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Indian forces using 'chemical weapons' in held Kashmir: AJK president

Be careful for what you wish it might actually come true.
He needs to know he can't do a hoot even if India kill all of them ;)
So relax and chill we ain't going to kill all
Kashmiris have been facing systematic genocide for decades.

When will anyone draw a line and say enough is enough?

It's simply because the whole world is not dumb as you might expect them to be (of-course with the exception of a few). LOL :p:

As long as there is no mass exodus like the one that happened with Bengali's back in 1971, ethnic Rohingya's or the Syrian's migrating to safety. Nothing if that sort has ever happened and is not at all happening among the people of Jammu and Kashmir, therefore the world will always understand this bluff you call genocide, and will sure call a spade a spade. :p:
Indian forces using 'chemical weapons' in held Kashmir: AJK president

Mohammad ImranDecember 10, 2017

Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) President Sardar Masood Khan on Sunday claimed that Indian security forces are using "chemical weapons" against civilians in India-held Kashmir (IHK).

The AJK president, delivering a speech in Islamabad to mark International Human Rights Day, said that there have been a number of deaths due to the use of chemical weapons in IHK.

Earlier this year, the Foreign Office also tried to draw attention towards the use of chemical munitions against civilians in IHK. It was the first time that such a serious allegation had been levelled by Pakistan against India.

A series of international treaties, specifically the Chemical Weapons Convention, prohibits the use of chemical weapons not only in international armed conflicts but also non-international armed conflicts rather in all circumstances.

Sardar Khan also claimed that attempts are being made to change the population ratio in Kashmir.

Earlier this week, the AJK president had claimed that the demographics in IHK are being manipulated with an ulterior motive to harm Kashmiris’ freedom struggle.

In addition to the violation of the rights of Kashmiris in IHK, Khan said that crimes against humanity are also being committed there.

"The international community has not played its role in solving the Kashmir dispute," he said, adding that during his recent trip to Brussels and Washington he emphasised the need for a solution to the Kashmir dispute.

Khan said that in order to find the solution, Pakistan must remain strong.
i have seen even on thos forum indians sharing pictures of freedom fighters mutilitated bodies claiming chemical weapons are being used on them ,and it looked like chemical weapons usage and sadly this forum depsite being called "pakistani" allows those celebrations here.
Few nutjobs consider polio drops a weapon to sterlize their young ones. Wont be surprised if AJK president is talking that.
This incident should be placed under SC investigation immediately.

Agree. ...but why don't leaders of Pakistan dare to take up such serious issues with facts in world forums? Using chemical weapon is a very serious atrocity, but blaming such things without evidence (just to be relevant among not-so-educated masses) is sheer stupidity.
We are all Muslims.... Unlike kashmiris vs. Indians.
Numbers don't lie,check all the countries in world for their minorities in the last 10 - 20 years and you will know where the minorities are reducing and where they are increasing.
You can see minorities are increasing in numbers in non Muslim countries.
Yup we know how united Muslims are around the world, You can start looking into your country for starters

Just a stage... ever looked at European history ... don't even have to go too far back... now look at them.
Kashmiris have been facing systematic genocide for decades.

When will anyone draw a line and say enough is enough?
We can if ..........

Wait someone needs to grow a pair to wet baniya's dhoti. (Military need political support, last time Musharraf did but N.S made a successful operation into a political debacle, such a spineless leader)

Few nutjobs consider polio drops a weapon to sterlize their young ones. Wont be surprised if AJK president is talking that.
Beloved son of Mrs. Gandhi do sterlize many Indian men and I hope you hit the puberty after that operation and in case otherwise.....I feel sorry for you.
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