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Indian Army T-72 tanks now have night vision


How did you test TOW and BS on your t-72s?

Last time Baktar Shikan was tested against tanks in battle it was against the Serbs ... who didnt like it a single bit..

TOW.. do you have em? nope..

Milan .. got proof? coz i saw upgraded russian t-72s blown to shit in georgia recently.. probablyy by older 1 or 2nd gen ATGMs n RPG variants?


Hey, Mr.Essential Azzhole (according to your own signature);
the ERA was tested against all three warheads. And stood up........ :lol:
Now don't ask me where the warheads came from; esp the BS (lol) one......... I ain't telling :lol:

And I said earlier on; now the next version of ERA is being proto-ed. ;)
Hey, Mr.Essential Azzhole (according to your own signature);
the ERA was tested against all three warheads. And stood up........ :lol:
Now don't ask me where the warheads came from; esp the BS (lol) one......... I ain't telling :lol:

And I said earlier on; now the next version of ERA is being proto-ed. ;)

Hey popeye.... u outta spinach again? "we tested against this,that and this..

Dont ask where we got the warheads.,,:lol:

what a cartoon..:D

You got busted now shut up

Hahaha.. oh spare me the nonsense moron...now go learn the difference between a gun and a stand first..
Yeah right a sane person like you who couldn't make out the difference between the two tanks lol.

PS. Ghuse jaman kanda kamban
Loki Kain puchal aaya....nai oye fudu fighter ayae

Quit qouting me retard!

Sure.. do help us differentiate between them? oh wait.. an idiot who cant differentiate between a 12.7 and its stand knows more right?

If you cant .. just stuff ur face n be gone.
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The story is all too familiar even in this case; lack of
foresight, poor planning, inadequate homework and no
accountability in the MoD as well as the armed forces has
led to the crisis in modernization of air defense in the Indian
First fully develop Arjun II and as for T-90 we have AL-Khalid and soon we would show AL-Khalid I and after Arjun two failure I have serious questions on Arjun II
So according to you, everything Pakistan produces or develop is succesful and Everything India come up with or Produce is a failure..Now tell me who is in denial~??
Arjun Mk1 is a heavy piece and will give nightmares to any Tank that can be put against it with its current High Power engine..
Even T90s had to run for their Money against the Arjun during the trials with Arjuns old engine that lacked enough power..Imagine what will be the case of other Tanks in the Sub continent..God knows....
First answer for Arjun Mk1 and then we can Come back for Arjun MK2
So according to you, everything Pakistan produces or develop is succesful and Everything India come up with or Produce is a failure..Now tell me who is in denial~??
Arjun Mk1 is a heavy piece and will give nightmares to any Tank that can be put against it with its current High Power engine..
Even T90s had to run for their Money against the Arjun during the trials with Arjuns old engine that lacked enough power..Imagine what will be the case of other Tanks in the Sub continent..God knows....
First answer for Arjun Mk1 and then we can Come back for Arjun MK2

Arjun is a nightmare for India itself...
Jalo mat , barabari karo :p:

Yeh lay Bhai:


Just produce ELECTRICITY, will be enough for Pakistanis.
There was a time not long ago we were offering you "ELECTRCITY"... And before talking shiz homie .. 500 million Indians don't even have electric connections...
there is a time when 18 crore awaam is without electricity and gairat mand koum will crush India.

Are you always a drama queen like this? Calm down junior .. We have electric shortfall but you are not a developed "European" country .. Take a look around yourself (if you are in india) ... Smell the coffee n stop being such a drag.

@Chak Bamu. Dude you guys show have some mandatory iq test .. So tht idiots are restricted from joining..

Yeh lay Bhai:

View attachment 43418

There was a time not long ago we were offering you "ELECTRCITY"... And before talking shiz homie .. 500 million Indians don't even have electric connections...

On topic, well sentiments are running high. we never know whether Arjun Or Alkhalid prevails only in war. But there are so many factors associated with it. We have to take into account crew training, long range sniping ability, use of terrain, flanking etc etc. That too only in a tank vs tank scenario. For ex- 1973 yomkippur war where outnumbered Israeli's though highly outnumbered beat the Syrian divisions with their better long range shooting and movement, using each bit of terrain for its advantage.
Also in Dessert Storm where NATO specially Us m1a1's destroyed iraqi t72 dvisions dugged in the dessert through speed and flanking.
But in modern warfare Tanks will also be up against ATGM teams, Attack helis, CAS fighters. Gone are the days of front of tank battles.
One thing I agree with you, Russian MBT s are overrated.
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