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Indian ethnic cleansing of Bengali speaking Muslims

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facts of RAW arming Shanti Bahinis to Kill Bengalis in CHT

Pressurizing Bangladesh through political and economic measures including water blockade RAW has been instigating and promoting separatist movements to completely destabilize and disintegrate the country. RAW has been providing training and arms to various separatist movements to create anarchy in Bangladesh. One such organisation is named Shanti Bahini. It is fighting for creating an independent state named Jhumland in Chittagong Hill Tracts region.

Historically Chittagong Hill Tracts region has been a part of ancient Bengal. Previously, it was' within Chittagong district. The Birtish government made it a separate district in 1900 A.D. Thus it was not even a district before 1900, let alone an independent state. At the time of partition in 1947, Hindu leaders including Pundit Nehru had desired that Chittagong Hill Tracts should be included in India. At that time there were oJ:?ly 10% Hindus among the tribals of Chittagong Hill Tracts only 'Tipra: and 'Hajong' are Hindus among 11 tribes of Chittagong Hill Tracts. According to census of 1981 Tipras are 12.31% of the tribal population while the 'Hajong' are negligible. Since their demand did not have any historic, cultural or religious basis therefore it was not accepted. Indians have been eying this strategic area' even later. During sixties, Indians instigated Tipras to start trouble in the region but they did not take the bait. Thus Indian design to separate Chittagong Hill Tracts from Pakistan remained unfulfilled.

After the emergence of Bangladesh in 1971 RAW got confident that any country can be disintegrated through a series of conspiracies and covert actions. Its confidence was further bolstered after annexation of 'Sikkim' by India. RAW had hoped that due to its support during 1971 War of Independence, Bangladesh will ever remain grateful and subservient to India. RAW even hoped that in due course they will turn Bangladesh into the next Sikkim or at least Bhutan. But they were disappointed to see Bangladesh asserting for sovereignty. Indians were forced to withdraw troops form Bangladesh due to clear and unequivocal stand by Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rahman. Leter when Bangladesh joined OIC in 1974 and announced that Banglasdesh will play its due role as a memebr country of Muslim Ummah, it was not liked by Indian leaders.

After assassination of Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rahman in 1975, the new Government in Bangladesh identified itself more closely with Muslim nationalism and started following independent foreign policy. RAW was indeed taken aback by this courageous posture adopted by what they considered a satellite state. They feared that if Bangladesh grows stronger and ber.nmes truly sovereign, it can be a big hurdle in path of their designs in the region. Therefore RAW decided to rein Bangladesh.

Indian policy makers thought if Bangladesh is allowed to prosper, the North-Eastern states of India which are adjacent to Bangladesh will be inspired further for independence. Even the insurgents of these states may get shelter and support form Bangladesh in days to come. To blockade this chance RAW thought it wise to use some ambitious Chakmas who are majority among the tnbals to destabilise and disintegrate Bangladesh. So RAW began to patronise late Manobendra Larma and others in organising a group named Janoshanghati Samity (JSS). Shanti Bahini was organized as its military wing. Training and arming of its cadres was undertaken in Tripura under supervision of

Indian instructors. thus the Indians did despite a clear clause in 'Bangladesh-India Friendship Treaty 1972' which stated that neither country would allow the use of its territory for committing any act that might cause military damage to, or constitute a threat to the security ofthe other country.Unveiling Larma's link with .f(AW, the weekly Friday reports. 'Mr. Manobendra Larma met Indian intelligence agency officers after crossing the broder in 1976(Weekly Friday: June 3, 1988).Yet when Larma realized his errors and tried to reach a peaceful settlement with Bangladesh Government, India foiled it. The Friday adds, 'The attempt to negotiate a settlement failed as the armed wing of Janoshanghati Samity (Shanti Bahini) initiated armed operations under Indian pressure in mid 1976'.

Ever-since the Shanti Bahini has been waging a bloody insurgency for creating a separate state called 'Jhumland' in Chittagong Hill Tracts region. It not only attacks security forces personnel but also targets innocent civilians who have settled in the Hill Tracts. The details of their cowardly acts are well known and we need not go into details of the same. However, the magnitude of Shanti Bahini cruelties can be assessed from the fact that it has so far (till Jul 95) killed over 25000 persons of security forces and non tribal civilians. They also have coerced some 50,000 Chakma tribals to migrate to Tripura, India where they are lodging in camps set up for them by RAW
. Although majority of these so called refugees want to return to their homes, but they are not being allowed by RAW as it wants to use them in its .nefarious game. These refugee camps also serve as recruiting grounds for Shanti Bahini.

RAW has created divisions and factions in Shanti Bahini to stop emergence of leadership, who may come to terms with Bangladesh. On instigation by RAW, Mr. M. N. Larma was assassinated by rivals in his party on 10 December 1983 in Kallanpur camp of Shanti Bahini in Amarpur Sub Division of Tripura state. There are reports that his assassination was arranged after RAW concluded that M.N Larma would no longer serve their interests. This allegation gets credence due to the fact that the rival leader Mr. P.K. Chakma who was involved in murder of Mr. M.N. Larma is residip.g in Agartala as a state guest under protection of RAW.

After the death of M. N. Larma, his borther Mr Santoo Larma became leader of Shanti Bahini. He started talks with Bangladesh Government to solve the dispute but RAW arranged divisioh in his party which led to failure of talks.RAW also arranged a 'World Chakma Conference' at Calcutta, capital of West Bengal in April 1987. The four day long conference adopted several resolutions regarding separating the Chittagong Hill Tracts from Bangladesh and establishment of 'Jhumland'. The details of RAW's covert acions and involvement in Chittagong Hill Tracts insurgency have been exposed by many Chakma leaders themselves. Mr. Shamiron Dewan,Chairman of Khagrachari Local Council disclosed in a press conference that Indian Government is helping Shanti Bahini by giving shelter, money, arms and training. He added that the Chakmas have no genuine eco-political cause. They are being used by RAW for achieving India's geo-political interests.

Mr. Tridip Chakma a regional commander of Shanti Bahini ,for thirteen years, who later surrendered to Bangladesh authoritieR told the newsmen that 25 training camps are being run by RAW for Shanti Bahin} guerillas'in the Indian states of Tripura and Mizoram. Some separatists also received training in Deradoon, Uttar Pradesh. He said that Shanti Bahini compels tribal people to migrate to India and stay in refugee camps. Nine refugee camps have been set up at Sabrum, Shikichari, Boalpara, Kadamtolly, Daek, Barachara, Ralma, Trimakha and Ratnanager. He alleged that India continuously keeps propagating against Bangladesh regarding Chittagong Hill Tracts in a bid to make it an international issue(Bangladesh Observer: September 2, 1994).A Nepalese fortnightly 'The Spot Light' in its April 29, 1988 issue alleged that a group of Indian policy makers inimically uses Shanti Bahini to launch destructive activities inside Bangladesh. It said that the Chakma insurgents flee to their bases in India after their operations. It added that on several occasions the Chakma insurgents left behind huge India made arms and ammunition including sub-machine guns, carbines, SLRS, sten guns, 303 rifles while fleeing to India on being chased by Bangladeshi security forces.

In an interview with the 'Asia Age' Mr. Farooq Subhan, the' Ex-High Commissonner of Bangladesh to India, who is otherwise considered to be soft towards India alleged. 'The Government of Bangladesh felt that the main support for the Shanti Bahini was being provided by the Research and Analysis Wing in India(Daily Star: Decemebr 20, 1994). Indian propaganda experts spread news of human rights abuses in Chittagong Hill Tracts. RAW sponsored video films which falsely show brutalities by Banagladeshi Security Forces in Chittaogng Hill Tracts have been sent to the donor countries to suggest stoppage of aid to Bangladesh for violating human rights.

Question arises why India is helping this secessionist movement in Bangladesh.The answer lies in the following:

a. India does not want a stable, prosperous and strong Bangladesh. An ongoing insurgency will be a constant drain on Bangladesh's economy. Indians hope that by such tail twisting they can render Bangladesh to the status of a client state.

b. India wants to keep Chittagong Hill Tracts issue alive to pressurize Bangladesh and prevent her from adopting independent foreign policy. India wants that Bangladesh must align itself with Indian camp. The Chakma. Refugees and continuing insurgency are the tools in their hands to punish Bangladesh, should it ever falter in this regard.

c. Creation of a separate state in Chittagong Hill Tracts will weaken Bangladesh who can then be forced to abandon its claim of sovereignty and reduced to the status of Bhutan or even turned into Sikkim.

d. RAW maliciously propagates that insurgent groups of seven North-Eastern states use Chittagong Hill Tracts region for shelter and passage of arms and ammunition. They propound that setting up an Indian dominated state in Chittagong Hill Tracts will result in drying up of supply sources to militants and thus will cause serious setback to revolutionary movements in these Indian states (Assam, Tripura, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Arunachal Pardesh and Meghalaya). In other words according to RAW's theory, for consolidation of Indian North Eastern region, separation of Chittagong Hill Tracts from Bangladesh is essential.

e. Indian dream of getting transit through Chittagong Port to North Eastern states can be realized with establishment of a pro-Indian state in Chittagong Hill Tracts.

From 'Raw and Bangladesh' by Zainul Abedin
Yaa,u are quite right...most bengali muslims of Banladesh look so similar to Arab,Pathan even central asian:lol::lol::lol:
Indo-Aryas do not quite look like the germans. But, there was certainly an arya immigration from the central asia. To know about how the changes occur you have to go through the books on anthropology. Bangali Muslims are not pure blooded foreign Muslims. They are a mixed breed of Turkic, Pathan, Uzhbek, Irani, Arab, Negro, Brahmin, Sudra, acchyut etc. So, you cannot expect them to retain one type of physical features.

By the way, have you ever heard the name of Pathan Emperor Sher Shah Suri? He was not from Afghanistan, he and all his followers were from Bengal, many of whom had Pathan bloods in their vein.

I give you an extreme example. A white woman marries a negro. Their children will not be white. They will be seen as little less black than their father, nevertheless black. All the Muslims in the Sub-continent are a mixed race people. When you go to Bengal proper, you will find different faces with different textures of skin even after a few hundred years of mixing.

Also, the colour of soil, humidity, food habit and lifestyle all have profound effects on physical feature. Bengal humidity does not allow to retain a fair complexion. This is why the Bangali Brahmins do not quite look like Brahmins of North India, isn't it? But, even then can you deny that they are not Brahmin? If you deny, then you are denying history.

What is your idea about conquering a land? You just go alone and do the job? No, you go with your followers. You win, then all youir followers also stay and make the land their home. In Bengal starting from 1198 until the Nawab Siraj-ud-Dowla in 1757, all the sovereigns or subedars were Muslim except Raja Ganesh, who ruled for less than one year. How it was possible for the kings to retain their authority if they had not their own followers from their old homeland?

By the way, why you Hindus are so eager to make us one of yours. We are certainly different from you. Try something else to make kinship. Follow a course of friendship. By bullying us to take us to your fold racially will not work. We know our history better.
By the way, why you Hindus are so eager to make us one of yours. We are certainly different from you. Try something else to make kinship. Follow a course of friendship. By bullying us to take us to your fold racially will not work. We know our history better.
On the contrary, it is you who has gone into an overdrive to trace your (i.e. muslims of bengal) lineage to Central Asia, as a counter to the argument that muslims of bengal are from the same stock as the hindus of bengal.

Irony is that, in heat of self-denial, you have actually ended up agreeing to the original argument - that muslims of bengal are from common genetical stock. After all, thats what 'mixed breed' means
Bangali Muslims are not pure blooded foreign Muslims. They are a mixed breed of Turkic, Pathan, Uzhbek, Irani, Arab, Negro, Brahmin, Sudra, acchyut etc.
You forgot Buddhism. Anyway, further down, you have commented..
What is your idea about conquering a land? You just go alone and do the job? No, you go with your followers. You win, then all youir followers also stay and make the land their home.
The settling victors then marry local women and thus the 'mixed breeding' begins. And hence our argument that you people belong to the same gene pool as we do is proved.:wave:

Move on to something new now.:pop:
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