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Indian Civilization, its contribution to Modern day Science and Philosopy

e.g. Mughals, ! Ring any bells?

Pakistanis aren't Mughals. Before that you people where Hindu and Buddhist before they came, raped you, massacred you and then with the remaining forced them to convert. You where slaves to the Mughals unlike Sikhs, Rajputs and Marathas.
If you think no-one is being able to decipher IVC language, then how come you so strongly claim to be related to them.......Madrassa brainwashing??
You don't even have any apparent relationship in religion, culture, language etc.....
You just claim you're genetically related just because you happen to stay in the same place.....Madrassa logic...:lol:...your ancestors could have been total strangers to the land, who came AFTER IVC or INVADERS who destroyed IVC....

Whereas, as research is progressing, more and more commonality between the Vedic Hindu culture and IVC is coming out....

Swastika Seals from the Indus Valley Civilization....Hindu symbol still used...

Shiva Pashupati.....meditation posture....trademark of Hinduism...

Source: Indus Valley Civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Swastika is not a Hindu symbol, though Hindus also use it as one. Swastika emblems have been discovered all over the world and different religions and peoples have used it since thousands of years for different reasons. A 7000 year old Swastika was discovered even in Bulgaria.


Balkan Travellers - Archaeologists Unearth 7,000-Year-Old Swastika in North-western Bulgaria

Copying something from a much earlier civilization and then calling it Hindu or Indian is a rather inappropriate claim. No one knows what the IVC people used the so-called Pashupati seal for - they may have used it as a seal of authentication for selling animals.
They we muslims and We muslims ruled India :pakistan:
Il post this again:
Pakistanis aren't Mughals. Before that you people where Hindu and Buddhist before they came, raped you, massacred you and then with the remaining forced them to convert. You where slaves to the Mughals unlike Sikhs, Rajputs and Marathas.
You are not arab or mughal but a converted muslim
Every single Muslim has an ancestor that converted. Islam itself is a Complete way of Life.. It isn't just for Arabs, it is for all the humankind
Every single Muslim has an ancestor that converted. Islam itself is a Complete way of Life.. It isn't just for Arabs, it is for all the humankind

Mughals were Uzbeks, that's what I heard from Uzbeks whom I talked too.

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