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Indian Economy crisis 2019

The failing indian economy is one of the major reason modi choose to war-mongering and has landed india in some deep trouble. Don't take my word for it, Godrej something, that businessman, read his and a host of other business tyconns comments on it. @INDIAISM . Are you retarded or something?
* 200mil v 1.4bil (offc your gdp SHOULD be much higher)

*devaluing pkr was one of the reasons our account deficit shrunk to 73pc (korea and Japan's currency are even valued lower than pkr so its irrelevant and the joke's on you)

*inflation is the only valid point you were right about but inspite of it people purchasing power hasn't declined considerably as people outside would like to imagine. Average Pakistani folks are richer than the average India folks THAT i know by looking at the living standards of MOST indians here in the UAE. Indian women are doing jobs which Pakistani women wouldn't even think about doing. To their credit, your women are actually the ones who drive your economy and i respect them for that.

*same 1.4bil v 200mil offc more vehicles would have been bought in india as compared to Pakistan. Even if EACH and EVERY Pakistani buys a vehicle and 1/4th of indians buy a vehicle we'd still be lagging behind so that argument is non-sensical and childish really.


Finally, don't remain in delusions regarding the lifestyle of av Pakistanis. You'll be shocked if you get to see it in person. Your countrymen whereever they go, they bring down the value of the field where they work in by agreeing to ridiculously low salaries and ALL people around the world despise you for that. The mantra here is very simple, if some person is leaving his/her job, dont bother, you can hire 3indians in his/her salary. You folks have ZILCH amount of self respect.
The failing indian economy is one of the major reason modi choose to war-mongering and has landed india in some deep trouble. Don't take my word for it, Godrej something, that businessman, read his and a host of other business tyconns comments on it. @INDIAISM . Are you retarded or something?
* 200mil v 1.4bil (offc your gdp SHOULD be much higher)

*devaluing pkr was one of the reasons our account deficit shrunk to 73pc (korea and Japan's currency are even valued lower than pkr so its irrelevant and the joke's on you)

*inflation is the only valid point you were right about but inspite of it people purchasing power hasn't declined considerably as people outside would like to imagine. Average Pakistani folks are richer than the average India folks THAT i know by looking at the living standards of MOST indians here in the UAE. Indian women are doing jobs which Pakistani women wouldn't even think about doing. To their credit, your women are actually the ones who drive your economy and i respect them for that.

*same 1.4bil v 200mil offc more vehicles would have been bought in india as compared to Pakistan. Even if EACH and EVERY Pakistani buys a vehicle and 1/4th of indians buy a vehicle we'd still be lagging behind so that argument is non-sensical and childish really.


Finally, don't remain in delusions regarding the lifestyle of av Pakistanis. You'll be shocked if you get to see it in person. Your countrymen whereever they go, they bring down the value of the field where they work in by agreeing to ridiculously low salaries and ALL people around the world despise you for that. The mantra here is very simple, if some person is leaving his/her job, dont bother, you can hire 3indians in his/her salary. You folks have ZILCH amount of self respect.
Yes, India is a poor country. We have a growing middle class. Zameendari was abolished decades ago, and land redistributed, so we have very few ultra-rich, many of them self-made. Our economy is extremely competitive. This has forced our people to work harder, study harder.

That is why we have so many tech companies. Everyone is a coder these days. Highspeed Internet is almost free. Infrastructure is slowly improving.

China is our benchmark for rapid development. We have to replicate the Shenzen model, build a few new cities around manufacturing and technology. Our government is corrupt and inefficient. But entrepreneurs are doing their best. Plenty of opportunities in India because of extremely large market.

Yes, sometimes we have to work for less money in foreign countries. Doesn't mean we don't have self respect. It just means we are hungry to get ahead. Hyper-competitive market has drilled this in our brains, forcing us to be more productive.
amazon will only increase imports in india and result in net outflow of dollars from india to u.s

What will Amazon import.

It hardly imports.

It has invested 5 billion + dollars in India.

Biggest campus in the world for world wide operation. Atleast 100 million in salary will come from overseas. Every year.
The failing indian economy is one of the major reason modi choose to war-mongering and has landed india in some deep trouble. Don't take my word for it, Godrej something, that businessman, read his and a host of other business tyconns comments on it. @INDIAISM . Are you retarded or something?
* 200mil v 1.4bil (offc your gdp SHOULD be much higher)

*devaluing pkr was one of the reasons our account deficit shrunk to 73pc (korea and Japan's currency are even valued lower than pkr so its irrelevant and the joke's on you)

*inflation is the only valid point you were right about but inspite of it people purchasing power hasn't declined considerably as people outside would like to imagine. Average Pakistani folks are richer than the average India folks THAT i know by looking at the living standards of MOST indians here in the UAE. Indian women are doing jobs which Pakistani women wouldn't even think about doing. To their credit, your women are actually the ones who drive your economy and i respect them for that.

*same 1.4bil v 200mil offc more vehicles would have been bought in india as compared to Pakistan. Even if EACH and EVERY Pakistani buys a vehicle and 1/4th of indians buy a vehicle we'd still be lagging behind so that argument is non-sensical and childish really.


Finally, don't remain in delusions regarding the lifestyle of av Pakistanis. You'll be shocked if you get to see it in person. Your countrymen whereever they go, they bring down the value of the field where they work in by agreeing to ridiculously low salaries and ALL people around the world despise you for that. The mantra here is very simple, if some person is leaving his/her job, dont bother, you can hire 3indians in his/her salary. You folks have ZILCH amount of self respect.

Please leave the economics to someone who understands it. It is not your cup of tea.
whole world is falling into recession
Uh, no it's not. Things are fine from u.s. to europe to China & the rest of Asia Pacific. it's just "you" ghuss who are falling...

Look up my posts from this time last year...I warned you that amreeka will punish india for not aggressively fighting China. its now happening...
What makes you think, people would take your video or articles more seriously than that of AIIB, IMF or for that matter even world bank? We are nowhere near bankruptcy unlike some.

We are resilient as a nation. Our people don;t need to be rich to be happy, they are happy as they are.
I wonder what would happen the day your nation gets closer to bankruptcy.

I do not think you have the smallest clue as to this amazon move. This is not a amazon store. This is where research and product development for the WHOLE WORLD will take place in conjunction with the second biggest development campus in Seattle where there are 5000 employees. Hyderabad will be the the Primary employing 15,000.
Almost all economies in the west and China are slowing down. Capitalist economies are cyclical in nature. All these countries will have to manage the downturn until the next upward swing.
Amazon investment is not for the next year or 5 years. It is for its International future and viability.
Amazon is worth around a Trillion US dollars and generates revenues of ~ 230 Billion Every Year. That is not too far from the size as Pakistan's GDP.
Amazons net worth is 3 to 4 times the size of Pakistan's economy
He clearly has no idea about how economy, markets and company work. Waste explaining it. If they understood wouldnt their economy be doing good. Nobody creates a 15,000 employee campus without knowing what they are doing.
We are resilient as a nation. Our people don;t need to be rich to be happy, they are happy as they are.
I wonder what would happen the day your nation gets closer to bankruptcy.

Being nice to foreigners has nothing to do with how content they are with their lives.
And I am pretty sure your country does not calculate your nation's progress with Gross domestic Happiness like in Bhutan.
Doesnt that report say Pakistan is happier than China ? :coffee:
Ya you are right we have become so poor that auto sales in India even with current slowdown is 20 times more then Pakistan auto sales and i am talking about July 2019...
And this sanghi is comparing 7 times bigger country with Pakistan and feels so happy.
The way you sanghis terrorists talk then you should by pass china till right now but guess what still 60% ghareeb india cant afford 2 times meal.
And I am pretty sure your country does not calculate your nation's progress with Gross domestic Happiness like in Bhutan.

what da....

You can talk and write as much as you want but still you can't change the reality and the reality is that even with the current slowdown

☆Indian GDP is 11× to Pakistan GDP

☆In December 2017 1 INR= 1.71 Pkr today its arounnd 2.17 Pkr

☆July 2019 Inflation Rate in India is 3.15% on the other inflation rate of same period in pakistan is 10.3%..

☆Even with current mess Auto companies were able sell 20× more vehicles in India then Pakistan...Total vehicle sold in India july 2019= 2,57,656 in Pakistan during same period 13,119 (approx)

☆Foriegn reserves mmm lets just not talk about that...

So in short their is no doubt that their is a economic slow down in India and maybe it will remain their for next 3-4 years but still we were , we are and we will be performing alot better then your economy...

Tell me unemployment numbers, which are more thn whole workforce of Pakistan
Can this be moved to Indian section? and it have some more which can be sorted out. threads are opening all over, some times wrong sections.
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