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Indian border forces kill 60-year-old 'Pakistani' woman for 'trespassing'

Who told you she was warned before shooting her down? BSF?

They just shoot if anyone comes under their range.

Ironically the body was recovered from Indian side of the boarder ?? How come ??

And if you can trust whatever your ISPR and Military say, you will have to trust the official version of BSF, since the intruder was killed within Indian boarder. :-)
How would you know who is who?
I don't know what was the exact situation there but you do know that terrorists wear burkas to deceive and also use women and children as cannon fodders, don't you?

Vocal Calls, Thermal Signatures, Even send a single guy to inquire.
Yes I am aware that terrorists can use decoys. They have lost their humanity though, we haven't.

Contrary to what you're saying, I remember one incident where Pakistani FC personnel killed two or three burka clad women when they approached their check-post ignoring repeated warning or due to miscommunication........I don't have a link of that incident right now, if you insist, I can search for that.

That is the same incident that I was referring to.
There's that and also the fact that the BSF has never been put on the spot for these killings. They have a terrible record on the Bangladesh Border as well, no terrorists coming from there though.
I am not claiming they are angels. But working under heavy stress mess with their life. That may or may not be the case in Gurdaspur sector. She strayed into at night knowing it's an enemy territory known for hot exchanges between the forces.

As for the Bangladesh side, it is known for illegal immigrants crossing in to India which creates problems in states like Assam, West Bengal. Smuggling of cattle, counterfeit currency, drugs, human trafficking, you name it it's there.

And the question remains, why are they crossing the border? If they want to enter India for any reasons they can get a visa, India has no strict visa policy against Bangladesh compared to Pakistan.

Or may be they don't understand the gravity of the situation.
These buffoons are afraid of animals and birds coming from Pakistan, at least this poor lady was a human.
Really a shame, which they have none.
It was most likely a patrol.
Think so..so a patrol beyond the fence at 3 am in night and suddenly a face covered figure approach the patrol and didn't stopped even after warning...the first thing i would have considered if i was in that particular patrol was

Singke shot, aim for the lower leg and work done.
Vocal Calls, Thermal Signatures, Even send a single guy to inquire. Yes I am aware that terrorists can use decoys. They have lost their humanity though, we haven't.
As I said I don't know what was the situation then and there but when they're saying that they gave repeated warnings then I guess, vocal calls and other non-lethal methods were implemented first.
I'm not from a military background so I cannot tell whether a patrol party carries thermal goggles with them.
Regarding sending a single guy to inquire, even with my non-military background I think that's asking for too much in such a dangerous and volatile environment.
Singke shot, aim for the lower leg and work done.

Shooting at the legs would have been a more preferred approach but even then, I must stress that unless there was a risk that the fence was being breached, they could have notified the Rangers to check out the activity on their side.

even with my non-military background I think that's asking for too much in such a volatile environment.

These are risks that need to be taken. In any case, if I send out a guy, my entire troop have their rifles pointed and ready to fire in that direction. Even if it is an ambush, the enemy is likely to target the main force rather than the single soldier.
Shooting at the legs would have been a more preferred approach but even then, I must stress that unless there was a risk that the fence was being breached, they could have notified the Rangers to check out the activity on their side.

The OP didn't say where they shot the grandma..she was 60 year old,could have died of bleeding profusely too.
And to be honest i dont expect them to call the rangers for this, all of us are debating what could have been done because a grandma died, no one would have cared for smuggler.
BSF troopers did what they had to do in that particular situation.
These are risks that need to be taken. In any case, if I send out a guy, my entire troop have their rifles pointed and ready to fire in that direction. Even if it is an ambush, the enemy is likely to target the main force rather than the single soldier.
May be......and you can find many more loopholes, but I guess, in a tense situation everything doesn't happen according to the rulebook and I don't think, in case of an ambush, the enemy will target the main force leaving the single soldier alive to retaliate from behind, that's a bizarre argument......they'll neutralise the immediate threat first and depending upon the situation, either attack the main force or retreat.

Anyway, since I don't know what was the exact situation and 'am not from a military background, I cannot continue arguing about the technicalities of the situation....I was only trying to analyse it from a logical perspective.
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Hardly an explanation, just a bunch a simple questions! Kindly tell me - What kind of people wander at or try to cross enemy border in the thick of dark? What is your justification for her presence at 3 am on border?

Maybe she was not mentally fine and it is possible in such an old age or maybe she wandered out to Indian side most of villagers go very early to fields etc
But this murder by Indians can't be justified
They should have inquired first
Many Indians also wanders on Pakistani side but we hand them back instead of killing them at sight
dunno what to say.
cant blame the BSF for the caution (bordering on fear) for the step they took.
however they could have shot on legs or something.
what has happened was cruel, be it for the stupidity of the lady, or the current scenario between india pak relations
First and most of all my deepest condolences to the lady and her family.

I would want to know more about the protocols followed by the BSF in this case. Obviously something went wrong somewhere that an innocent person died.

But one cannot easily blame the BSF - or any force - for shooting an individual whose age or gender was presumably indeterminable at night, and who ignored repeated warnings approaching security forces on a very tense and hostile border.

And for our Pakistani friends, no we are not devils. These are highly stressed armed men men having to react within seconds. Certainly I hope that protocols are being reevaluated on our side.
Ina lilahe wa ina elehe rajion

SO they took revenge of their soldiers from a 60+ woman?
Stay classy
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