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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

Elections were long over. And what pie, if they are not even going to claim it?
It has been what two days and BJP continues to celebrate its victory. News channels are still in election mode with half of screen area covered in stats.
As for the pie thing, just look at their social media.Celebrations have already started and would continue to increase if there is no response. They know they cannot claim it officially so they would take the morale booster for their malnourished nation just fine.Modi has done some fine moves here.If Pakistan responds without Indians owning up to it, we would be the aggressors and would not have the moral high ground which we had in 2019.This time we would be de-stabilizing the region.Modi has kind of trapped us in our own words.
Dear Mentee

As far as we know - as per the press conference, no human life was lost. No casualties what so ever. So my stand has nothing to do whit the residents of Mian Channo. The damage of the properties must be paid in full and more by the Government of India.
Air defence caught with the pants down again. Shoot anything down on first sight if they violate international border. Fancy words of saying we don't have an air defence capability.
Yes but that would expose Pakistani capability to tests. We wait till they do more things and then answer

24 hours are more than enough to ascertain the intention or seeking an explanation.
They are obviously in talks, doesn't mean everything will be revealed to the public instantly.

Due to the chance that it may not be intentional, it is foolish and unprofessional to retaliate prematurely.

It was a random strike, that was not, and has not, been claimed yet, with zero follow up. It is unprofessional to retaliate with force when it has not been confirmed. It could be a genuine failure on their part.
2. Indians attempting a surgical strike with the Brahmos(idiotic considering what Pakistan had as a response the last time) but the missile malfunctioned. The crater suggest just a kinetic impact and explosion consistent with a 250-300kg warhead in that the entire missile was blown to smithereens.

3. Testing of Pakistani defenses - A brahmos was launched to see reaction and response time which ISPR in some ways demonstrated showing how well Pakistan can track any of these systems.
These two.. are EXTREMELY important points. At the same time, we've to keep in mind that after Balakot, anything is within the realm of possibility. What was unthinkable before, even when we prepared for it, is not so much any more. We're dealing with a gov that's willing to take risks.
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A couple of scenarios come to mind
1. Test fire that failed and the missile veered off course to crash where it did(however the deliberate flight path doesn’t validate this theory)

2. Indians attempting a surgical strike with the Brahmos(idiotic considering what Pakistan had as a response the last time) but the missile malfunctioned. The crater suggest just a kinetic impact and explosion consistent with a 250-300kg warhead in that the entire missile was blown to smithereens.

3. Testing of Pakistani defenses - A brahmos was launched to see reaction and response time which ISPR in some ways demonstrated showing how well Pakistan can track any of these systems.

Tell you this , their foreign office is having a panic attack as well. They were kept in the dark about this.

Do we have a rogue Indian commander? That would be a great story to run that Indian nuclear weapons and launch systems are no longer secure
Seems more likely to be point 1 or 2
They are obviously in talks, doesn't mean everything will be revealed to the public instantly.

Due to the chance that it may not be intentional, it is foolish and unprofessional to retaliate prematurely.

It was a random strike, that was not, and has not, been claimed yet, with zero follow up. It is unprofessional to retaliate with force when it has not been confirmed. It could be a genuine failure on their part.

And hence they must still pay full compensation for the damage....

Backchannels are not visible to PDF or the public but they are on fire

Make it HOT for the Indians
Indian Sub detected and Now this mis-missile attempt.....


It has been what two days and BJP continues to celebrate its victory. News channels are still in election mode with half of screen area covered in stats.
As for the pie thing, just look at their social media.Celebrations have already started and would continue to increase if there is no response. They know they cannot claim it officially so they would take the morale booster for their malnourished nation just fine.Modi has done some fine moves here.If Pakistan responds without Indians owning up to it, we would be the aggressors and would not have the moral high ground which we had in 2019.This time we would be de-stabilizing the region.Modi has kind of trapped us in our own words.
Their social media was claiming it to be a Pakistani jet, until 2 hours ago. This is not them eating a pie, if ISPR had stayed quiet, they'd have kept talking about it like it was one of ours.
This is fucking serious. What if it carries warheads? ISPR is nut exactly behave like an idiot same as 27 Feb.. ham esitmate lagayengay kya kitna damage huwa hey bc tum mistry ka kaam karna hey tu woh kise aur kay hawalay kardo fooj.... aglay nay estimate laga kar attack kya tha ya misile fire kya hey????
These two.. are EXTREMELY important points. At the same time, we've to keep in mind that after Balakot, anything is within the realm of possibility. What was unthinkable before, even when we prepared for it, is not so much any more. We're dealing with a gov that's willing to take risks.

Also, I completely agree with the point that the missile was armed, a 250kg warhead would do to the missile, what we're seeing at the end of it. There's barely anything left of the missile, it did not seem like a controlled / dummy warhead crash. This also explains the twin-explosions that eye witnesses have heard.
No, basically a manufacturing defect or as @dbc chided the Glonass satellites are being screwed around with these days.

Which brings up the question, what/who were they aiming for in those grids?
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