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Indian Defence Intelligentsia Living With the Reality of Defeat

A crippled 7x times rival is no good, as China will already annex a big chunk of your territory so thatis notion is also useless.
Forget what China would get, think of Pakistan first unless u don't value Pakistan much and think its only purpose is to harm India at any cost.
Forget what China would get, think of Pakistan first unless u don't value Pakistan much and think its only purpose is to harm India at any cost.

How come a 7x smaller neighbour can decide if it wants to have any hostility with India? It is the other way around and always has been. We want to live in peace.
Why don't the bendians send in there top RAW agent Sunny Leone.
She'll scre* the whole Taliban in one go.
The Indian saga of WHINING is continuing unabated since last year. Presently all levels of Indian intelligentsia are singing the songs of defeat in a chorus. Below are some tweets that may be entertaining and somewhat amusing.
Pravin swahney talks reasonably.
Subramanyam will eat dust. He is long suffering from Some sort of indian hubris ....which does not at all suit india.
Don't worry no one takes Indian "experts" opinions any seriously.

Our military brains devise their own tactics and despite a shoe-string budget has successfully defeated two super powers without firing a single bullet and never boasted about anything.

Pakistanis are really fond of Pravin shahney.
I hope they don't start underestimating India which seven time bigger after reading and watching Pravin shahney. He is RAW's perfect ploy.
Pakistanis are really fond of Pravin shahney.
I hope they don't start underestimating India which seven time bigger after reading and watching Pravin shahney. He is RAW's perfect ploy.
not just him. We are also very very fond of MODi G , Sunny Leone, Abhinandan and Kalbhoshan.
Who knows but this is interesting right look what the spokesman liked deserves a special thread

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accidental like, happens all the time over the phone. he wouldn't purposely like a tweet from someone who is calling the Taliban take over a black day in afghan history and calling Taliban a lashkar-e-abujahal...
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