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Indian Army's Muslim headcount: 3%

This is where your wishful Secular Status is hurt at the basis. We are Declared Muslim State and by law key posts would be served by Muslims. No controversy about it. But India is a so called "Secular" State and Muslims are the second largest religious group in India. So why Muslims are just 3% instead of 13.4%?

Religious Composition Population (%)
Hindus 827,578,868 82.4%
Muslims 138,188,240 13.4%
Christians 24,080,016 2.3%
Sikhs 19,215,730 1.9%
Buddhists 7,955,207 0.8%
Jains 4,225,053 0.4%
Other Religions & Persuasions 6,639,626 0.6%
Religion not stated 727,588 0.1%
Total* 1,028,610,328 100.0%

I've seen Army recruitment, It's all about the person and his personal preference to join army(in patriotic service, as an employment, as no other option, as field of study etc.)
your accusation based on demographics remains a mere accusation

I Guess Secular status is hurt when army restricts itself to x % of people from a particular group.

Wiki shows "Sikhs make up 10–15% of all ranks in the Indian Army"

So i dont consider this issue threatening Secularistic nature of a country. Joining Army is purely one's personal choice.
"SO MUCH hullabaloo was made over the so-called census of Muslims in Indian Army. The figure was just 3 % that comes around 29,000 in the million-strong army, according to CNN IBN news channel's programme Minority Report.

If the number of Muslims serving in J& K infantry that has over 50% Muslims and those in other wings not directly dealing with warfare, the proportion is definitely too low. So out of a Muslim population of nearly 150 million (15 crore), barely 29,000 Muslims were found suitable for Army."

Reference: http://www.anindianmuslim.com

This is thanks to Pakistan....if our relations with you guys were good they would consist 30% of the force as normally minorities are well represented in mainstream jobs....

Moreover, not sure if the source is correct. Even if it is, it doesnt cover the police and paramilitary forces that are funded both by centre and state govts.

Infact, I think minorities are over represented in Police forces.There is no systemic discrimination as you are suggesting...The fact is the states with most muslims dont tend to send to many men to the army anyhow....
The presence of Indian Muslims in different fields including Indian army is linked to education and their social status.

The condition of Indian Muslims is so poor indeed with poverty level touching the ground they cant have any education nor can climb the lader.

And few percent who are educated can not find the trust of their majority fellow Hindu Indians to induct them into intellegence agencies or other such fields.

So whats the big deal if they are in small numbers in Indian army.
And even if they find way to armed forces there they are subjected to discrimination in some fields like Muslim officers are not allowed in Indian airforc to keep beard while the Sikh IAF members are allowed to keep.

This is thanks to Pakistan....if our relations with you guys were good they would consist 30% of the force as normally minorities are well represented in mainstream jobs....


:) very bad you are discriminating your own Indian Muslim Citizens just because you have bad relations with Pakistan.

Too bad you do not trust your own citiziens just because you have bad relations with Pakistan???

It means after 62 years the poor Indian Muslims do not get identity as Indians
:) very bad you are discriminating your own Indian Muslim Citizens just because you have bad relations with Pakistan.

Too bad you do not trust your own citiziens just because you have bad relations with Pakistan???

It means after 62 years the poor Indian Muslims do not get identity as Indians

Its not a matter of trust, the fact is that these numbers might not be even correct. There is discrimination but not to the extent you think nor is it across the board...In other words, its much lesser than you might think but much more than I would like it to be...Surely, in the last few years people have become radicalized.Its a direct result of the India-Pak relationship.Do note what happened to SRK in US does not happen in Indian airports to minorities. However, given my ethnicity while I would love to explore Pakistan (once the violence subsides...), Im not sure...

Pakistan's role is in the fact that there is this enemy that identifies itself with a certain community and therefore its radicalisation. In other words, more communal tensions result as a by product of Pakistan'e experiment with Taliban and Militancy........

in a sense its a victory for Pakistan....but deep down I feel its still a loss for South Asia as a whole
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they are subjected to discrimination in some fields like Muslim officers are not allowed in Indian airforc to keep beard while the Sikh IAF members are allowed to keep.

What the hell are you talking about? Who the hell says that Muslims have to grow beards? Are you nuts or genuinely mis-informed?

If it is necessary for muslims to grow beards how come General Pervez Musharraf or General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani are clean shaven? For that matter I dont remember General Zia ul Haque ever sporting a beard or Mr Asif Ali Zardari or Mia Nawaz Sharif for that matter.
Do you imply that these gentlemen are not muslims? Even the king of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, has a little 'frenchie' which hardly qualifies as a beard. Or King Abdullah II, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

I quoted the Kings to prove that muslim men sans a beard is hardly a Pakistani phenomenon.

On the other hand, Sikhism strictly ordains a beard. It is one of the five 'Ks' which constitutes Sikhism (Kesh or hair). You see the difference? Sikhs who cut their hair are actually violating the basic tenets of their relogion.
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What the hell are you talking about? Who the hell says that Muslims have to grow beards? Are you nuts or genuinely mis-informed?

If it is necessary for muslims to grow beards how come General Pervez Musharraf or General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani are clean shaven? For that matter I dont remember General Zia ul Haque ever sporting a beard or Mr Asif Ali Zardari or Mia Nawaz Sharif for that matter.
Do you imply that these gentlemen are not muslims? Even the king of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, has a little 'frenchie' which hardly qualifies as a beard. Or King Abdullah II, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

I quoted the Kings to prove that muslim men sans a beard is hardly a Pakistani phenomenon.

On the other hand, Sikhism strictly ordains a beard. It is one of the five 'Ks' which constitutes Sikhism (Kesh or hair). You see the difference? Sikhs who cut their hair are actually violating the basic tenets of their relogion.

First of the issue is not if it is necessary for muslims to grow beards or not. The issue is why INDIAN Airforce stops Muslims from growing beard ?????

Tell me one good reason why Indian Airforc is discriminating against Muslims on the basis of their religion whereas Sikhs are allowed to keep beared on the basis of their religion.
And yes it is necessary for muslims to grow beards as it is Sunnah.

Now if someone does not keep beared we do not punish him nor we stops anyone from growing beared.
The presence of Indian Muslims in different fields including Indian army is linked to education and their social status.

The condition of Indian Muslims is so poor indeed with poverty level touching the ground they cant have any education nor can climb the lader.

And few percent who are educated can not find the trust of their majority fellow Hindu Indians to induct them into intelligence agencies or other such fields.

So whats the big deal if they are in small numbers in Indian army.
And even if they find way to armed forces there they are subjected to discrimination in some fields like Muslim officers are not allowed in Indian airforc to keep beard while the Sikh IAF members are allowed to keep.

Oh come on what is this bullshit?
an army cant be judged by demographics just because India's population is 13.5%, does not mean it has to reflect it in its armed forces. Its personal choice to enlist or join military service.

Bollywood is dominated by By muslim's not only the Actors such as shah rukh khan, kareena Kapoor etc but also the directors, the producers that finace the movies and the owners of the film studios themselves. I am not saying this represents the whole of the muslim population, but your statement that

few percent who are educated can not find the trust of their majority fellow Hindu Indians to induct them into intellegence agencies or other such fields."

is utterly false
Bollywood would not be such a success if this is true.

As for the other muslims in this country no doubt some live in poverty just as 40-50 %of the country does, they are no exception.

I am an atheist and my best friend is a muslim, i have know him since i was 8 and the muslims i met through him over the years including his family and friends seem to be doing fine

I have never understood that they have been discriminated against on the grounds that they are muslims

So now i have discussed the standards in the country for elite, middle and lower class muslims in the country.

the only muslims that are discriminated against are the lower class one living under the poverty line and its not for their religion but the truth is that the discrimination in India is and always been on the grounds on money and nothing else,
i guess that the real tragedy of India.

This topic is for trolls, Wishing to stir up ethnic hatred. India and Pakistan seem to have forgotten that they once were and still are bothers and sisters, however estranged we may have become.
we need to focus on what binds us together so we can build bridges. Not create these imaginary canyons that drive us apart.
This is off-topic but I hope that one day India, Pakistan and Bangladesh can understand each other and most importantly each others people to form a federation of countries(like the EU),Despite our 50 years of :sniper:differences, we had 4000 years of unity:cheers:. Remember that.

As for my opinion on this topic:
The Indian government has always upheld its secular values.
The rest is up to its people.
Oh come on what is this bullshit?
an army cant be judged by demographics just because India's population is 13.5%, does not mean it has to reflect it in its armed forces. Its personal choice to enlist or join military service.

Bollywood is dominated by By muslim's not only the Actors such as shah rukh khan, kareena Kapoor etc but also the directors, the producers that finace the movies and the owners of the film studios themselves. I am not saying this represents the whole of the muslim population, but your statement that

One correction:kareena Kapoor isnt muslim
what big deal is it and what difference does it make? out of 150 million Muslims only 30000 were interested in giving security to India... Rest others were interested in industrializing or retaining their professions..... They are Indians by choice and not by force...... During Partition this was the thing decided right.....? But if you guys really want to check out how much Indian they are.......watch cricket matches......

But if you still think that its biased in India then you are wrong..... It should be a shame for the community that they are more interested in terrorism rather than protecting their motherland......(no irony intended but its the best answer)

India is a secular country and citizens enter the army by choice and not force.......
moderators please delete this thread.... Its feel more provoking to Indian Muslims like me.........
So whats the big deal if they are in small numbers in Indian army.
And even if they find way to armed forces there they are subjected to discrimination in some fields like Muslim officers are not allowed in Indian airforc to keep beard while the Sikh IAF members are allowed to keep.

Muslims in India are INDIAN, they are not Pakistani so please stay out!!! If you want to talk about "Musilm Brotherhood" I want you to take a look at these

I can post many such videos to prove your so called "Brotherhood" but please that is not my intention since it was your country's problem!

Also, what about this?
PAKISTAN Christians, Hindus and Sikhs forced to pay the Taliban ?protection? money - Asia News
Islamabad (AsiaNews/Agencies) – Non-Muslims must pay the Taliban protection money if they want to stay in their own homes. Lashkar-e-Islam, a militant Muslim organisation based in Bara, about 10 kilometres south-west of Peshawar, wants Christians, Hindus and Sikhs to pay the jizya, the poll tax for non-Muslims.

Local sources are reporting that non-Muslims are collectively required to pay up in Bara, Chora, Karamna, Bazaar Zakhakhel and the Tirah Valley, which are part of the Khyber Agency, one of Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) on the northern border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
and you talk about "beards not allowed for Muslims "? :blah:
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lol. Next someone will complain why % of Sikhs is higher in army than their % in the population. Then someone will shout injustice by hindus. Then it will be confirmed that India is not secular and that theocratic pakistan gives all the freedom and equal status to kaafirs. No wait problem is with India because Pakistan never said that kaafirs are given equal status...:rofl:
This is where your wishful Secular Status is hurt at the basis. We are Declared Muslim State and by law key posts would be served by Muslims. No controversy about it. But India is a so called "Secular" State and Muslims are the second largest religious group in India. So why Muslims are just 3% instead of 13.4%?

Oh really?......do u know what is the meaning of white stripe in Pakistani flag??? can u show us the meaning of that white stripe in Pakistan Army recruitement??? then talk about India!

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