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Indian 'damage control' on LBA

you barely know anything..you're mixing the "Teen Bigha Pact" with Swapping Enclaves..swapping enclaves didn't take place while BD really gave us few lands for corridor,against which,we leased them teen Bigha corridor..the problem existed since the division of country..and I told you,its not intentional..if any govt couldn't pass this reform bill,the swapping can't take place..by the way,why you guys are crying so much??both sides are suffering due to this(your people as well as mine)..so why you're implementing that its completely intentional to do harm BD???

Here is the reality of Indian deciept. The negotiations were also to include final demarcation of the border...

According to the Indira Gandhi-Sheikh Mujibur Rahman treaty of 16 MAY ,1974, India and Bangladesh were to hand over the sovereignty of the Tin Bigha Corridor (178 x 85 sq m) and South Berubari (7.39 km2) to each other, thereby allowing access to the Dahagram–Angarpota enclaves and the Indian enclaves adjacent to South Berubari. Bangladesh did hand over the sovereignty of the smaller South Berubari to India instantly in 1974. India, however, refused to transfer the Tin Bigha Corridor to Bangladesh.[2][3]
After much Bangladesh government protest, India, instead of handing over sovereignty in 2011, proposed to lease the Tin Bigha Corridor to Bangladesh for a certain time. South Berubari, meanwhile, would remain in the possession of India.

Get the facts right.
I wish if we could take a bold step to award citizenship to to the enclaves dweller inside Bangladesh officially. Then we would not have to care for the consent of Mamata didi or BJP
There never was any intention to sign either the LBA or the water sharing agreement. When the BJP coalition gets into power as most indications show, it's as good as dead.

At least they say they won't agree to it, and we can put to rest any notion of a friendly neighbour and concentrate on build our economy, with the help of true friends.

India wouldnt get a "friendly" treatment when your current opposition is in power. vice versa is BD's case with India. Maybe you should both concentrate on getting away from being friendly with one party and being friendly with whoever comes to power. That would help.
India wouldnt get a "friendly" treatment when your current opposition is in power. vice versa is BD's case with India. Maybe you should both concentrate on getting away from being friendly with one party and being friendly with whoever comes to power. That would help.

We tried that, didn't work. Generally india was looked at very favourably post independence, (even I had an open mind early on as members of my family were killed by the pakistanis and my uncle was a AL MP) the generation that led our country to independence felt indebted to India and turn a blind eye to anything negative they do or try to spin a positive propaganda, anything to keep indians happy, even if it goes against the interests of our nation.

How ever being friendly to India got us nowhere, as they have shown they cannot be trusted and only take advantage of any gestures that we show. Over the years any good feelings the population may have had is fast evaporating, especially among the new generation, replaced with distrust and loathing.

Bangladesh needs to look elsewhere, we need to concentrate on ASEAN nations, the Far East and China. India-Bangladesh relations is a dead end period.
Current status: due to lack of water, Paturia ferry service is stuck for 2 days in this rainy season. fk india enough is enough, they are killing us by water :pissed:enemy under friend's mask. it is time to officially announce india as enemy and shake hand with china and pakistan.
What the hell you on about, look through your own countries threads....Bangladesh has been hunting, capturing and handing over every militant they can find....has a single one we want been handed over....no. Your own military have stated that all so called support for militants have stopped, if there ever was any.

The transit deal was suppose to be linked to the water sharing and LBA, since you reneged on that how do you expect us to provide transit? Get your facts right before you yap on things you know nothing about.

1. BD's support to militants is real, and your own pdf members brag about it. And take the case of Anup Chetia, since when we were asking for him? I think he is still not handed over, (or may be very recently handed over but I didn't notice). Whatever has been done to control the militants was done recently.

2. LBA should be done as early as possible for the helpless people of both sides. But our regional politics is difficult to manage. Take the case of Tata Motors exit from WB due to lack of political consensus.

3. Initially I was of the opinion that we are at fault for the failure of water sharing treaty, but then this thread below made me think again, read the entire thread and let me know what logic you can offer in favor of the treaty, specially check Roybot's posts.


The BJP on Tuesday night appeared soft on the Land Boundary Agreement India has signed with Bangladesh.

Its spokesperson Tarun Vijay agreed that the agreement needed to be ratified in "India's national interest".

So far, the Congress-led UPA government has failed to carry the constitution amendment bill to ratify the agreement because besides the regional parties -- Trinamul Congress and Asom Gana Parishad -- the BJP was also opposing it .

Vijay agreed that the Awami League government had indeed addressed India's security concerns and Delhi should sign both the land boundary and the Teesta water-sharing agreements to send the 'right message to the people of Bangladesh'.

Last month, Varun Gandhi, BJP's General Secretary for West Bengal and Assam, had also supported the agreements in an article in the 'Times of India'.

But joining the NDTV talk show “Left, Right and Centre” , Vijay criticised the Congress for not "keeping the Opposition posted " on the agreements.

He also said the Centre should address the concerns of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.

Trinamul Congress MP Saugata Ray appeared to be pitching for BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia saying India should have no favourites in Dhaka and should be prepared to deal with whoever comes to power in Dhaka.

Congress minister Shashi Tharoor and former Indian High Commissioner to Dhaka Veena Sikri strongly pitched for a national consensus to carry through these agreements.

"We have a great friend in Dhaka, so it would be a disaster if we cannot keep our promises," said Tharoor.

Sikri said if India was to be taken seriously in the world, it must be able to ratify in Parliament an agreement it had signed with a foreign country.

'This merely formalises the situation on ground," she said, rubbishing opposition claims that Indian states like West Bengal and Assam would lose out.

Veteran journalist Subir Bhaumik supported Tharoor and Sikri and said India's future was linked to its security and connectivity in the East and the Awami League had effectively delivered on both.

India's East stood to benefit the most from a friendly Bangladesh and lose the most if that was not the case, he argued.

“I agree with Subir Bhaumik,” Vijay said chipping into the discussion.

The BJP spokesperson, however, at the beginning of the discussion insisted that national interest of India should be protected while implementing any agreement with the neighbouring country.

Completely isolated, Saugata Roy took shelter behind 'diplomatic niceties' saying Shashi Tharoor should not make statements that appeared to give the impression Delhi controlled Dhaka.

To which Tharoor retorted with his characteristic humour: "Will Mr Roy and his leader (Mamata Banerjee) also dictate my choice of friends? And does he think I lack the IQ to judge who is a friend and who is not?"

link:BJP goes soft on LBA - bdnews24.com

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