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Indian casualities in Siachen: 846 since 1984

Both India and Pakistan have lost soldiers in Siachin but India has upper hand, Pakistan should accept the status quo instead of pressing for something which they will never get from Indians. Pakistan already have poor infrastructure in these mountain areas.
Salute to the soldiers who died saving Indian territory.

More facilities should be provided to these Men and casualty rate must be made minimum possible.
^^^^It seems Allah has start to realize that who is the righteous side since early 2K. Other side is now like Gotham with no Batman to save them. LOL

Any way ..any loss of life is regrettable with exception of handful of scumbags.
Some excerpts from the link

"Forced to fight uphill, Pakistan is believed to have suffered the lion's share of battle casualties on the Saltoro. Indian troops, who hold higher positions with more difficult access, were estimated to have initially suffered more environment-related deaths, before better equipment, procedures and training brought casualties down to a trickle since the mid-1990s."

Well it is not uphill or down hill to fight. It needs balls, which pakistan lacks. Example kargil, pakistani soldier were uphil!
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