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Featured Indian Defence Minister admits that China is stopping Indian troops patrolling some areas of LAC

Indian's official claim is up to Johnson line.

But Modi has diluted and given up India's claim not only up to Johnson line but on LAC too.

The recent 5 point agreement reached between India and China is missing two important words "Status quo ante" and "LAC".

Modi is god send gift to both China and Pakistan.

"Neither is anyone inside our territory nor is any of our post captured" - Indian PM Narender Modi (aka Surrender Modi)




Full text: India, China joint statement on LAC face-off after Jaishankar-Wang meet
Sep 11, 2020, 07:07 IST


NEW DELHI: External affairs minister S Jaishankar and his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi held crucial talks in Moscow on Thursday to resolve the prolonged border standoff in eastern Ladakh in the midst of a massive spike in tensions with the armies of the two countries further fortifying their positions in the region.
The meeting lasted for about two-and-a-half hours.

Here is the full text of joint press statement issued after the meeting:
H.E. Dr. S. Jaishankar, External Affairs Minister of India met H.E. Wang Yi, State Councillor and Foreign Minister of China on 10th September in Moscow on the side-lines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) meeting. Both Ministers had a frank and constructive discussion on the developments in the India-China border areas as well as on India-China relations and agreed as follows:
1. The two Ministers agreed that both sides should take guidance from the series of consensus of the leaders on developing India-China relations, including not allowing differences to become disputes.
2. The two Foreign Ministers agreed that the current situation in the border areas is not in the interest of either side. They agreed therefore that the border troops of both sides should continue their dialogue, quickly disengage, maintain proper distance and ease tensions.
3. The two Ministers agreed that both sides shall abide by all the existing agreements and protocol on China-India boundary affairs, maintain peace and tranquillity in the border areas and avoid any action that could escalate matters.
4. The two sides also agreed to continue to have dialogue and communication through the Special Representative mechanism on the India-China boundary question. They also agreed in this context that the Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on India-China border affairs (WMCC), should also continue its meetings.
5. The Ministers agreed that as the situation eases, the two sides should expedite work to conclude new Confidence Building Measures to maintain and enhance peace and tranquillity in the border areas.
September 10, 2020


Full text: India, China joint statement on LAC face-off after Jaishankar-Wang meet | India News - Times of India
India News: NEW DELHI: External affairs minister S Jaishankar and his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi held crucial talks in Moscow on Thursday to resolve the prolonge.
PLA can take DBO airfield whenever they feel like, I think this time they should clear the IA in the Sub sector North.

In 1962, Indian army did not even bother to fight and defend DBO. When PLA arrived in DBO, Indian army was long gone.

This time won't be any different.
Its very strange i heard that as well, the whole Depsang plain would have been Chinese territory.

In 1962 PLA was in full control of all of Depsang plains and most of Indian North East deep into the plains of Assam.

It was Mao's magnanimity that he gave up the Chinese PLA gains for peace with India.

This time Xi is committed to teach India a hard lesson that they would not forget.
This time Xi is committed to teach India a hard lesson that they would not forget.
So far the good think that has come out of this standoff is the COWARDICE of Modi. He has been totally exposed, he is completely mum all the deployment along the LAC are just political gimmickry. He knows very well he cannot fight China alone and Pakistan will not spare him when the opportunity arises.
So far the good think that has come out of this standoff is the COWARDICE of Modi. He has been totally exposed, he is completely mum all the deployment along the LAC are just political gimmickry. He knows very well he cannot fight China alone and Pakistan will not spare him when the opportunity arises.

Modi was literally begging China for talks.

First he sent Rajnath to meet and get an agreement with the Chinese.

When that failed, he sent Jaishankar.

Jaishakar was able to get a joint statement as a face saver for Modi but the agreement was missing the key like words like Status Quo Ante and LAC indicating how pathetic state Indians are in.

China is fully dictating the terms to the Indians.
What can poor Rajnath do when his boss Modi says

"Neither is anyone inside our territory nor is any of our post captured" - Indian PM Narender Modi (aka Surrender Modi)

PLA can take DBO airfield whenever they feel like, I think this time they should clear the IA in the Sub sector North.

Fake news already busted.
India has not lost any ground in Depsamg this time and the ground situation is same since past 10 to 15 years
Clearing the air on the situation in the Depsang Plains in Ladakh, where China has been blocking India’s access to four traditional patrolling points since April this year, a top security officer has told The Indian Express that while there has been no loss of ground this time around, Indian troops have not had access to a large chunk of territory on their side of the Line of Actual Control for “more than 10 to 15 years” now.
There are at least 10 patrolling points along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh that have been blocked by Chinese troops, a senior government official told The Hindu.

Good Points !!! There are Many Patrolling Points from the Pillar Posts.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh informed the Rajya Sabha on Thursday that face-offs with the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) happened because “patrols were interrupted.” There was no commonly delineated LAC and there was an overlap in LAC’s perception in many areas, he noted.

Additional Chinese Troops explains everything !!! Seems Chinese Command is sensing failures there !!! Any Chinese Causalities and Loss of Chinese Equipment !!!

https://www.thehindu.com/news/natio...fter-jaishankar-wang-meet/article32594270.ece [/QUOTE]

Status Quo term Explains everything !!! Hindustan Zindabad !!! Liberation Mode since Day 1 .

The patrolling points (PPs) are the end points along the undefined LAC, up to which the Indian troops patrol after starting from their respective base camps..

Patrolling Points Divisions just have the Military Order from Headquarters !!! Welcome to Indian Armed Forces !!!

Since April, Indian troops have been denied access to PPs number 9, 10, 11, 12, 12A, 13, 14, 15, 17, 17A.

Pillar Post Enforcement Talks !!! Classified Info !!!

The blocked PPs span from the Depsang plains in the north to Pangong Tso (lake) in the south.

Air Patrolling is still carried out by the Indian Troopers !!!

In all, there are more than 65 PPs from the base of Karakoram to Chumar.

65 + Pillar Posts Points x Lakhs of Indian Army Units !!!

https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/chinas-lac-aggression-indias-obfuscation/article32546823.ece [/QUOTE]

Thats why long History is there about Invaders !!! Shadow of the Chin / Aksai Chin !!!

“Since the LAC is undefined, the PPs are the best way to assert territorial claims. With that access blocked by the Chinese and as per the disengagement plans in the past few months when buffer zones were created, many areas have become out of bound for the Indian troops as of now,” said the official.

Line of Control is measured i think from the Pillar Post Point !!! Territorial Claims are made by Invaders but not the Liberators !!!

Untenable demands

Demands are done in front of Mard Only !!!

Another official said that in the past, Chinese commanders had made untenable demands that India vacate an administrative post in Pangong and some heights near the Kurang nala.

Well the Chinese are having different Culture !!! Invasions have always increased suffering for the Chinese !!! Seems Chinese Troopers will see Chairman Mao Era !!! Seems 10 Million for sure this time including the European Overseas Fronts.

https://www.thehindu.com/news/natio...-on-nathu-la-border-trade/article32588696.ece [/QUOTE]

1975 for sure Eye Opener for Chinese Military Veterans !!!

As per the disengagement plan agreed between the Corps Commanders of India and China on June 30, the two sides agreed to pull back from all the friction points and decided that “depth areas” such as the Depsang plains in the north, where China has amassed troops, will be looked into.

Seems Some Additional Chinese Military Reinforcement is here only !!! Chinese Artillery Guns !!! Upgraded Radars Mobile Ones !!!

Depsang plains 1.jpg
Depsang plains 1.jpg

Depsang plains pp.jpg

However, so far the Chinese transgression at Depsang has not been discussed and in none of the government statements it finds a mention.

Sarkar e Hindustan is aware about all this !!!

I hope the Chinese Commanders are already aware about the Moral of Chinese Troopers far from the Mainland in An Alien Terrain !!! Shri Kaali Gufa / Black Top !!!

https://www.thehindu.com/news/natio...ious-military-provocation/article32547538.ece [/QUOTE]

Chinese Commanders since the One Day are Aware of Indian Military Mood !!! Ancient Hindu Lands !!! Chinese Lifes are at Stake !!! No Salvation for the Chinese People !!!

As reported by The Hindu, about 1,000 sq. km. of surface area in Ladakh along the LAC is said to be under Chinese control, with Indian troops denied access to patrolling since early this year, the major part- 972 sq. km. lies in Depsang. Patrolling points 10-13, which have been obstructed, fall in Depsang.

Union of India Territory - Ladakh retaining lands are much more than 1000 Sq.Km in Depsang !!!

Deepam by Sang !!! Allah Ho Akbar !!! Mongoli Sang ka Deepam on Ancient Hindu Territories !!! Maurya Samraj !!!


The entire stretch along the LAC has witnessed “worrisome hardening of Chinese positions” since April-May, with China occupying a considerable area from Finger 4 to 8 near Pangong Tso.

Terrain is becoming more and more hostile for the Chinese Military !!!

Pangong Tso.jpg

The distance between Finger 4-8, the mountainous spurs abutting the lake, is around 8 km. This was till now patrolled both by India and China as India’s perception of LAC ends at Finger 8.

This is Classified Info about the 8 Kms from Mountain Alka till the Last Mountain !!!

Joint Patrol Schemes are failure since Day One !!! No Third Party is allowed !!! Third Party Not Allowed and Never Be Welcomed !!!

Chinese Military is having hard time because holding the invaded Hindu Territories far from the Mainland China will be completely impossible !!! Chinese Supply Routes are having problems because of Landslides and on that even Mountains Tops time to time Crumble there !!!

“The areas currently blocked by the Chinese have always been patrolled by the Indian troops. In all the meetings so far, we have demanded the restoration of status quo ante before April,” said the second official.

Chinese Artillery Shells are not so much big problem !!! Indian Troopers are keeping the Surprise Element for the Chinese Troopers !!! Welcome to Hindustan !!!

Jaishankar, Wang meeting

Very Secret Meeting !!! Delegation have been led by Indian Armed Forces Ranking Officers !!!

After the foreign ministers of both countries – S. Jaishankar and Wang Yi, met in Moscow on September 10 and agreed on a five-point solution to ease the border tension, there has been no clarity on when the Corps Commanders will meet.

Maskava Meeting on 10th September 2020 have seen like always Demands from the Chinese Military !!! From Space Sector till Global Situation !!! Chinese can live in Peace just have to leave the Pagans the Yew - Tree of Death !!!

Since June, the Corps Commanders have met on five occasions- the latest one took place on August 2. The north and south banks of Pangong have witnessed firing in the air on multiple occasions since August 30, a first of its kind escalation since 1975.

Indian Naval Patrol Boats have Intercepted the Chinese Naval Patrol Boats but that is going on every year since 1975 !!!

On June 15, 20 Indian soldiers were killed in violent clashes with the Chinese.

103 Chinese Military Causalities including Galwan Sub-Sector. Particular Sub-Section Detailed Reports are there !!!


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Better for India & China to define proper boundaries. Without proper demarcation situation will always remain tense and volatile. Time to exchange map..

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