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Indian footprints emerging on Naval base attack

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KHAD and MOSSAD is completely different to Research and Analaysis Wing/Research and Analysis Milli.

but since your in denial, let's forget this.

No, the point is, being "intelligence" agencies, why would they do such childish thing as renaming the agency. Cooperation could be established & strengthened even if the name was not changed. Its such a stupid thing you are stuck at.
it's speculation, nothing concrete. that's what everyone has been saying. doh.

but china doesn't have a motive, india and the rest of the actors in the region do have motive.

No, India has no motive, by pushing Pakistan away from US and towards China, it only serves China's motive. This is because India has some working relationship with the US and can use US to get Pakistan to cooperate. But China we can not, also China will use Pakistan against India, not USA, then why would we do that?

Only China benefits, and I think China has infilterated your security establishment (very easy given the goodwill and anti americanism) and hence such successful attacks.
The root cause behind attack on Navy base, is religious extremism in Pakistan. By blaming foreign forces, the Generals, Admirals who has soft corners for these Jehadi forces want to stay in power. Same with corrupt leaders.

The time has come to stop blaming foreign powers and look inside the society, and root out this extremism towards non-Muslim cultures which is at the bottom of foundation of country. Its time to reinvent Pakistan and make it a secular, tolerant society.
Pakistan is suffering from the Frankenstein monster created by itself and you people are doing no good to yourself by believing in these rubbish conspiracy theories. All these theories are the products of right wing extremist minds who find reasons to blame America, Israel and India for anything which happens in Pakistan. Why? Because they want to feed insecurity in people's minds, so that they can carry on with their loot and corruption.

India has no intention of attacking Pakistan. Its a responsible state which gives due importance to development. It has to do a lot to eradicate poverty and improve human development index, therefore, war is the last thing in India's mind. We want to compete with China on economic front, and yes, we do respect the growth made by China in the last decade and we take China's growth as a benchmark to achieve success.

Pakistan should understand that religious extremism and bigotry will lead them to nowhere. Every Nation has some extremist elements but they always remain in minority. Like for eg; Shiv Sena is a very small player in Indian politics. The case of Pakistan is different. They have been spoon fed India bashing Jew hating theories since Zia ul Haq's regime because of which a whole generation has grown with a feeling of anger and revenge against India and America.
Only idiots will trustthis news - The fact is our government hides its incompetence by showing India hand in everything (Including their backside).Our people are so dumb that they think India can pull off something like this when the Talibans have done serious damage like this before on GHQ but Muslims are not like these people have to be Jindus (Mixed breed of Jews and Hindus!!) !!Muslims can't kill fellow muslims (yes, iran iraq war was between muslims and kafirs becuase shia are kafirs) ! These people are foreign agents dropped from USA.We can't rule out RAW-Mossad-CIA nexus.US DOD may have l.eased a stealthy C130 to Yindoos to drop on Airbase.
Only idiots will trustthis news - The fact is our government hides its incompetence by showing India hand in everything (Including their backside).Our people are so dumb that they think India can pull off something like this when the Talibans have done serious damage like this before on GHQ but Muslims are not like these people have to be Jindus (Mixed breed of Jews and Hindus!!) !!Muslims can't kill fellow muslims (yes, iran iraq war was between muslims and kafirs becuase shia are kafirs) ! These people are foreign agents dropped from USA.We can't rule out RAW-Mossad-CIA nexus.US DOD may have l.eased a stealthy C130 to Yindoos to drop on Airbase.

I don't have a cure for your paranoid mind, which just looks at others for its problems... But I do have a request... This is a public forum and when you name a religion, you got to be respectful of it or else don't name it... Because, if people will start calling you names of your religion, you wil not like it...

I have never abused or called names on religion and expect the same respect in return... I hope that is not too much of a request to simply 'behave'
I don't have a cure for your paranoid mind, which just looks at others for its problems... But I do have a request... This is a public forum and when you name a religion, you got to be respectful of it or else don't name it... Because, if people will start calling you names of your religion, you wil not like it...

I have never abused or called names on religion and expect the same respect in return... I hope that is not too much of a request to simply 'behave'

He is being sarcastic; definitely one of the saner ones.
Indian footprints emerging

Shakeel Anjum

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

ISLAMABAD: The footprints of circumstantial evidence regarding the terrorist attack on the Mehran base clearly show the involvement of Indian intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). Senior intelligence sources told The News that this was a joint venture, accomplished by RAW certainly with the consent of CIA and a group of al-Qaeda who are being used by the anti-Pakistan lobby.

“Even at this very initial stage, the agencies engaged in the investigation of the attack have got hold of some concrete indications to prove the involvement of foreign hand in the debacle,” one source said. He said that it could easily be calculated who was the prime beneficiary of the shattering strike.

“The militants attacked the base and mainly targeted the P-3C Orion aircraft as they had instructions to destroy them,” he said, adding that it was on record that India had opposed the US provision of these aircraft to Pakistan.

Another source said that the only major beneficiary of the annihilation of these planes was India as Pakistan has been deprived of one of its major assets. “It cannot be ascertained yet at this early stage whether Indian commandos were included in the attack squad or the terrorists were Chechens or Afghan activists of al-Qaeda,” the source said. “However, intelligence agencies have enough information that a group of al-Qaeda and Taliban got training in a base camp of RAW in Afghanistan from the Indian forces.”

The source said that the agencies had informed the government about the joint activities of al-Qaeda and Indian forces in the base camp. It will be established soon that the plan of the attack was prepared in the RAW base camp in Afghanistan, he said.

Dr Usman, one of the GHQ attackers, who was arrested during the counter operation, had disclosed during the investigation about his links with the Indian camp, the source said.

On October 10, 2009, terrorists had attacked the Pakistan Army’s General Headquarters in Rawalpindi in a similar fashion, taking 42 people hostage, including several military officers. By the end of the day-long ordeal, nine gunmen, 11 soldiers and three hostages were dead. The attackers had their own communication system with separate frequency through which they were interlinked with each other, the source said.

Why the attack group fought a pitched battle for 16 hours against the commandos and Rangers, the source said there were standing instructions for the personnel engaged in the operation to arrest at least one of the attackers alive. However, as the Pakistani forces trapped the attackers, they blew themselves up or shot themselves.” “They attackers were four in number, not six,” the source said and added that it was a wrong perception that two militants managed to escape from the airbase compound. He said that the compound was securely cordoned off.

hmmm......i beleive this to be false....but if true then no regrets...some one has to pay for mumbai attacks!!!!!
Navy officers suspect inside job in PNS Mehran

By Salman Siddiqui


Officials from Pakistan Navy suspect the May 22 naval airbase attack would not have been possible without inside help.

They, however, deny that the change in command at the PNS Mehran has anything to do with the attack and termed the transfer orders a ‘routine’ matter.

Inside job

When the attackers cut the barbed wire on the perimeter wall at the end of the Pakistan Air Force’s (PAF) Faisal base which is adjacent to the PNS Mehran, they had two options.

Instead of the naval base, they could have gone after the assets and personnel of the air force, but they chose not to, even though there were at least four American-made C-130 cargo planes on the PAF side.

“The attackers knew that the navy’s prized assets such as the Orion aircraft and the Chinese and American personnel were present on our base and they came specifically after them,” a senior navy officer said, admitting that no one on the outside could have known about it.

He said the attackers knew the base “inside out” and were well aware of the points where they would have “an advantage over the security forces” who would engage them.

He pointed out that three of the Special Service Group commandos, who were sent in to subdue the attackers, saying this was “no easy feat”.

The navy officials suspects the reconnaissance prior to the attack was carried out not only by someone taking visual footage of the base from the nearby Karsaz bridge, but also by someone from inside the sprawling base where, more than 500 personnel are deployed at any given time.

However, they denied that the attackers were provided weapons by some insider and insisted that the terrorists were equipped with their own Russian-made machine guns, grenades and rocket launchers.

“They are definitely some people suspected of involvement from within, but we’re still investigating exactly who was behind it,” he said.

“From a janitor to an officer at the base, everyone is a suspect at this point,” he said.

He said that previously there have been cases when clerics of local mosques at naval premises were found to be involved in ‘anti-state’ activities.

While the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan have claimed responsibility for the attack, navy officials say that they are not ruling out the possibility of a “foreign country’s intelligence agency’s involvement in the incident”.

Rear-Admiral Tehseenullah Khan, who was the former director-general of the Maritime Security Agency, has been appointed as the head of the team probing the case.

Uzbek attackers?

Navy officials insist the attackers were “not Pakistanis, but foreigners”.

“When I saw the body, I immediately knew that the young man was (an) Uzbek,” a navy official said. He provided no forensic evidence to support his assertion.

However, doctors who conducted the autopsy on the bodies of the four terrorists contradicted the navy’s asertion and said they looked like “any other young Pakistani men” from northern areas.

Interestingly, the autopsy report says the terrorists were “Muslim males between the ages of 22 and 26”. When asked how they determined the religious leanings of the terrorists, the doctor said the autopsy revealed they were circumcised.

Meanwhile, security agencies on Wednesday took a new set of samples for DNA testing from the bodies of the four terrorists being kept at an Edhi morgue.

Change of command

Base commander Raja Tahir has been replaced by Commodore Khalid Pervez. Although the announcement of the change in command of the PNS Mehran has been made only two days after the attack, Pakistan Navy officials insist it is nothing out of the ordinary.

“There’s no truth that Tahir is being replaced as punishment since his replacement orders had been issued four months age and Commodore Pervez has been on the base for more than a week,” a navy official said.

A navy official says that even though they were being blamed for a massive security lapse, the fact is that the breach occurred on the side of the wall that comes under the air force’s jurisdiction.

“They have their own cameras and watchtowers there and failed to spot the attackers. So why blame us,” the official said. He added that there was no question about heads being rolled for the incident.

Rehman Malik

Navy officials are extremely upset with Rehman Malik’s statement that some attackers might have escaped the base and say their chief, Admiral Noman Bashir, had no alternative but to agree with the federal minister’s statement.

They also say it was peculiar that Malik came on air at 10:43pm on Sunday, claiming that around 10 to 15 attackers had not only infiltrated the PNS Mehran base, but also taken control.

“The attack began at 10:37pm. How could he claim to know all that when even we at the control room did not know the exact position,” they added. A navy officer admitted it was a mistake on their part for lodging an FIR which said there were more than 10 attackers.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 26th, 2011.

Navy officers suspect inside job in PNS Mehran – The Express Tribune
Great of these macho comments, but we know that a Super Power like the US is almost bankrupt of fighting these rag tag Talibaan thugs. Without anyone's knowledge? Hmmm, is that why 10,000+ US Personnel died and 47,000+ injured in Iraq and Afghanistan because they were invisible and no one had knowledge?

Though I agree US does not have any benefit in attacking the base, India is the sole beneficiary of this attack. And India will have to pay a price if proven guilty, we will just go and capture a little more of Kashmir. Won't be like the 1948 War when we captured 24% of Kashmir or like the 1965 War when we captured another 12%, and it won't be like the little Kargil intrusions, we will go and get Manmohan Gee,....

You people overestimate yourselves your economy sucks and so does your military..
BTW, if there are no Indian footprints found yet then PM me. I will send you some :devil:
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