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'Indian attempts to deny illegal occupation of Kashmir is a travesty of history'

Pakistanis can never talk of regional history. Do they have the balls to talk real history instead of the forced one? Real history is Muslims created the two-nation theory. When Pakistan was created out of India there were millions of Hindus who lived in Pakistan and millions of muslims on this side. Partition was hurried and Hindus were driven out without even giving time to vacate. A tit-for-tat reaction was shown on muslims here. This ended up in much bloodshed. Anyone who is sane will say attrocities of indian partition were spawned by insecure Pakistanis. They can't deny as it is very obvious that they wanted a nation to live without Hindus. If not for Pakistanis' hurry the partition would have been less violent and Kashmir issue would haven't existed today.
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