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Indian Army used artillery & heavy mortars on LOC targeting Civilian Population

Sporadic incidents, happened a lot when you unleashed afghans on Kashmiris as well.

Because Indians say so??

You didn't know what Truce Agreement is
You are clueless about Jammu Massacre and Poonch Rebellion
And here you are on a Pakistani forum trying to argue about Kashmir and UN Resolutions with Pakistanis!!
No external repairs were made. Or else Indian satellites or commercial satellites would have caught the activity easily and would have published it online for the whole world to see. Afterall, It was those Satellite pictures which negated Indian tall claims that they destroyed and killed X number of terrorists in Balakot and forced the indian narrative to change to " That was penetrative warhead which would not cause collapse of the building" A Laughable claim which has no sound logic or facts attached to it. If you want to support indian narrative, do so based on the the evidence, not based on popular propaganda puff pieces put out by a Lying Modi Government.

Very simply, we have been conditioned, even the most open-minded among us, to distrust any information coming from Pakistani official sources until a decade or so has passed, after which we find lame explanations and sheepish confessions coming out one after the other, exclusively, it may be pointed out, on Pakistani media.

So while those same open-minded elements abhor and despise 'popular propaganda puff pieces put out by a Lying Modi Government', we are not encouraged to believe the opposed narrative. Our experience and bitter memories of having been duped makes sceptics of us.

Allow me to congratulate you on your alliterative skills, in passing.

No. I do not want to discuss. There is no reason for any discussion. Keeping one million troops of regular army and para military to suppress 8 million kashmiris with 6 months curfew with severe restriction of communication and talking about Kashmir.

Please get lost.

Please stop being hysterical and please stop your self-delusion about 1 million Indian troops and para-military in Kashmir. That balloon has been pricked on this forum many times before.

That was a common sense question to the rulers of Pakistan, and die hard voters /supporters of Imran Khan, who are in abundance on pdf.
Pakistan's official position is what ever Imran Khan says, which is quite clear... and that is.....we will win Kashmir, talking it out with Indian counterparts.
As far history is concerned, Pakistan never invaded India.

I have no dog in that fight; apologies.

Read about Jammu Massacre and Poonch Rebellion

As you know very well, he was referring to the Vale.
"Actually Modi has a different plan but now it ia postponed because of pandemic.
You guys are lucky. Enjoy the life untill India's economy gets lift"
This is what you said. Pakistan economy is 10 times smaller then yours and is facing worse economic crisis then you are but still we are not hiding behind excuses i.e economy, corona etc. We've been enjoying life for 70+ years. Pakistanis rank way above Indians in happiness index and enjoy life far better then their Indian counterparts.
Modi had a plan on 26th feb. You know what happened than..... Now stop bragging and STFU.

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Well said and 100% accurate. Keep it up. Bharatis come here and try to turn us away from the truth and our principled stand of supporting our occupied people. To free our people and land. They are paid shills, paid to carry out anti-Pakistan propaganda.
Because Indians say so??

You didn't know what Truce Agreement is
You are clueless about Jammu Massacre and Poonch Rebellion
And here you are on a Pakistani forum trying to argue about Kashmir and UN Resolutions with Pakistanis!!

Other than you and recently @Bratva and @AgNoStiC MuSliM , who constitute this horde of Pakistanis that have argued with us? You have a claque that cheers every remark, accepted, but any rational people?
our arm chair generals are going to win Kashmir from Indians by debating unconvincingly on pdf.
I think its time to activate the Mujahid groups and Volunteers,similar to the late eighties. At least Zia had the b..lls to do it.!!!
Well said and 100% accurate. Keep it up. Bharatis come here and try to turn us away from the truth and our principled stand of supporting our occupied people. To free our people and land. They are paid shills, paid to carry out anti-Pakistan propaganda.

For starters, Bharatis who live in Bharat come here and not migrants who sought to escape the idyllic conditions that you and your friend have been describing. Further, we do not come here to turn you, or anyone else, away from the truth; check the posts. As far as being paid shills is concerned, you might know better, given your association with those who are notorious for their use of social media to make their points.
It remains propaganda.
If Pakistani army makes their bases in civilian areas to play victim card as usual, this is not Indian Army's fault.
Vacate your civilians from border area and ask Pakistani army to fight like a man, not like hiding in civilians area.

It shows you have not seen AJK and how PA operates.
Because Indians say so??

Because historians says so.

You didn't know what Truce Agreement is

Really, lets keep this judgement on people who read through this thread.

You are clueless about Jammu Massacre and Poonch Rebellion

Looking at your capability of making assumptions, and their quality, I would offer no comments here

And here you are on a Pakistani forum trying to argue about Kashmir and UN Resolutions with Pakistanis!!

Is Pakistanis on Pakistani forums are recognized as best custodian of UN facts on Kashmir, that they are beyond question?

To be honest, apart from you and a couple more, I am yet to read anything good coming from pakistani posters on this subject.

And the fact remain - It was Pakistan which stalled UN resolution and tried to bring upon principle change seeking help from Western allies, and got into an unending conflict with India which further results into its bifurcation.
That was a common sense question to the rulers of Pakistan, and die hard voters /supporters of Imran Khan, who are in abundance on pdf.
Pakistan's official position is what ever Imran Khan says, which is quite clear... and that is.....we will win Kashmir, talking it out with Indian counterparts.
As far history is concerned, Pakistan never invaded India.

1965 - Rann of Kutch
1965 - Khem Karan
1971 - Longewal/Jaisalmer

I do realise the point you are trying to make, but there are blemishes in it.
@AgNoStiC MuSliM, I am disappointed at your putting pressure on this unexpected Indian poster, @IMARV, even though he is making his points with the greatest courtesy and decorum. There are known Indian baiters among the moderation team; it comes as an unpleasant surprise that your sympathies are with them.

Thank you Joe for taking a concern for me, however I joined this forum to interact with very few and on limited subjects. @AgNoStiC MuSliM and @M. Sarmad are two among those. So gents, please excuse me if you find me picking up your posts more often to engage.

PS: And if I survive here for long.
1965 - Rann of Kutch
1965 - Khem Karan
1971 - Longewal/Jaisalmer

I do realise the point you are trying to make, but there are blemishes in it.

How could you isolate Khem Karan from Indian invasion on Lahore ?
Similarly, Run of Kutch was part of larger conflict already in progress, all across the international border.

1971, as well, we will not reach to a settlement on the subject, who was aggressor.

Discussing conflicting history will always be conflicting... it's not limited to Indo-Pak.

In today's date, we Pakistanis being subjects of Imran Khan, should not engage with India on military terms.
At least that was the justification we have been given for holding back our horses, on 27th February.
If that day, Pakistan's CoAS was Pervez Musharraf, today the world would be very different.
Thank you Joe for taking a concern for me, however I joined this forum to interact with very few and on limited subjects. @AgNoStiC MuSliM and @M. Sarmad are two among those. So gents, please excuse me if you find me picking up your posts more often to engage.

PS: And if I survive here for long.

To be honest, on matters such as these, they are among the very, very few who have a reasoned point of view (you might include @Bratva in their group, an unexpected but welcome addition). On military subjects, there are others, most illuminating and exemplary; it may embarrass them to name them here, so I shall refrain, for they are members whom I greatly respect.

How could you isolate Khem Karan from Indian invasion on Lahore ?

Technically, I believe I am correct, although you have a point, in that the Pakistani action was a reaction. But then, and do forgive my quibble, was not Lahore a reaction by India?

Similarly, Run of Kutch was part of larger conflict already in progress, all across the international border.

Not so, Sir, it was an isolated incident, and occurred months before the general engagement starting with Operation Gibraltar. It was distinguished by Brigadier Iftikhar Janjua's use of armour against policemen.

1971, as well, we will not reach to a settlement on the subject, who was aggressor.

Please consider that point withdrawn, although the conflict on the western borders was somewhat different from the conflict in the then East Pakistan.

Discussing conflicting history will always be conflicting... it's not limited to Indo-Pak.

Merely making a point, Sir, there is no intention of seeming to be bellicose.

In today's date, we Pakistanis being subjects of Imran Khan, should not engage with India on military terms.
At least that was the justification we have been given for holding back our horses, on 27th February.
If that day, Pakistan's CoAS was Pervez Musharraf, today the world would be very different.

I cannot possibly comment on that.

Could you please post a link to the thread you are talking about.

Thank you for saying that. Lately, based on what I've been reading, I've started thinking about Pakistanis as being severely intellectually challenged. Right now, it seems to be that Pakistani society is remarkably like Indian politicians who form the lowest rung of Indian society, filled with verbal diarrhoea (bombast) and intellectual constipation.

I am sure that is not the case. However, it is hard to not form these generalizations and succumb based on reading the overwhelming majority of posts here where they post with zero critical thought, actual research, and nuance.

Your sample, Sir, is biased. I urgently beg you not to come to conclusions on the basis of the lower-rung denizens of some fora; that would be like judging Indians on the basis of the membership of Bharat Rakshak. My own impression is that the Pakistani man (and woman) in the street is remarkably balanced and rational, and it is their institutions that pose the greatest obstacles to peace - besides, of course, my own bete noire, the Indian politician: I have begun to hate them with some intensity.

Do continue in the forum. There are very wise members with whom it is a pleasure to discuss complex matters, although some of them do have a disconcerting habit of contradicting one on every point.
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