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Mate, I haven't heard a lot about Alok Industries in the recent past. They must have a decent set up, which I think is outside the city. Their emergency vehicles are registered with the Dadra and Nagar Haveli (DN) RTO.

What are these guys? What is they're specialization? Are they a hardware company?
Indeed. Love 'em. :)

The Bombay Fire Brigade needs to get loads more. We need to start procuring mini fire tenders to combat emergencies in our crowded streets...like the ones they have in Tokyo/Osaka/Yokohama.
Agreed, i think that's why many larger/crowded cities are getting these fire-fighting bike teams. But these have incredibly limited capabilities and yes these "mini fire tenders" are a MUST. We've had this discussion before, but Indian fire brigades need DRASTICALLY improved equipment/trucks/tenders.

What are these guys? What is they're specialization? Are they a hardware company?

textiles IIRC
Tata Dewoo fire trucks


Tata Dewoo fire trucks

:cheesy::cheesy: That's the effing Prima!! I've been saying that TATA need to start producing fire trucks/tenders on the Prima range and it's already been done- in S.Korea anyway!

All while TATA is still selling/producing this cr@p:


Ohh TATA you've got some explaining to do!!! :pissed::pissed:

@Bombaywalla check out the Prima fire truck- doens't that just pi$$ you off?!!
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Some more picks of the TATA-Daewoo Prima fire truck (all though it looks like a multi-purpose/rescue tender more than an actual fire truck):






The more I look at these pics the more pi$$ed off I get- NO INIDAN player is offering these kind of quality products IN INDIA!! You have TATA motors with a revenue of $32+ BN a year and profit of $3BN+ and M&M with a revenue of $10BN+ but not one of them is offering these kind of products to Indian fire depts???? :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
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The more I look at these pics the more pi$$ed off I get- NO INIDAN player is offering these kind of quality products IN INDIA!! You have TATA motors with a revenue of $32+ BN a year and profit of $3BN+ and M&M with a revenue of $10BN+ but not one of them is offering these kind of products to Indian fire depts???? :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Shaant gadadhaari bheem shaant.:cheesy:

Thing is, procuring emergency equipments/vehicles is a government concern. And the orders for new ones are not big, 5-10 at a time at most.

Unless the government (home ministry), state governments combine together and give a big order, you won't see Tata bringing these bad boys in the domestic market, as it won't be feasible economically.
The more I look at these pics the more pi$$ed off I get- NO INIDAN player is offering these kind of quality products IN INDIA!! You have TATA motors with a revenue of $32+ BN a year and profit of $3BN+ and M&M with a revenue of $10BN+ but not one of them is offering these kind of products to Indian fire depts???? :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Chill bro, chill, it is frustrating as f*ck but it is what it is at the mo'. As Roybot says, the process of tendering new equipment is mired in red tape. Give the country some time, and things will fall into place. Dheeraj rakho yaar.

Shaant gadadhaari bheem shaant.:cheesy:.

Shaant gadadhaari bheem shaant.:cheesy:

Thing is, procuring emergency equipments/vehicles is a government concern. And the orders for new ones are not big, 5-10 at a time at most.

Unless the government (home ministry), state governments combine together and give a big order, you won't see Tata bringing these bad boys in the domestic market, as it won't be feasible economically.
Bro I don't buy this. Yes there is an argument that it is the user's fault ie they don't set high enough standards and just accept the sh!tty products Indian OEM offer them. But then there is also an argument for why don't these Indian OEMs with significant R&D wings offer better products and that too when they are already selling such products in other nations (ie TATA-Daewoo in SK)?? The point about orders not being large enough are not true bro, every year the total procurement of fire response vehicle must be in the 100s.

But I see your point bro.

Btw mate did you see this:

@Roybot, I remember a convo we had earlier wrt the BIC F1 circuit concerning emergency vehicles. These (above) are the kind of fire trucks the circuit should have- not those cr@ppy TATAs! Let your uncle know lol!!!
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Chill bro, chill, it is frustrating as f*ck but it is what it is at the mo'. As Roybot says, the process of tendering new equipment is mired in red tape. Give the country some time, and things will fall into place. Dheeraj rakho yaar.

Point taken bro, I am confident that in the long-term these issue will all be sorted out but it still frustrates me looking at the situation today!
Bro I don't buy this. Yes there is an argument that it is the user's fault ie they don't set high enough standards and just accept the sh!tty products Indian OEM offer them. But then there is also an argument for why don't these Indian OEMs with significant R&D wings offer better products and that too when they are already selling such products in other nations (ie TATA-Daewoo in SK)?? The point about orders not being large enough are not true bro, every year the total procurement of fire response vehicle must be in the 100s.

But I see your point bro.

You'd be surprised. For example BMC(Mumbai city council), has a total of 200 fire tenders, 33 of which are due for replacement. How often do you think these tenders get replaced? atleast 15-20 years and thats for the biggest city in India, the volume for smaller cities and towns would be even less. So the number is no where in 100s per year.

However the good news is, that the central government has put new emission regulations in place, under which any new procurement made has to be of BS IV (Euro 4) standard. Now none of the old chassis of Tata or AL is BS IV as far as I know. So these domestic companies will have no other option but to build their fire tender on BS IV chassis ( Tata Prima :yay:) or risk loosing out to foreign players like Benz, Volvo and Man.

I can understand your impatience and frustration mate, trust me we all are, we all want to see our India transform overnight. But unfortunately there is no magic wand, and even if there was one it wouldn't work cause of our idiotic bureaucracy. But slowly and surely we are getting there.

New emission norms put brakes on purchase of fire engines - Indian Express

Btw mate did you see this:

Saw that bud, unfortunately didn't get a chance to talk to him about it. If and when I do get the chance I ll definitely mention it.
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