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Indian defence & religion

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Scientists may have religious beliefs, but that does not make the beliefs scientific. Just because a nuclear physicist or someone at ISRO believes that crushing lemons or breaking coconuts makes a flight safer (or whatever it is supposed to do), does not make it a scientific truth.

No one claimed that they are scientific truth. So your entire argument based on that premise become redundant.

It's just an age old practise in Indian culture and there is nothing obscene if they are done. It just gives a subconscious belief and confidence which keep the scientists in high spirits and relaxed which are crucial.
I hope one day the kerala model gets
adopted by the whole of India.
Especially up north.
kerala runs on gulf worker ecönomy and tourism. So keep ur model to urself.
If these works were erased (they were not, another proof of your ignorance), how did you know about them? From secret intelligence files?

It was you who said British banned Sati while you completely omitted mention of inevitable changes happening in Indian society independent of British presence in those times. I think people(specially british historians as well as cynics in India) have this tendency that whatever good was happening during British times, was due to Britishers and whatever bad happened was structural, eventuality of Indian local issues with no connection to British decision making or education policies. Its amazing the way some pseudo-intellectuals/communists are bent upon beating the sh1t out of themselves to prove we Indians suck & are no match to white men, forget about being better than them. According to them, its a sin that one brownie should even think of beating a white intellectually. ;)
It boils down to this: it is not a question of my knowing it all, it is a question of your knowing nothing.

No point in uploading the latest software if the hardware is not compatible.

You don't need British to figure that out. British ban on Sati came lot after a lot of Indian reformers started talking against it. But British historians "erased" those works and instead blamed Indians for not reforming Sati system & placing British monarch at position of epitome for "reforming the tribal Indians". Being weak minded, you obviously fell for propaganda. ;)

Yeah right. That's why there were massive protests against the British ban! Funny how these "reformers" are only supposed to have opposed Sati when the British were of the view to banning it. Coincidence? Could have picked any one of the 1000 odd years that came before to oppose & be rid of the abhorrent practice. Btw, that's part of the same brilliant cultural practices that are so supported by the history revisionists.
What completely baffles me is how the exuberant, self-confident and secure Hinduism of Vidyasagar and Vivekananda was reduced to these cowardly creatures hunting in packs and picking on the isolated as victims. What happened to us?

I suspect, but have not studied the matter in depth as yet, that it was due to a combination of divisive, exclusionary ideology, Gandhi's disastrous error in injecting religion into politics, in the teeth of Jinnah's dire warnings, and the nauseating pseudo-seculRism of the Congress Party post independence.

Change is the law of nature. What is true of nature is true of man. The congress has managed to inflict a great deal of injuries to a true secular movement in India. Fortunately; it isn't dead yet.

India will always be a "religious" nation. Religion is a concept deep rooted into our national psyche. With greater education, we may grow to become more secure of our beliefs and value systems.

Subtley, the Gandhi clan fanned religious and linguistic fanaticism...which they are desperatey trying to convert to nationalism (possibly another disastrous venture). Regardless, people are beginning to change. Many now recognize the need to adapt to changing situations. There are real changes happening all over the country at the grassroots level.
I am embarrassed by this habit of keeping a model of PSLV in Balaji's feet before taking off. Just because they work at Isro, it doesn't make them immune to stupidity.
I'd like to quote EVR.Periyar here,

Why are you embarrased ?

Every country in the world has its own culture which they follow proudly even today.

The USN ships are traditionally christened by wetting with champagne. What is the scientific logic for that ? Nothing It's just a sentiment, a ritual. Similar in our case we do such stuff.

If the same thing is done by westerners we keep our mouth open in awe, but if Indians do their rituals its becomes a source of embarrassment.
It's just an age old practise in Indian culture and there is nothing obscene if they are done. It just gives a subconscious belief and confidence which keep the scientists in high spirits and relaxed which are crucial.

A good whisky would probably work even better, not sure anyone would agree to some getting high on those spirits.
I would like to know the logic behind crushing lemons. I think it is just a tribal belief that a strong smell or taste will ward off evil, just like chilies and garlic.

Dude there is no logic in that nor anyone claimed so.

It is just a ritual which has been practised for a long time and people follow it. It does not harm anyone nor anyone claims that the vehicle runs only because of that lemon.But it just gives them a sense of completeness, something that cannot be quantified.So what is the problem in that ?

Many such practices have a significance rooted in Indic philosophy.

I suggest you give up your fanatical attitude.

Nobody is forcing you to do anything.

I find highly distasteful the vitriol and contempt you pour on our villagers, where most our population lives.

There is deep philosophical significance behind many of the simple rituals.

I hope you will have the humility to realize that many people far smarter than you do cherish them.

If, in your private business, you want to make the workplace hostile to Indic culture, that is nobody else's affair. There are many smart people who would find your fanaticism distasteful, and would not want to work with you.

I did not want to say it -- but if the same practise had been reciting a verse from Quran or a prayer to Jesus such people would shut their mouths and not utter a word. It is because these rituals are rooted in the native faiths that this amount of contempt and scorn originates.

But then such people are few and far in between and even foreign firms establishing plants in India follow these rituals.

Youtube search "New Daimler AG plant in Oragadam in Chennai" and scroll to 3:24. That is how it is and that is how it will be.
I hope one day the kerala model gets
adopted by the whole of India.
Especially up north.
kerala runs on gulf worker ecönomy and tourism. So keep ur model to urself.

I never advocated following the economic model. What I'm asking you to emulate, is the level of maturity and tolerance displayed by individuals of conflicting faiths towards each other. There are several places all over the state where mosques , temples and churches are built side by side.

Interestingly, the state ranks highest in literacy and higher education. With knowledge comes understanding.
This shows how India is dangerous by backwardness and superstition attached to (military) science.
And a fatal blow to the Indians claiming their secularism.

Puhleeez..just see the video of recent Shaheen launch and you can hear the "Allaho Akbar" at the time of liftoff.

So spare us your BS and let us sort our issue amongst us.
Secondly by eliminating the rituals which did no one any harm nothing was improved was improved quality wise or efficiency wise.

For you they may be village superstition but not for others. Things like Bhumi Puja etc are an integral part of our culture and will remain as such.

Bhumi Pujan is a wonderful ritual. It teaches us to treat our soil, land like our mother and not use it for doing wrongful/dirty stuff. For example, Americans used sea, land for testing 1000 nuclear bombs. They never regretted for destroying/radiating soil, sea marine-life. If they had done Bhumi pujan ritual, they would have earned/grasped/grown little respect, love for mother earth and not do such crazy thing of 1000 nuke tests. Its a shame now americans need to learn this from us brownie Indians. Now I can see some apologists appearing here and apologizing to americans on my behalf for being rude to them. ;)

I think we Indians don't appreciate much the goodness of our heritage, traditions, rituals and the implicit goodness it teaches us, while blindly trying to ape white men who had no such past and obviously are jealous, and try to show Asians down due to our cultural superiority. The Chinese already know this aspect and that's why they don't give a sh1t to what west says. Its only Indians who keep bullsh1tting about what west thinks. :lol:
I did not want to say it -- but if the same practise had been reciting a verse from Quran or a prayer to Jesus such people would shut their mouths and not utter a word. It is because these rituals are rooted in the native faiths that this amount of contempt and scorn originates.

But then such people are few and far in between and even foreign firms establishing plants in India follow these rituals.

Youtube search "New Daimler AG plant in Oragadam in Chennai" and scroll to 3:24. That is how it is and that is how it will be.

That is pseudo-secularism, which is despicable. Foreign firms have to be told firmly,by their Indian employees, not to do these silly things. Just shrugging one's shoulders and taking the path of least resistance is not a solution.
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