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Indian court: We dont want Taliban (sic) in country

Then how come this student is the only one to complain about the things?

Sikhs ALL OVER THE WORLD grow their beard.For them, its necessity. But, a Muslim CAN (and many times, DOES) shave the beard.

Slightly off topic, but this debate reminds me the thread about "Indian first or Muslim first". This is the situation you need to have preferences. And its better if you are 'Indian first'.

How is keeping a beard a neccessity for a Sikh? Will he die of blood loss or lack of oxygen if he shaves it? Your argument that some Muslims sometimes shave their beards so screw what their religion prescribes is totally imbecilic, I have many Sikh friends who don't wear the mantu and are clean shaven so should they also be barred from keeping them because many of them decide not to? Seriously man if you want to stand your ground and make cohesive arguments then start practicing something other than hitting the thanks button.
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How is keeping a beard a neccessity for a Sikh?

For baptized Sikhs it's must. They are not allowed to shave or trim thier hair. keyword: Baptized

Will he die of blood loss or lack of oxygen if he shaves it?

Die of guilt and shame, maybe, but oxygen?, never heard that before.

I have many Sikh friends who don't wear the mantu and are clean shaven so should they also be barred from keeping them because many of them decide not to? Seriously man if you want to stand your ground and make cohesive arguments then start practicing something other than hitting the thanks button.

What is mantu? Anyway, they are clean shave because they are not baptized.
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