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Indian copycat drone

Lol. Not at all. I have all the time in the world to laugh at you. Not as much to sympathise with your plight.

Thought that was clear, but sometimes I tend to over estimate pakistani education system. This makes it 8+?

Edit: I just figured it out. You don’t really know the meaning of “sympathise” do you 😂

8+ responses for a indians who claims he doesnt care... confused.

you must be a malu.
8+ responses for a indians who claims he doesnt care... confused.

you must be a malu.
I would try to attribute your inferiority complex to some pakistani province. But I think it’s a universal trait at this point.

But you’re right, this is starting to bore me now. Come up with something better than keeping track of my post count and I’ll be happy to bite.
9+ now?
I would try to attribute your inferiority complex to some pakistani province. But I think it’s a universal trait at this point.

But you’re right, this is starting to bore me now. Come up with something better than keeping track of my post count and I’ll be happy to bite.
9+ now?

so a confused indian..

Sorry but everybody copies. .Even you "copied" from other countries. I could say that you copied the belarus for the Akinci is a copy of Yabhon United 40 or your TAI Aksungur is a copy of IAI Eitan/Heron etc...

Yabhon United 40 is a piece of sht with so ugly and silly design and inferior technology
and 2 engined AKSUNGUR is superior to 1 engined HERON ... nothing to do with HERON design

Turkiye has far better UCAV technology than Israel and The Uae


and The UAE copied Turkish TB-2 UCAV
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Good human being becomes a bad human being the moment he enters the country illegally.if he wants to be a good human being he should come through proper channels.
I wasn't calling them good or bad human beings, I was calling YOU one. The fact that you can't even comprehend that says volumes about your self awareness.
Evil deeds are done by people who lack self awareness.
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