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Indian defence forces to stock weapons, ammo for 15-day intense war

On the 16th day the Indians will be shooting blanks and eating grass. Will they have fuel left to retreat?

They not be retreating.

Indians will be flying


And we get to see lots and lots of flying Indians to enjoy with our popcorn and chips and dips and 6 packs or Wulung tea





I think this has to do with their audit earlier which pointed our war reserves for 10 days only.
I find Indians very funny. Clowns of Asia. :lol::lol::lol:
India can import ammunition from China.

The United States is the country that buys the most Chinese bullets every year, and bad relations do not hinder business.
Just enriching the decepticon military industrial complex war mongering parasites that can only sell to the gov't.
The Chinese PLA, had finally enough of these lying trouble making macho Indians and took aggressive action on them. released there pics to prove of Chinese success with Indian POWS and newly acquired thousands sq kilometres. world looked on with horror at pathetic Indian state collapsed under the PLA. few months on from there disaster Indian macho key warriors are it again with there fake stories on themselves continues lol. The Germans in ww2 in 6 weeks conquered Poland , France , Czechoslovakia and other states as well. and the difference is here with India took 6 months has successfully celebrating it has 15 day stock lol ignoring its real loss hahah india

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