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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

It looks like strategic messaging event. Few thoughts:

1) Cruise missiles don't wear from its path just like that. So, technical glitch is out of question. No midway destruction by controllers indicates that.
2) There was no exercise happening in that area, even air force exercise was already cancelled & no NOTAM. Missile was without warhead, why?
3) Missile landed nowhere close to any military target, but near population centre. So it can be on social media instantly and Pakistani establishment can't deny this event.

So, there must be something serious going on behind the scene i.e. like possibility of Afghan war veteran's intrusion into Kashmir. So, Indian govt needs to convey message regarding repercussions. 24 hrs delayed & timid response from ISPR indicating the same i.e. message received properly.

Yea good luck rationalizing this. You don't send a 2+ million dollar missile to give a message. You send few shells across LOC. Most probably it was a failed launch which veered of course or it could some miscommunication .. we know that happened before :P
If it was shot down, people would have seen it in the air.. debris falling to the ground, that did not happen. And the debris would have been spread all over the area, not concentrated into a crater.
Yup... but they said 2 explosions...
This is why we need our stragetic depth.. Some people were to lowly intellectually to understand this and time to bring the AFG file as our most sacred and sign the defense treaty and reach interoperability with their forces in a highly cooperative manner..

Always tie your camel but we first must tie our camel and position ourselves perfectly ready for any eventuality which we could technically mobiliize for it as quickly as within a month
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DG ISPR conference not hitting the right check boxes.

Response should've been to take out the launchpad with extreme prejudice.
So AD would know that the approaching object was a missile?
Yes - but if you consider what I wrote regarding command structure and response times.Even in this case the Air Defense commander in charge needs to process his decision loop whether its an attack or something else is up.

So lets say from the point it suddenly turned and crossed into Pakistan;

180 seconds left to impact - the AD controllers relays it to superior - time taken to convey both verbally and visually: -45 seconds(and I am being generous)

135 seconds to impact - superior verifies track and contacts higher ups while identifying asset that will engage the target based on system recommendation(if there is nothing in the area or coverage is limited then they just wait): -100 seconds

35 seconds to impact - assuming a surface to air missile has been identified that can hit this. Both track and authorization are passed to the system which readies for engaged just as the missile starts descending .

As the track descends the solution gets less viable and the decision is made based on trajectory to let it go down.
So what if it could be equipped with nuclear warhead. Would that one missile have taken out our second strike capability ? Of course not. If your argument is to be taken at face value then every artillery shell fired from Pakistan should have a nuclear response from India and vice versa because we also have tactical nukes which can be delivered via Artillery. Pakistan should also have responded with a nukes when on 27th their planes entered Pakistani airspace because they could have also dropped nuclear gravity bombs. I mean what kind of non-sense argument are you giving. Take a step back analyze the situation & take couple of breaths and think a bit. The powers to be gave an appropriate response. This is not a street brawl where you get all emotional and call your friends to have a fist fight. It is one missile which caused no causality and probably malfunctioned so yes take a chill pill !!
There is nothing to chill about, we have fought wars with india they were testing our capabilities that is it. we were watching it for 3 minutes and did nothing this is not how you respond.
I know. I am negating what he said. It was air launched. =P
They avoided to use the word missile too so as to not make public panic and also to relief pressure to respond to the incident.

We need to control the escalation ladder but it seems we are really good at:

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