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Indian famous actor Om Puri passes away.

RIP....some Pakistani posts are funny and telling Indians how a old man died when they are not even bothered to say RIP to the 7 kids killed in pakistan at a level crossing today.
He was one of the sane voice in the RSS ruled India. While, Anupam Kher et al licked RSS Chaddi's, Om Puri stood tall. Who will bell the cat? Who will ban the RSS as well as PFI (The Islamist group) in India?
The saffron chaddis on this forum should realize that speaking negative about the dead is a no-no because they are no longer here to defend themselves. But I suppose that is only a trait of Musalmaan to not speak of the dead in negative manner. Some very pathetic bhartis are present on this forum.
First saw him in east is east where he played a British Pakistani dad brilliantly. An amazing actor and on top of that a great human being. Will remember him with love and respect. RIP Om Puri!
We are a population if 1.2B, a few comments on few websites means nothing. Let him rest in peace, don't show off your crocodile tears. His family and friends need none of yours.
My Indian neighbor, appreciate the praise he is receiving from the other side of the border. Few Indians make a mark like that.

RIP...............he was a good man and an amazing performer.............he will be deeply missed
I am speechless and deeply shocked to hear that. He was truly a leged and the face of peace

Thats very shocking... RIP
Very saddened to hear about his passing. His heart probably couldnt cope with the stresses and the negativity he faced in his country for wanting peace with Pakistan. If there is a heaven, he deserves to be there.
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