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Indian author Sushmita Banerjee shot dead in Afghanistan

Its sad to hear about this-

Contrary to popular believ Afghanisftan is not a safe place for the indians-
this could have happened in india as well.

Could have but in Afghanistan the kill ratio is say 3 out of 4, specially when she escaped from militants last time

this could have happened in india as well.

why to go there again and settle after marriage when you have escaped from terrorists clutches last time luckily. her attitude did her in
She couldn't be escape from taliban! RIP.
What an irony "Escape from Taliban" turned in to No escape from Taliban.

Sushmita Banerjee, the writer of popular book Escape from Taliban, was shot dead on Thursday by suspected terrorists in Afghanistan. This was confirmed by the local police.

Her book was a memoir on her experience in Afghanistan. The writer, who was married to an Afghan businessman, was killed in Paktika province. Her book became a best-seller in India and a film with the same title, casting Manisha Koirala in lead role, was released in 2003.

After her escape from Taliban in 1995, she had recently returned back to Afghanistan to live with her husband.

Indian author Sushmita Banerjee shot dead in Afghanistan - News Oneindia

Rest in Peace!
Why did she go there again after 'escaping' from them........height of drama...

RIP poor soul -

Probably she wanted to write a second book - Escape from Taliban "again" or Escape from Taliban "dobara"

Stupid of her to go there again.

Stupidity can kill people. You write a book 'Escape from Taliban' and then go to Afghanistan to live. How do you expect to 'Escape from Taliban' ?! May be she was planning for a sequel !

When one lies through teeth the one is expected to pay the price.

Her story is a BIG JOKE probably a BIG lie.

Seems she wanted to cash the lies
When one lies through teeth the one is expected to pay the price.

Her story is a BIG JOKE probably a BIG lie.

Seems she wanted to cash the lies

LIke stories and lies about angels tweeting the word of god?

This is the Taliban that Pakistan wants to bring in Afghanistan. The terrorists!
LIke stories and lies about angels tweeting the word of god?

This is the Taliban that Pakistan wants to bring in Afghanistan. The terrorists!
We can say the same about your religion but lets keep it aside this thread is NOT about religion.

This is about Indian lady who wrote a diary about her life in Afghanistan. I found her story of escape fake and a big lie just to earn money.

As far as Taliban are concerned they are people of Afghanistan and they have right to come to power through vote :) and oh another thing NATO/US/UN/World/Kabul all are desperate to bring them to table and include them for bringing peace.
We can say the same about your religion but lets keep it aside this thread is NOT about religion.

This is about Indian lady who wrote a diary about her life in Afghanistan. I found her story of escape fake and a big lie just to earn money.

As far as Taliban are concerned they are people of Afghanistan and they have right to come to power through vote :) and oh another thing NATO/US/UN/World/Kabul all are desperate to bring them to table and include them for bringing peace.

Taliban are terrorists period, table or no table.
You can assume what you want to be truth or lies and I will do the same. You believe one set of lies but wont believe another set of lies?
A lie costs 20 odd bullets and a string of hair? :undecided:

possible . also possible that her brothers-in-laws might dint like her lies about their conduct or truth about their conduct towards her.

But in all fairness please read her "story of escape" and you will find the lies

Taliban are terrorists period, table or no table.
You can assume what you want to be truth or lies and I will do the same. You believe one set of lies but wont believe another set of lies?

Same question to you?
possible . also possible that her brothers-in-laws might dint like her lies about their conduct or truth about their conduct towards her.

But in all fairness please read her "story of escape" and you will find the lies

Same question to you?

so you accept that both are lies?
thanks for accepting that all religion are lies.
When one lies through teeth the one is expected to pay the price.

Her story is a BIG JOKE probably a BIG lie.

Seems she wanted to cash the lies

The fact that she is killed confirms that her story was true.....
But her own foolishness led her to a situation in which she lost her own life and people are questioning her real life account....what a pity....
so you accept that both are lies?
thanks for accepting that all religion are lies.

you can keep your lies to yourself. Since it was you who called yours and as well as mine religion a lie whereas I dint call any.

And NO I don't call all religion lies.

I believe in my religion and also in all Ibrahamic Prophets .

Now if you have anything substantial to contribute on this thread? if not you can move on

The fact that she is killed confirms that her story was true.....
But her own foolishness led her to a situation in which she lost her own life and people are questioning her real life account....what a pity....

:) could be someone wants to draw attention to his rivals.

anyway her story has 101 loopholes.

Seems Bollywood stuff not real
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