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Indian False Flag Operations That Almost Led To Nuclear War

Only a fool will call a sworn statement by an undersecretary to indian supreme court a silly hearsay, and what can one expect from blatant hindustani liars

a Pakistani citizen with perfect indian dialect?

Mr. RVS Mani in his affadavit submitted to supreme court claimed, that another CBI officer Satish Verma, had claimed, that 2001 terrorist attack on Indian Parliament and 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack were staged.
This is double hearsay. X claimed that Y claimed that something happened
ISI should maintain an active hit squad in india to eliminate all such scums who sacrifise poor indian people for their satanic motives.

SO why don't you save your own people from daily terror bombing by using these "active hit squads"??
I am surprised at such a reaction from the Indian posters. After all it was the Indian media that broke the story. Some of the Indian newspapers which published this story are:

Govt behind Parliament attack, 26/11: Ishrat probe officer

Govt behind Parliament attack, 26/11: Ishrat probe officer - Times Of India

both 26/11 and the attack on Parliament in 2001 were orchestrated by the Indian government


SHOCKING: Govt Behind Parliament Attack, 26/11!

SHOCKING: Govt Behind Parliament Attack, 26/11! | India | www.indiatimes.com

Govt behind Parliament attack, 26/11: Ishrat probe officer 10562454

Indian govt ordered attacks on Parliament House and later 26/11 to strengthen anti-terror law

'Indian govt ordered attacks on Parliament House and later 26/11 to strengthen anti-terror law' - daily.bhaskar.com

Govt behind Parl attack, 26/11: Ishrat probe officer

Govt behind Parl attack, 26/11: Ishrat probe officer : Nagaland Post

I can not imagine the Indian reaction here if such a report accusing the Pakistani government had been published in Pakistan. Instead of showing the blindside it is appropriate that Indians should have an open discussion in India about all this. Denying and probable coerced retraction of the incident from Mr. Mani won't help end these extra-judicial killings and the consequent revenge cycle that definitely follows.

India does not have the balls to do something like that ...its not a moral issue its a capability problem... RAW is sitting on its ***** doing mostly nothing against Pakistan and you think they will pull out a stunt like this ...
The eg. of Raped girl is bad,,

Troll Reported..

India is a unique terrorist state who use to kill his own citizens to prove he's a victim of terrorism, and then his holy keyboard hindu warriors start a war on internet, and act like a raped girl on PDF :lol:
Pakistanis are seriously going overboard the puff piece printed by Times of India.

Their extreme reactions and accompanying conspiracy theories to this 'non news' leads me to believe either they have serious comprehensions problems, when it comes to reading and understanding news in English.

or the more likely explanation that years of muddling with conspiracy theories have riddled their heads so bad, that now they just hear, what they want to hear and read what they want to read and not actually what is written.

Which part of the sentence," that entire event is just hearsay" is unclear to any??

Even former Under Secretary of India’s Ministry of Home Affairs Mr. RVS Mani detailed explanation for the affadavit.

Never claimed Parliament House attack, 26/11 inside job: Ex-MHA official - Indian Express

Pakistanis are chomping on too much Conspiracy nihari . So the Shyt is flying everywhere . Even after clarification from the official they will loll and froth from their mouths .

everything is Inside job .

9/11 , 7/7 , 26/11 . Paistani green doves never do anything .

lol trolled pakistan or india?

Pakstan . World is Laughing while Pakistanis are laboriously spinning conspiracy charkha .
ISI should maintain an active hit squad in india to eliminate all such scums who sacrifise poor indian people for their satanic motives.

isi is incompetent.
karachi is burning and there are blasts everyday in pakistan.
can't stop drone flying over his head and talks about maintaining a hit squad
LOL...RVS Mani never claimed it..another police officer,who was related to Ishrat Jahan case,has said that..but he was not in probe team of either of them..it was merely personal comment..while RVS Mani said that...

Never claimed Parliament House attack, 26/11 inside job: Ex-MHA official - Indian Express Mobile

also,against pakistan's query on this comment,India's reply...

India denies comments attributed to top cop Satish Verma in 26/11 probe - World - DNA

Infact,there is a case on even Satish Verma itself... :lol:

No HC relief for Satish Verma in 15-year-old cases - Indian Express

so,Pakistan is again betting on wrong horse..
he was threshed with disciplinary action after commenting such irresponsibly.he was pulled out of Ishrat Jahan Case..

Pulled out of Ishrat Jahan probe, Satish Verma pushed to Junagadh - Ahmedabad - DNA

thats what happens when a political party uses fool of a govt institution to hurt another for political agenda..don't worry,we'll not change our stance on 26/11 and Parlament attack..now,go back to India Bashing..
Can a Pakistans answer this?

Why all of you love conspiracy theories so much
What so ever if India was behind or not, all terrorist killed were Muslims and were from Pakistan and were from LeT.. It shows either LeT is Indian Stooge or Hafiz Saeed is in RAW's payroll.. Now go and figure it out..
And yes the propaganda of GoI to extradite Hafiz Saeed is just to make sure that in near future he couldn't be caught by ISI for his involvements in staged attacks....
Only a fool will call a sworn statement by an undersecretary to indian supreme court a silly hearsay, and what can one expect from blatant hindustani liars

a Pakistani citizen with perfect indian dialect?

Rehman malik admitting that it was plotted in Pakistan...

Uploaded on Feb 12, 2009
NEW DELHI/ISLAMABAD: Faced with unrelenting international pressure and incontrovertible evidence put together by India and US's FBI, Pakistan on
Thursday, 79 days after the Mumbai attacks, was forced to acknowledge that the heinous strikes were plotted from its soil. It also acknowledged that some of the perpetrators were from Laskhar-e-Taiba, the ****** outfit aligned with ISI.

The confession surprised many because it came close on the heels of a series of red herrings which suggested that Islamabad, rather than accepting any blame, would point its finger at terrorist organisations not active on its territory, and surpassed India's expectations. India later said it was a positive development.

"Some part of it was planned in Pakistan," Pakistan's interior minister Rehman Malik said, as he went on to disclose that Pakistan had so far arrested six men for the crime. The FIR registered in the SIT police station in Islamabad names eight people but Malik disclosed only six names, arguing that revealing the identities of the remaining two might hamper investigations.

Malik said Pakistan was sending a list of 30 questions to India as information on them would help the investigations. He revealed just some of the 30 questions. Pakistan has wanted to know how SIM cards were acquired by the terrorists in India; has sought the DNA samples of the 10 attackers; and has wanted to know who helped the attackers to refuel their boat off the Gujarat coast.

Significantly, Malik did not elaborate on the role of either Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi or Zarar Shah, the two LeT commanders indentified as masterminds not just by India but also the US, leading many in India to wonder if Pakistan was trying to sell a dummy to the world. Lakhvi was named as the chief plotter by Ajmal Amir Kasab, the arrested terrorist. Likewise, the email sent by Deccan Mujahideen, the fictitious outfit created by Lashkar to erase Pakistani fingerprints, to own up the massacre was traced to Shah's computer. The two are not among the eight named in the FIR.

Malik conceded that Lakhvi could have imparted training to the perpetrators. Although he said the two Lashkar bigwigs were in police custody, he added that action against them was subject to further investigations.

Malik, instead, named one Hamad Amin Sadiq as the main conspirator. Hamad, according to Malik, belongs to southern Punjab in Pakistan but was now living in Karachi. He has been arrested. Other arrested persons are Riaz, Khan, Abu Alqama, Javed Iqbal and Mohammad Ashfaq. Their nationality wasn't confirmed but the minister did not deny that they could be Pakistanis.

The name of Alqama rings a bell in India. He is a senior LeT terrorist active in Kashmir on whose Thuraya satellite phone the Mumbai attackers communicated. It could not be ascertained, however, whether the two are the same. Malik said that apart from Pakistan, the attack was facilitated from several other countries like India, US, Spain, Austria and Italy.

His account suggested that the findings and arrests followed detailed, even painstaking, investigation by Pakistan' FIA. Malik said the FIA, Pakistan's equivalent of India's CBI, traced the owner of the shop in Karachi from where a dinghy was bought by the perpetrators. "We traced the owner of the shop where the rubber boat was purchased. We were told by the shopkeeper that the man who bought it gave a telephone number. When we reached the number it was closed. We obtained a lead that went to a bank. There was an account of someone related to an act of terrorism. The account led to an individual who was involved in the Mumbai attacks. He gave us a number of other leads which we do not want to make public," said the minister, adding that India had provided only sketchy information.

Hamad is said to have facilitated money transfer for the attacks. Iqbal and Ashfaq are said to have acquired the VoIP connection, used for making calls, in Spain. Iqbal, a resident of Barcelona, was ``lured'' to Pakistan and arrested, said the minister. Malik also said that one of the SIM cards used was purchased from Austria.
Last edited by a moderator:
July 19, 2013

On July 14, 2013 a former Under Secretary of India’s Ministry of Home Affairs Mr. RVS Mani, submitted a declaration to the country’s highest court, the Supreme Court of India, that both the 2001 terrorist attack on Indian Parliament and 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack were staged.

Lie !

Pakistanis lying their pants off.......:lol:
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