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Indian-controlled Kashmir is under virtual martial law



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Saturday May 12, 2007

Indian-controlled Kashmir is under virtual martial law

SRINAGAR, India (AP): The military runs Indian-controlled Kashmir as if it were under martial law, denying basic freedoms and repeatedly targeting civilians, according to a report by Indian human rights activists.

The report, issued Friday after a weeklong fact-finding mission to the Himalayan region, accuses the military of having a vice-like grip on the civilian population.

"The rural areas continue to be completely captive to the armed forces, and the people can do nothing which does not meet the approval of the army,'' said the report, signed by 11 prominent Indian rights activists.

"The army, which is supposed to merely aid the civil administration under the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, has completely supplanted the civil administration. The only name for this is martial law,'' said the report, authored by K. Balagopal of the Human Rights Forum, a group based in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.

The mission also included activists from the Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee, the People's Democratic Forum of Karnataka and the Center for the Study of Developing Societies.

The activists also accused the military of using civilians as human shields while trying to detain militants, arresting minors, and employing criminal gangs to help subjugate the population.

The military denied the charges, saying any civilian suffering was caused by militants operating within the civilian population.

"Civilians suffer because of the presence of militants in civilian clothes in the civil areas,'' said Lt. Col. A.K. Mathur, an army spokesman in Srinagar, the summer capital of India's Jammu-Kashmir state.

Jammu-Kashmir is India's only Muslim-majority state, and most of its people favor independence from mainly Hindu India, or a merger with predominantly Muslim Pakistan.

India has an estimated 700,000 soldiers in Kashmir, fighting nearly a dozen rebel groups since a separatist insurgency erupted in 1989. In many areas, the region has the feel of an occupied country, with soldiers in full combat gear patrolling streets and frisking civilians.

More than 68,000 people, most of them civilians, have been killed in the conflict.

The rebels have also been frequently accused of rights violations, particularly against civilians suspected of working with the army.

Jammu-Kashmir is India's only Muslim-majority state, and most of its people favor independence from mainly Hindu India, or a merger with predominantly Muslim Pakistan.

Quite surprised about the above note, not sure if its written in the official report by the Indian activist K. Balagopal. :what:
Hmm, I wonder what will the member's say when the person say something good about India.
i would take the HRW report over his, But I am sure there is good reason to believe with so much security personnel around, freedom is always in question. But lets not get hyperbole. Freedom in India is better than most of the neighbouring states.
Hmm, I wonder what will the member's say when the person say something good about India.
i would take the HRW report over his, But I am sure there is good reason to believe with so much security personnel around, freedom is always in question. But lets not get hyperbole. Freedom in India is better than most of the neighbouring states.

Freedom at gunpoint...hmmm isn't that the whole issue here?
The guys is talking about a 'virtual martial law' in Indian-controlled Kashmir, not the rest of India.
Well, we still have terrorist, let there be no more of them and everything will return back to pre-1989.
Quite surprised about the above note, not sure if its written in the official report by the Indian activist K. Balagopal. :what:

Not in the report,it is just speculated by the Malaysian reporter.
The HR activist would just look around the human rights aspect.

Also I doubt about the partiality of the writer also. 7 lakhs troops in the valley is what Pakistan has been saying and this has been repeated.
Most of the counter insurgency is handled by para military and police forces. Yes if some one wants to add spice,police,paramilitary and IA on the borders can be shown as 7 lakhs troops battling insurgents!
Well, we still have terrorist, let there be no more of them and everything will return back to pre-1989.
I wonder why the Indians have to police the civilians and not go after militant hideouts, then?

What you call terrorism is a state of war since the local populace is fighting either in support roles or joining up the ranks within the militant groups. Either you call it an uprising, a freedom movement or a civil war. But it's a state of war.

Dont you forget that accordance to the dictionary of extremist hindus in the government of India all free people of Kashmir are terrorists because they want freedom.


Dont you forget that accordance to the dictionary of extremist hindus in the government of India all free people of Kashmir are terrorists because they want freedom.


If that was the case,the so called "extremist hindu" government already was in power for 5 years.
What stopped them from killing everyone in Kashmir? After all they are extremist. They are not suppose to care about reactions.Right?
What stops them from killing everyone in Kashmir is the Pakistani Army.

If they were to go on a frenzy to kill and burn muslims like in Gujarat in Kashmir on a widescale, Pakistani Army and Kashmiri Mujahideens would stop it and Allah is on the side of the oppressed.
What stops them from killing everyone in Kashmir is the Pakistani Army.

If they were to go on a frenzy to kill and burn muslims like in Gujarat in Kashmir on a widescale, Pakistani Army and Kashmiri Mujahideens would stop it and Allah is on the side of the oppressed.

Well i guess Pakistanis have been accsuing IA of mass slaughter for some time now. PA hasnt intervened till now, why?
What stops them from killing everyone in Kashmir is the Pakistani Army.

If they were to go on a frenzy to kill and burn muslims like in Gujarat in Kashmir on a widescale, Pakistani Army and Kashmiri Mujahideens would stop it and Allah is on the side of the oppressed.

Well as you say it happened in Gujarat,why didn't the PA come at that time?
Well as you say it happened in Gujarat,why didn't the PA come at that time?

Maybe u dont understand the difference between the two issues. One is recognised terrortory of Indina and other is not. So ur point is irrelvant and not worth discussing anyway....

They were busy 'hunting'

Ofcourse hunting..... Have u forgotten we can hunt without firing our guns... hahahahahahah

800 deaths no shot fired. Now that is amazing hunting skill we have dont we..

Martial law is what kashmir has been for last 50 years but it is also quite good testmony of the MUSLIMS of Kahmir and their will power for not laying themself down to Indian. Now how incompetent indian army is we all know that, they need fake encounters becoz they cant handle real thing... So itsn not a surprise at all.
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