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Indian Army used artillery & heavy mortars on LOC targeting Civilian Population

Please enlarge the subject whenever you find convenient. My statement was straightforward: that a right cannot be granted retrospectively. Merely to put up the mirror of that, with no basis, is hardly an inspiring argument, and if that is what you consider a demonstration, you are mistaken. Nothing was abrogated retrospectively; using that phrase by itself is merely clever, it is not relevant.

You never got around to talking about the relevance of Art. 370, by the way. Does that sidestep come under the rubric of simplistically banging on?
Good morning. You are fully entitled to your opinions that (a) I am mistaken in my analogies or (b) somehow it is not relevant to mention the converse scenario to what was originally stated. I beg to differ. I'm not here to either give or receive inspirational sermons btw.
@Joe Shearer

"Nothing was abrogated retrospectively"

In my opinion, this is a case of the shoe being on the other foot. It is obvious to me that the declaration of the Kashmir parliament's dissolution in Oct 2018 - which rendered irrelevant decades of protective legislation passed in said parliament on behalf of the autonomous status of kashmiri people - has contributed to the ease with which Modi enforced and enabled further actions in that state, since no elected representatives were in position to resist. I think this is a fine example of retrograde summary dismissal of Kashmir's hard earned gains. You may well differ.
Good, keep at it then and dont cry when we fight back.

Never have

JINNAH was fundamentally right about India

The chickens are coming home to roost, as poison spreads across India and communalism is everywhere

Your capital city was burning a few weeks ago

Your Indian leadership was moronic and rather than fix a problem they created a situation within India where a problem festers and now is beginning to poison India

If Indian Muslims are beginning to protest and speak up about how they should have listened to Jinnah you know the Indian experiment has failed

If India was "secular" you could have argued your point, but as hindutva roots itself within India then the reality must even dawn upon you that 250 million Muslims plus other minorities, plus a Muslim majority Kashmir in a nation lurching towards hindutva parochialism is a disaster waiting to happen

If your response to this is either denial or an attempt to highlight India's secular credentials even in the face of the new reality just means you are being disingenuous

Enough chaos has been caused by the Indian misreading of the reality

JINNAH I think truly was the only person to have understood what needed to be done in India, and if Indian Muslims and Indian leaders had understood we wouldn't be sitting in the midst of this needless turmoil
Pak army keeps using proxies because they dont want to give up but they know they dont have the strength to fight. This is why they gave up in East Pakistan and this is why the strategy of using proxies was developed. Now, India is no longer afraid of disproportionate response and Pakistani bluffs of nuclear war. If you want to fight, then go fight - stop brainwashing innocents in the name of religion.
Indians showing a fake video of their artillery attack on Pakistani post. Yaar koi unn se poocho k balakot strike ki bhi koi fake video bana hi letay. After all balakot strike was supposed to be much bigger than yesterday's fake strike.
India ke saari cheeze fake hai lekin jo bhi aapke DGISPR bole woh sab sach.
Pak army keeps using proxies because they dont want to give up but they know they dont have the strength to fight. This is why they gave up in East Pakistan and this is why the strategy of using proxies was developed. Now, India is no longer afraid of disproportionate response and Pakistani bluffs of nuclear war. If you want to fight, then go fight - stop brainwashing innocents in the name of religion.
Your coward army can only target civilians.If you want to fight then fight stop targeting innocent civilians.

India ke saari cheeze fake hai lekin jo bhi aapke DGISPR bole woh sab sach.
We can same about your coward army which can only target civilians.
This is the price your spineless generals have to pay for using proxies and terrorists to fight your war for you. If you want some, come get some - No need for pretention anymore. If you want a war, come fight a war - stop brainwashing innocents and sending them to their deathbed. This policy of using terrorism and proxies has been long abandoned by all recognizable powers because the benefit is nothing compared to the real costs.
Its not your fault but we knows your country/govt/religion believes in lies and deception
You're nothing but a puppet of West/USA to contain China
It doesn't matter if you or other pakistanis don't believie indian narrative, the issue is india successfully sells its narrative against Pakistan in leading news outlets of the western world both in America and Europe through its agents in those international news outlets. And that is where it matters. Pakistan needs to get out of this bloody mindset of thinking like a frog in the well that because Pakistanis don't believe indian propaganda that automatically means that the rest of the world would also not believe indian propaganda. The truth of the matter is that indians always successfully sell their anti-Pakistan narrative while the Pakistani establishment acts like frogs living in the well by thinking just because they think that indian narrative is false. The world is not fair, here the one who is successful in convincing others about one's narrative is the one who wins, whether his narrative is morally or factually right or wrong doesn't matter. China has learned it in the recent corona crisis.
This cannot be stressed enough. I don't know what Pakistani leadership has been doing all this time. It is only with Gen. Bajwa that I started hearing about 5thgen warfare but even so, Indian narrative & propaganda is too strong in the Western world with hardly any Pakistani presence even when India is doing so many wrongs!!
We get no pleasure in sending terrorists to hell. This is just pak army cover up for their own inadequacies.

Hah! No one can beat India in covering up their lunacy that somehow later becomes unknown by their gutsy soldiers in some sort of a confession videos. Ye nahi hay to wo nahi hay, mujhsy ye karvaty hain to woh.
Its not your fault but we knows your country/govt/religion believes in lies and deception
You're nothing but a puppet of West/USA to contain China
We are not anybody's puppet. We are a developing nation with a prosperous future. You are the one who has sold Islam for Chinese dollars (most of which went back to China).

Now iron brothers toys are not enough, you even want iron brother to fight for you. Iron brother will use you and when your purpose is served, discard you like an unwanted pet.

This cannot be stressed enough. I don't know what Pakistani leadership has been doing all this time. It is only with Gen. Bajwa that I started hearing about 5thgen warfare but even so, Indian narrative & propaganda is too strong in the Western world with hardly any Pakistani presence even when India is doing so many wrongs!!
Truth is supreme. You can believe your own lies but the world is not as gullible as you.

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