IQ potential of Indians overall. Their current IQ score (81) is low, especially compared to China (100), the other country with hundreds of millions of poor peasants. Yet, keep in mind just how narrow life in rural India was for so long. In 1952, on the fifth anniversary of independence, the Indian government commissioned a survey to find out if the average Indian villager had heard yet that the British had gone. The study was quietly cancelled when early results showed that the average villager had never heard that the British had ever arrived!

It appears likely that some combination of malnutrition, disease, inbreeding, lack of education, lack of mental stimulation, lack of familiarity with abstract reasoning and so forth can keep people from reaching their genetic potential for IQ.

A little more detail - the Indian mean IQ figures need further study for several reasons:

The only study since 1968 was of 569 youths in 1996
As Sailer said, the genetic stratification imposed by the caste system means that large samples of various castes need to be sampled and tested to get a true picture of India's (likely multimodal) IQ landscape.
The Indian diaspora has been spread all over the world, with varying results.
The diaspora is worth a post in its own right...suffice to say that the type of South Asian immigrant (unskilled, middle class, or professional) is quite important in predicting the prosperity of the resulting diasporic population. In other words, this outcome variability stands in sharp contrast to the relative homogeneity of the Chinese diaspora, where the descendants of the laborers shipped to Singapore built one of the most powerful economies in the world. The South Asian comparison would be the UAE, which is actually fairly wealthy even without the oil revenue. . But other countries like Mauritius and Fiji have shown only middling success for the Indian emigrants. [1]

The point is that unlike the Chinese, the IQ signposts for Indians do not all point in the same direction. However, I think it is more than likely that a simple caste-based model will explain Indian IQ stratification. After all that foreplay, then, my going assumption is that India's lower castes have substantially lower IQs than the upper castes, because they require racial quotas yet are still in abject poverty. Outside of Hinduism, we know that Sikhs, Parsis, Jains, and some Muslims have attained economic success either in India or overseas.

So, with all this in mind, I think China has many advantages over India , including:

racial and religious homogeneity
no neighbor which is as hostile as Pakistan
a higher GDP and a higher growth rate
no particularly dysgenic trends in birth rate (given the homogeneity of China)
And, of course, the ability of the Communist party to push eugenics/genetic engineering
Also, there is the question of precedent - racially similar Koreans, Chinese, and Japanese have built powerful country-scale economies. Indian diaspora accomplishments are significant, but they are mainly company-scale and individual-scale...and the individuals involved are almost entirely from the upper castes. In my opinion, India's lower castes (easily more than 50% of the population) are incapable of sustaining a technological economy, given that the features of Indian modernization: nuclear weapons, IITs, IT companies, drug companies, etc. are mainly due to Brahmins, particularly South Indian Brahmins.

So will India catch China? Probably not.

A sometimes mentioned caveat is that the measured mean IQ of the Chinese might reflect the intelligence of the coastal Chinese rather than their illiterate rural cousins. However, I doubt that the IQ of the rural population is much lower than that of the coasts, because of two things:

Genetic homogeneity (China is 91% Han) (source)
According to Jason Soon, the super successful Chinese diaspora was mostly landless peasants (e.g. the Hakka in Singapore). (source)

[1] Then again, Mauritius is 30% African, while Singapore's minorities tend to be of higher IQ, so perhaps this is a contributing factor?


Interesting addendum from Lynn, though it does not mention caste, nor the fact that Indians in the UK do better than the native British (while Pakistanis do worse) on a host of societal measures. Caste needs to be included in any future assessment of Indian IQ.

The last entries in Table 1 are for the IQs of Indians derived from the Indian sub-continent, South Africa and Britain. The mean of 86 in India is derived from a review by Sinha (1968) of the results of 17 studies of children aged between 9 and 15 years and totalling in excess of 5,000. Mean IQs lie in the range of 81 to 94, with an overall mean of approximately 86. But ethic Indians in Britain obtain a mean of 96 which is within the range of other Caucasoid populations. Their verbal IQ of 89 is depressed, but this is probably because their families are recent immigrants and have not yet mastered the language. The British results suggest that when Indians is are reared in an economically developed environment their intelligence level is about tile same as that of European Caucasoids. Obviously, if bad nutrition is all that's keeping the lower castes out of jobs, then India might very well contest China. Much depends on how accurate those IQ results are, how multimodal the population really is, what the ratio of the intelligent to unintelligent is, and how many geniuses there are.
I think India should stop this democracy bullshit, and start a comprehensive eugenics program aimed at increasing average IQ of India to atleast 100 points.

That means IQ testing of the entire Indian population, and compulsory sterilization of those with lower than average IQ.

Low quality population is India's biggest problem. The only solution is to encourage high-quality individuals to produce more children, and prevent low-quality people from doing so.

The Economy and Development news section is for Pakistan related news only. In future, please post all India related news in the "Indian News and discussions" thread.

What India needs is a population that consists of 0.1% with IQ's exceeding 120. You don't need eugenics.
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