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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

BRAHMOS went stupid because someone is messing with GLONASS


Nope you are wrong here. Pakistan can and will respond at a time and place of their choosing - just wait for the surprise... 8-)

There's no guarantee that the next projectile won't land on yours or mine house and in case if that happens I'd like to see your choice of smiley,may be here on this forum or in the afterlife. Meanwhile the people responsible to retaliate wait for an explanation.
dg ispr said ground launched.

Also we need to look at Indian NOTAMs
So, no NOTAMs. Air Launched. And this does not seem like a test system. They generally issue NOTAMS for that. While Indians are pin-drop quiet about it. They are not taking credit for hitting us but are super quiet about the whole incident. It's not like Modi to ... take 'action' and not claim it. They'd be running pillar to post about it. So, yes, why? =)
this was a complete failure from indian side, height unprofessionalism. if they have to engage targets inside pakistan then why just 1 missile with no warhead. second, there is a failure of weapon which is already in service. its a big success for our defense forces that bramos can be tracked, rest shooting down a Mach 3 flying object is not a big deal. Indians always present Brahmos as a lethal weapon and have advantage over babur CM because of its speed . one big disadvantage is that in order to maintain a speed of Mach 3 it has to fly at height of 48k where air is thin and it is easily detectable while subsonic CMs usually fly at low altitude. now how much lethal NAVAL Brahmos is u can deduce from this incident.
this photo comparison is enough to prove that it was BhraMos Cruise missile launched against Pakistan....why India did it?
That picture is showing the booster stage of land version.
That should have separated at some point but didn’t ?
Pakistan must wait for a very limited time and then something should go kaboom near Sirsa. I believe technicalities like this when Indians don't clarify and own up to their shit would be engrained in our new quid pro quo plus strategy.

I cannot sanction your wishful thinking coz gauging response time is someone else's domain
That picture is showing the booster stage of land version.
That should have separated at some point but didn’t ?
this could be a reason of that object to fall off target
There's no guarantee that the next projectile won't land on yours or mine house and in case if that happens I'd like to see your choice of smiley,may be here on this forum or in the afterlife. Meanwhile the people responsible to retaliate wait for an explanation.

There will not be a next projectile for a foreseeable time.


Because right now there is a benefit of doubt that the firing / path of the missile could be a mistake.

One more missile and the benefit of doubt would be gone and that my friend will be an act of war...

This is what the Indians would NEVER do right now...
One thing is bugging me that DG ISPR said that Pakistan is waiting for an explanation from India. Come on are we that naïve.

If it was an accidental launch or an error India would have called first to make sure that we don't take is an aggression. But India didn't call us & offered no explanation, what does that tell you? Indian knew what happened but they kept quiet because they know Pakistan will not do anything.
Some of you seriously need to calm down and stop getting so hyper over everything.

In PEACETIME a single supersonic object from India entered Pak airspace, that AD was already monitoring, what do you guys expect? Fire off SAMs without any confirmation of what it is? Launch SAMs that may risk hitting civilian airliners? Nuke India even though its possibly a big blunder on their part and possibly not intentional?

PAF was monitoring the object, probably had CAP to intercept it on the way, and probably didn't see it (they know more than us) as some form of strike. So if they are so calm, why are you all so hyper?

Lets wait and see Indians response, let's embarass them to the world some more, and let's have a closer look at whatever crashed.

Remember what a wise man once said - YOU WILL NEVER SURPRISE US! So have some faith in your armed forces.
to quote Danish ali, "But why?"
Because Indians are Indians.
And the mind on an Indian is an enigma
Yesterday they were cheering, pak ki napak cheeni J-10 crashed
Today its, brave Indian army puts napak army in its place by crashing a malfunctioning missle..
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