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Indian concerned about Biden statement- Americans to pull out of Afghanistan till Sept 2021

Afghan Taliban already denied many times, they will not come for Kahmir or India, they will only defend Afghanistan.

Its only propaganda by India, and Laal Topa is also stupid and he is also speaking Indian Words.
Seems relistic, they have there own country to take control back ... then there war loads what ever the government will give tough time there
Afghan Taliban already denied many times, they will not come for Kahmir or India, they will only defend Afghanistan.

Its only propaganda by India, and Laal Topa is also stupid and he is also speaking Indian Words.
They will definitely come as few months ago a taliban leader said that.
India is concerned about a vacuum developing in Afghanistan following the proposed withdrawal of the United States and Nato forces from the country, the chief of the defence staff has said.

General Bipin Rawat told a security conference that the worry was “disruptors” would step into the space created by the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan. He declined to name the countries that could act as spoilers.

President Joe Biden said that US troops would be withdrawn from Afghanistan starting on May 1 to end America’s longest war, rejecting calls for them to stay to ensure a peaceful resolution to that nation’s grinding internal conflict.

“Our concern is that the vacuum that will be created by the withdrawal of the United States and Nato should not create space for disruptors,” Rawat said.

What the withdrawal of US/NATO military forces by September 2021, actually means for india, it is that "Uncle Sam" ain't gonna be around to save their (indian) lackeys @$$es from getting hammered by the Afghan Mujahideen. With American and NATO forces in Afghanistan, the indians had a free run in the country, to perpetrate acts of terrorism and sponsoring terrorist groups to carry out attacks in Pakistan.

I would hope that once the Western p!get troops evacuate from Afghanistan, that the Afghan Mujahideen and Pakistan unleash the bloodhounds on the indians in Afghanistan and ISIS in Afghanistan. Take no prisoners, wipe them out from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. Let there be ZERO indians and ISIS remaining in the region.
India is concerned about a vacuum developing in Afghanistan following the proposed withdrawal of the United States and Nato forces from the country, the chief of the defence staff has said.

General Bipin Rawat told a security conference that the worry was “disruptors” would step into the space created by the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan. He declined to name the countries that could act as spoilers.

President Joe Biden said that US troops would be withdrawn from Afghanistan starting on May 1 to end America’s longest war, rejecting calls for them to stay to ensure a peaceful resolution to that nation’s grinding internal conflict.

“Our concern is that the vacuum that will be created by the withdrawal of the United States and Nato should not create space for disruptors,” Rawat said.

Gen. Bipin is more than welcome to step up and fill that vacuum.
Another one .... by indians 😀😃
If Biden ignores Afghanistan-Pakistan, ISI will get a long rope. India must play bigger role

PTM are pashtuns .

PTM/ANP are communists or hardcore leftwing buffoons with minimal ground support with the vast majority of Pashtuns. Religion plays a huge role in KPK and eastern Afghanistan and the religious segment of society loathes the godless heathens that destroyed Kabul and butchered countless innocents.

Only diaspora Afghans and Indian stooges revere PTM, Najib, Ghani. The ground reality is starkly different as witnessed by the Taliban's victories
Gen. Bipin is more than welcome to step up and fill that vacuum.

Would love to see RR/CPRF in action. They'd think Kashmir was the French Rivera
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