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Indian cinema owners refuse to screen films with Pakistani actors

Ban ....... Every 1 ...... IPL banned cricketers ....Pakistani actors are banned ....maybe singers ....straight ..........what else ban is expected .........over what issue ...???
Modi jee will be very proud of Cinema association :)

Maybe. Maybe not. How is it relevant? They did not ask him before they did what they did. They did not seek his approval after their questionable but fearfilled decision.

I was listening to comments make by some Journalist and Senior analyst on Media about why we should be banning Pakistani Actors , India and Indian public believes that whatever is happening is completely fault of Pakistan

Unfortunately, that is true. At the moment, there is absolutely no doubt what happened. One of the terrorist groupings attacked an Army camp, and in the ensuing affray, 18 (or 19) soldiers were killed, most in a fire spreading from a burning fuel dump that caught their tents. This terrorist group crossed the border and then vanished, and only when they attacked the camp did it become clear where they had got to.

but they yet to open their lips on the Ongoing Slaughter of Kashmiri people by the Indian Forces since last 80+ days .. does your Media never show to your general Public that thousands and thousands of People are on streets protesting against the Indian Occupation ? how come those very Nationalist Indians think that what you are doing in Kashmir can come back to Bite you ? like Pakistan is paying a heavy price for what we did in Afghanistan ..

Again, and again an unfortunate occurrence, this is a one-sided view, though not inaccurate. Please pay careful attention, because I will not say this for a general audience and am saying this only to you:
  1. This has indeed become a spontaneous movement but one restricted to the pre-teens and teens, and to certain committed actors, members of the Tehreek, and members of ancillary industries dependent on the Tehreek or on the general overwhelmingly abnormal security-heavy environment. Ancillary industries dependent on excessive security are typically contractors who get business supplying Army and police camps with their daily needs. If the numbers of these decline, these people stand to lose heavily. Another is the local Srinagar media. They are far more sick and warped than the mainstream Indian media, because they are financially dependent on the Tehreek and simultaneously under the threat of the gun. All said and done, the agitation is in the thousands, but paradoxically, does not represent a majority. It represents an aroused and committed minority. It is very frightening that the young people have actually opposed parental restraint and opposition and, taking advantage of the timidity of their schools and their colleges, have taken to the street.
  2. A majority of the people in towns and the villages outside Srinagar are sick and tired of the Tehreek's hartal calendar. They do not have the courage to oppose it publicly, because their chances of getting shot by LeT killers is high. I will give you references on PM if you wish to check what I am saying. I will not put these leads and sources of collecting direct evidence onto the PDF public record, because I have no faith in the teenaged and below-30 idiots who have joined PDF lately; they will head straight over and bully the people who are already vulnerable. One or two Pakistanis who are members there have already resorted to these pressure tactics.
  3. A substantial segment of women feel intimidated and threatened by the Azaadi supporters. They too are helpless; in the past, Aasiya Andrabi's followers had attacked them with acid, with beatings and with bullets. Nobody wants to die for their ideals and hopes. Again, tomorrow, I will ask one of them to assume a false persona, and to put out the story of the oppressed Kashmiri women.
  4. The movement is still sought to be guided by the Tehreek, but in actuality, it has gone out of the Tehreek's control or the LeT's control. The people involved are known persons, and in the recent drives, these peoplThese kids are acting autonomously, and without logic or reason. When they get to maturity, these are the same kids that make a beeline for the Indian Army, the Indian central police forces or the J&K Police. It was Burhan Wani's father who said that his son wanted to join the Indian Army, before he turned radical, and loved dressing up in Camouflage. Joining the HeM was an unexpected step, and it was due to the provocation caused by what happened to his brother. The Tehreek's role currently is to run desperately along the running train hoping to swing on board at a convenient time and place. It pays standard fees to the young people to go and throw a stone.
  5. Most, if not all of the injuries, were caused by use of shotguns firing pellets. This was supposed to be an alternative to live ammunition; for a long time, the critics of security forces methods in riot control and crowd control had demanded pellet guns as a non-lethal option. Nobody had thought of the effect of firing pellets at close quarters into an onrushing mob.
  6. Most of the injuries were caused by stone-pelting mobs charging very small groups of security men, typically the J&K Police, the CRP, and rarely, the BSF. Conditions in which these trapped groups opened fire were life-threatening, for the security men, not the mob. Please check the casualty figures; the casualties to the security forces in numbers is very very high. An offensive force suppressing the population does not suffer injury, but inflicts no injuries either; it kills. What you see is the impact of a defensive posture against thousands.

now what Indians actually wants from those Pakistani Actors ? condemn the Terrorist Attack ? they do actually , but if Indians want them to take the name of Army or Establishment and say " Pakistan Army must stop Terrorism " inside india than how can this happen ? when you Indian got no concrete Evidence? What about taking the Rational Path here ?

The political party which has inflicted this self-inflicted injury on us is the MNS, Bal Thackeray's nephew's party. Uddhav Thackeray has sought to retain a foothold in politics by exceeding his parent party, the Shiv Sena, in all its brainless violence and crudity.

I have already gone on record pointing out that this cannot happen.

Modi jee accept that we support the Mukhti Bahini and separate Bangladesh from Pakistan , which was our internal Matter and India poke it nose in it , now some Indians members might come here with Logic that they ask for our help , so if you cant see Kashmir Hoisti.ng Pakistani Flags and asking Pakistan to help than i can only say you are just blind ..

Modi knew nothing about what happened, and what he related was rubbish, the kind of rubbish that the BJP invented from a position outside all the happenings in 1971 in order to retain a facade of knowledgeability about governance and intimate connection to the administration's functioning.

Indian Actors , Journalist , Think tanks etc they are just focusing on pretending to be the ONLY victim of Terrorism , and they blame Pakistan for it , you got Kasab , we Got Kulbhoshan , you Mumbai we got so many Terrorist Attack trace back to Afghanistan and Indians Consulates there .. both countries are actively involved in proxies but majority of the Indian have been told and forced to believe in just one side of the Story and completely kept blind about the other ..

A mistake of the uninformed that I keep trying to correct is that R&W was functioning and well and that it was behind what happened in the last decade or so in Pakistan.

R&W's operations were terminated by an incredible demand of Inder Gujral many years ago. It had neither the mandate nor the budget to do anything anywhere, until Modi came to power. That was two years ago.

I have to sleep. I will complete this response after I wake up. If I wake up.

those Stars work for Money and its their job, Indian Star have been working with American industry from a long time when Indians have little relationship with American but they don't do this kind of Cheap tricks .. Indians Want to Banned Pakistani Actors or singers go ahead... It will do more damage to Indian Industry than Pakistani actors .. Plus it will give negative image of India and Indians in General around the world ..

If that is what Indians want their Beloved country to be than no one can or will stop them , but it won't be of any good to India or Indian Industry except for some RSS'ers who come out in the Streets and celebrate what they achieved .
@Joe Shearer what's your take ?

I agree completely with your last section.

More in the morning.
That's @PAKISTANFOREVER . He is a known sociopath on the loose, as far as Indians are concerned, and has a racist approach to social matters and international relations alike.

Do not get into an argument with him.

I have actually interacted with him on a previous forum (the language he has used repeatedly here all over the place gives him away). Sad that he is still the same, getting worse even.
Maybe. Maybe not. How is it relevant? They did not ask him before they did what they did. They did not seek his approval after their questionable but fearfilled decision.

Unfortunately, that is true. At the moment, there is absolutely no doubt what happened. One of the terrorist groupings attacked an Army camp, and in the ensuing affray, 18 (or 19) soldiers were killed, most in a fire spreading from a burning fuel dump that caught their tents. This terrorist group crossed the border and then vanished, and only when they attacked the camp did it become clear where they had got to.

Again, and again an unfortunate occurrence, this is a one-sided view, though not inaccurate. Please pay careful attention, because I will not say this for a general audience and am saying this only to you:
  1. This has indeed become a spontaneous movement but one restricted to the pre-teens and teens, and to certain committed actors, members of the Tehreek, and members of ancillary industries dependent on the Tehreek or on the general overwhelmingly abnormal security-heavy environment. Ancillary industries dependent on excessive security are typically contractors who get business supplying Army and police camps with their daily needs. If the numbers of these decline, these people stand to lose heavily. Another is the local Srinagar media. They are far more sick and warped than the mainstream Indian media, because they are financially dependent on the Tehreek and simultaneously under the threat of the gun. All said and done, the agitation is in the thousands, but paradoxically, does not represent a majority. It represents an aroused and committed minority. It is very frightening that the young people have actually opposed parental restraint and opposition and, taking advantage of the timidity of their schools and their colleges, have taken to the street.
  2. A majority of the people in towns and the villages outside Srinagar are sick and tired of the Tehreek's hartal calendar. They do not have the courage to oppose it publicly, because their chances of getting shot by LeT killers is high. I will give you references on PM if you wish to check what I am saying. I will not put these leads and sources of collecting direct evidence onto the PDF public record, because I have no faith in the teenaged and below-30 idiots who have joined PDF lately; they will head straight over and bully the people who are already vulnerable. One or two Pakistanis who are members there have already resorted to these pressure tactics.
  3. A substantial segment of women feel intimidated and threatened by the Azaadi supporters. They too are helpless; in the past, Aasiya Andrabi's followers had attacked them with acid, with beatings and with bullets. Nobody wants to die for their ideals and hopes. Again, tomorrow, I will ask one of them to assume a false persona, and to put out the story of the oppressed Kashmiri women.
  4. The movement is still sought to be guided by the Tehreek, but in actuality, it has gone out of the Tehreek's control or the LeT's control. The people involved are known persons, and in the recent drives, these peoplThese kids are acting autonomously, and without logic or reason. When they get to maturity, these are the same kids that make a beeline for the Indian Army, the Indian central police forces or the J&K Police. It was Burhan Wani's father who said that his son wanted to join the Indian Army, before he turned radical, and loved dressing up in Camouflage. Joining the HeM was an unexpected step, and it was due to the provocation caused by what happened to his brother. The Tehreek's role currently is to run desperately along the running train hoping to swing on board at a convenient time and place. It pays standard fees to the young people to go and throw a stone.
  5. Most, if not all of the injuries, were caused by use of shotguns firing pellets. This was supposed to be an alternative to live ammunition; for a long time, the critics of security forces methods in riot control and crowd control had demanded pellet guns as a non-lethal option. Nobody had thought of the effect of firing pellets at close quarters into an onrushing mob.
  6. Most of the injuries were caused by stone-pelting mobs charging very small groups of security men, typically the J&K Police, the CRP, and rarely, the BSF. Conditions in which these trapped groups opened fire were life-threatening, for the security men, not the mob. Please check the casualty figures; the casualties to the security forces in numbers is very very high. An offensive force suppressing the population does not suffer injury, but inflicts no injuries either; it kills. What you see is the impact of a defensive posture against thousands.

The political party which has inflicted this self-inflicted injury on us is the MNS, Bal Thackeray's nephew's party. Uddhav Thackeray has sought to retain a foothold in politics by exceeding his parent party, the Shiv Sena, in all its brainless violence and crudity.

I have already gone on record pointing out that this cannot happen.

Modi knew nothing about what happened, and what he related was rubbish, the kind of rubbish that the BJP invented from a position outside all the happenings in 1971 in order to retain a facade of knowledgeability about governance and intimate connection to the administration's functioning.

A mistake of the uninformed that I keep trying to correct is that R&W was functioning and well and that it was behind what happened in the last decade or so in Pakistan.

R&W's operations were terminated by an incredible demand of Inder Gujral many years ago. It had neither the mandate nor the budget to do anything anywhere, until Modi came to power. That was two years ago.

I have to sleep. I will complete this response after I wake up. If I wake up.

I agree completely with your last section.

More in the morning.
Well when you are wrong ...then you have to make story ....and then story after story .....Question is which one goes through .....Because r.a.w is much better then ISI which of the story our hidden ones in them .......made them click RIGHT 1 ..........
for us bharti music means bollywood, no one know your regional music industry neither they want to know, bcoz people here think you are inferior kind, and your culture is inferior to Punjab, KPK Sindh, Balochistan (dont want to hurt your sentiment but that is truth)

no one is interested in your regional music.. we were talking about bollywood, you would have not type this shit if you have few working brain cells.
This exposes how knowledgeable you are..you are just revealing your jahalat here..when indian music means just Bollywood music for you,you should have said the same in your earlier post..I am telling you again,india unlike pakistan ,is a very large and diverse country that you can't even imagine.
Name one music composer from pakiatan who became famous in world music community like a.r .rahman or ilayaraja (both are south indians whom you consider regional composers)
Sorry to say ,a third rate music composer in india is much versatile than a top composer in pakistan( to be honest there are no composers there who are good enough)
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Pakistani Actor in Law movie highest grossing movie of 2016 earned just about 2.2 million dollars!!!. Only 3 movies crossed even the 1 million dollar mark. Our regional movies do much better business than this.
Our population is 20 crore ofcourse your movies will earn more but does that mean our movies dont earn much to sustain our industry which in reality is just 10 years old yet managed to make film that even had an impact abroad and AiL is not the highest earning Pakistani film JPNA is it earmed about 4.5 million +$

What about nargis fakhri? Is she banned?
She is not treated as Pakistani but as a Czech citizen
This exposes how knowledgeable you are..you are just revealing your jahalat here..when indian music means just Bollywood music for you,you should have said the same in your earlier post..I am telling you again,india unlike pakistan ,is a very large and diverse country that you can't even imagine.
Name one music composer from pakiatan who became famous in world music community like a.r .rahman or ilayaraja (both are south indians whom you consider regional composers)
Sorry to say ,a third rate music composer in india is much versatile than a top composer in pakistan( to be honest there are no composers there who are good enough)

stinky bharti if you dont have enough brain cells to understand the context of our conversation you should not poke ur nose. Shove ur diversity and shitty music up ur arse, i am not interested,

now put this in your mind once and for all, for most Pakistanis Bharti music = bollywood music, no one know AR, Rehman untill he worked in slumdog..
Modi government has said they will not revoke Pakistani artist's visas.
Hence they are allowed to work legally.

Cinema hall association is just 1 step away from HC stay order, because 90% damage is done to Indian interests as far as the said film is concerned.

Emotionally charged people can not run the country.
Our population is 20 crore ofcourse your movies will earn more but does that mean our movies dont earn much to sustain our industry which in reality is just 10 years old yet managed to make film that even had an impact abroad and AiL is not the highest earning Pakistani film JPNA is it earmed about 4.5 million +$

I compared it to our regional movie industry which too cater to a smaller audience in the range of 7-8 crore. Pakistani film industry is not even 10 years old. Considering Pakistan never stopped making movies, was just making bad movies.
I have actually interacted with him on a previous forum (the language he has used repeatedly here all over the place gives him away). Sad that he is still the same, getting worse even.

I'm on a Pakistani forum defending, promoting and discussing Pakistani culture, race and geopolitical perspectives. Just as I'm sure you indians do on your forums. Why are you indians allowed to and we are not? Why the hypocrisy? If it's a problem than why don't you people leave PDF? You are more than welcome to and will not be missed
I compared it to our regional movie industry which too cater to a smaller audience in the range of 7-8 crore. Pakistani film industry is not even 10 years old. Considering Pakistan never stopped making movies, was just making bad movies.
The new Karachi based industry is totally different from the old one and your regional industries are popular because India has a cinema going culture our,s suffered during Zia,s censorship era but now it has been revived we are seeing a lot of Pakistani movies doing good business not only inside the country but also outside Pakistan

100 new multiplex cinemas are.in the pipeline by existing players alone you will see incomes and budgets increase from now on :)
The new Karachi based industry is totally different from the old one and your regional industries are popular because India has a cinema going culture our,s suffered during Zia,s censorship era but now it has been revived we are seeing a lot of Pakistani movies doing good business not only inside the country but also outside Pakistan

100 new multiplex cinemas are.in the pipeline by existing players alone you will see incomes and budgets increase from now on :)

Zia has been dead a good 28 years now. You cannot keep blaming him for your poor performance for ever.

When your current supply of movies cannot fulfil the need of the existing cinema halls, what are they going to feed 100 new multiplexes? This when you already admit Pakistan does not have a cinema going culture.
bohat aaala ho gy bhai log humara kia gya apna hi nuqsan kar rae hain.
karne do in ko kam az kam humare logoon ko paisa mil gya bus theek hai now enjoy the show.
asman py thookoo gy to moon py hi giry ga na :nhl_checking::whistle:
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