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Indian Army Threatening Civilians in Kashmir for Protesting Against Using them as Human Shields

Coward banya terrorist army now hiding in civilians
You have posted this image twice. If this symbolizes your "victory" or "bravery" then we clap for you. Indian military could only target unarmed civilians. That is the maximum stretch of what they could pull-off against Paksitan.
This picture is can mean many things but it shows big guns kashmir are arrived in Kashmir and Army no loneger hesitate to use them as punishment for pakistan cross border terrorism and also army operate with civilian close by who may not like India but don't want do die in pakistani shelling. It you try to harm Indian army, you will end up harming Kashmirs too. If Kashmiri starts dying in Pakistan shelling, they would start hating Pakistan more than India.
This picture is can mean many things but it shows big guns kashmir are arrived in Kashmir and Army no loneger hesitate to use them as punishment for pakistan cross border terrorism and also army operate with civilian close by who may not like India but don't want do die in pakistani shelling. It you try to harm Indian army, you will end up harming Kashmirs too. If Kashmiri starts dying in Pakistan shelling, they would start hating Pakistan more than India.

That's called using human shields, and it is cowardice.
This picture is can mean many things but it shows big guns kashmir are arrived in Kashmir and Army no loneger hesitate to use them as punishment for pakistan cross border terrorism and also army operate with civilian close by who may not like India but don't want do die in pakistani shelling. It you try to harm Indian army, you will end up harming Kashmirs too. If Kashmiri starts dying in Pakistan shelling, they would start hating Pakistan more than India.

What do you think Paksitan will do to you after you use these guns?

Remember February 2019? What do you think India did to Paksitan after receiving 6 bombs at 5 Indian military bases and losing 2 aircraft to PAF? India tried to hit a Madrassa - yet got hit back at the military installation with two times more bombs than it used. What did India do then? It learned that Pakistan will punish India back with two-three times more power that is why it didn't try any further.

Again - what do you think Paksitan will do after you use these guns?
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