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Indian Army to Get Drones from Israel, America for Surveillance in Eastern Ladakh and Areas Along China Border

They must have buried 2000 soldiers but point stands that they have occupied Indian land and India has not done anything to evict them from the occupied land. I am not sure who should be embarrassed, China who occupied Indian land or India who lost men and land without fighting.

According this website
China was about to capture New Delhi AND hand over Kashmir to Pakistan
Until india moved 50,000 troops complte with artic gear into ladakh and flew 200 fighters into ladakh and acquired drones radars ammo artillary worth billions of dollars from israel USA russia in 3 months ready to fight a major war

Even if Americans agreed to sell F-22, Pakistanis, Chinese even Srilankan Airforce and Army don’t give a ****... not hardware, but operator of the hardware matters alot who had shot-down its own heli in the peak time of confrontation lol. A demoralized and paralyzed Army can’t do jack!!! Indian Airforce and Army is the weakest point for the Sino-Pak forces in 21st century ... in real, After getting many advance weapon systems, India completey failed to deter Pakistan and China.

Look I am going to be honest here, I don't think any tech is going to help them with what China is about to do them.
According this website
China was about to capture New Delhi AND hand over Kashmir to Pakistan
Until india moved 50,000 troops complte with artic gear into ladakh and flew 200 fighters into ladakh and acquired drones radars ammo artillary worth billions of dollars from israel USA russia in 3 months ready to fight a major war

What you are saying is all fiction however the Chinese occupying your land is still a fact. We have yet to see how India is going to evict China even after 6 months.
What you are saying is all fiction however the Chinese occupying your land is still a fact. We have yet to see how India is going to evict China even after 6 months.

it's disputed territory so no illegal entry
And Chinese doesn't have these stuff and they are fighting naked in Laddakh, they have better logistic than yours ever heard Y-20 cargo similar to your C17, ever heard J-11/J-10/Z-10/J-20, What HYPERPOWER ego you have :sarcastic:
Chinese may have those but they are all poor quality stuff.
Even if Americans agreed to sell F-22, Pakistanis, Chinese even Srilankan Airforce and Army don’t give a ****... not hardware, but operator of the hardware matters alot who had shot-down its own heli in the peak time of confrontation lol. A demoralized and paralyzed Army can’t do jack!!! Indian Airforce and Army is the weakest point for the Sino-Pak forces in 21st century ... in real, After getting many advance weapon systems, India completey failed to deter Pakistan and China.

What have you got Kashmir?
they defended their borders and were awared the highest bravery honours unlike the hundreds of pak.soldiers in kargil or the 40 chinease soldiers at Galwan

What has Pakistan go to do with Galwan??

There is no evidence of 40 dead chinese. Thats a bollywood Fantasy.

Colonel Babu and 20 soldiers defended what? You said its a disputed territory so No illegal entry. Babu died and China captured your land and you just banned chinese apps.

You cant do Jacksh!t about that.
the chinease had to bury over 40 chinease soldiers too..

remember they refused to say how many died due to embarrassment .

and if they had occupied indian territory why have they moved 150000 troops into ladakh and 200 j10 fighters and j11 from.se China like 2000 miles away. this is a scared worried China that India is threatening to retake aksai Chin. they saw modi issue article 15 and panicked and is trying to seal borders thinking modi may try to snatch more territory .
it's mutual threat

the same reason why India moved 60,000 troops to aid in the liberation of Ladakh from occupying Indian forces. In my view the Indians moved their troops to provide targets for the Chinese

What have you got Kashmir?

Yes we will take Kashmir back soon

Lol, 40 soldiers??

Show me a single report where it's written 40 Chinese soldiers died? And please don't show me godi media news.
the chinease had to bury over 40 chinease soldiers too..

remember they refused to say how many died due to embarrassment .

and if they had occupied indian territory why have they moved 150000 troops into ladakh and 200 j10 fighters and j11 from.se China like 2000 miles away. this is a scared worried China that India is threatening to retake aksai Chin. they saw modi issue article 15 and panicked and is trying to seal borders thinking modi may try to snatch more territory .
it's mutual threat
View attachment 691278

In a major boost to its capabilities, the Indian Army is soon going to get Israeli Heron and American mini drones for upgrading its surveillance capabilities in Eastern Ladakh and other areas along the China border.

"The deals for the acquisition of the Heron surveillance drones is in the final stages and is expected to be inked in December. The Herons are going to be deployed in the Ladakh sector and they will be more advanced than the existing fleet in the Indian armed forces," government sources were quoted as saying by ANI.

The acquisition of these drones is being done under the emergency financial powers granted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government to the defence forces under which they can buy equipment and systems worth ₹500 crores to upgrade their warfighting capabilities, amid ongoing border conflict with China, they added.

According to sources, the other small or mini drones are being acquired from the US that will be provided at the Battalion level to the troops on ground and the hand-operated drones would be used to attain awareness about a specific location or area in their respective areas of responsibility.

The Indian defence forces have been taking these initiatives to acquire weapon systems which can help them in the ongoing conflict with China. The last time such a facility was given to the defence forces was in 2019 right after the Balakot air strikes against terrorist camps in Pakistan.

Using the same facility, the Indian Navy has leased two Predator drones which have been taken from American firm General Atomics.

The Indian Air Force had exercised the same powers to acquire a large number of Hammer air to ground standoff missiles with a strike range of around 70 kilometres.

This India China 2020 standoff is Dokhlam 2.0

After the casualties on both sides at Galwan Valley one wonders what made China to retreat back into their LAC when they had the upper hand. Probably the huge casualties which they did not anticipate I believe due to Indian retaliation. Anyway we still have other ongoing friction points across the eastern Ladakh/Aksai Chin. Lets wait and watch how badly China wants to screw up its relationship with India
And how do you know that are you military expert???
For instance

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