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Indian Army T-72 tanks now have night vision

Exactly. And I refuse to believe @DESERT FIGHTER 's exaggerated claims of the tank surviving attack by
RRS, RPGS, IEDS, suicide bombers :cheesy::cheesy: The damage merely looks like being done by
2 or so RPG hits. I cannot see evidence of IED blast on the wreckage.

Some Abrams in Gulf War took 11 hits from RPGs and were still moving/shooting. This one here couldn't handle just
a handful (not sure exactly how many) RPG hits. Wonder what a MILAN/Konkurs or Javelin would do to it.:rofl:

No matter how much you upgrade a basic Type-59/69, it was always remain inferior to an upgraded T-72.

Have you ever heard of an upgraded M45 Patton being superior to M60 or an upgraded M60 being superior to Abrams?
Says the fanboy who yesterday was pushing his nonsense about "hollow" metal plates on AZs armour>??? which has been discussed to death here... as for your nonsense... do you see any penetration with your "2 or so RPGs" rants??? kiddo the crew survived and here is the interview :

How Al-Zarrar MBT was destroyed

Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani announced summoning of the Pakistan army to crush militancy and terrorism in Swat and Malakand with an iron hand and vowed to establish the writ of the government at all costs. Addressing the nation on radio and television Prime Minister Gilani said time had come to take serious action against the militants who had disrupted peace and tranquility in parts of NWFP. "Army is being called in for upholding the sanctity and national integrity, for elimination of militants and to ensure security of the people," Prime Minister Gilani said.

Since then Pakistan army has been using its Al-Zarrar MBT for precision day night attack capability and recently we have been able to watch the video in which an Al-Zarrar tank was shown destroyed. Many claims have been made about the destruction of these tanks and how this will affect the moral of Pakistani army in Swat and FATA. But what was unknown until now was the fact how this tank was destroyed? It was part of small force at the front to make first contact with the militants along with force of around 35 personals of Pakistani army. It was ambushed from three sides of the mountainous road and has to face at least six suicide attack attempts within span of 15 minutes along with attacks through improvised explosive devices that were buried in their way. Crew of the destroyed Al-Zarrar MBT survived without injuries and tank was recovered as neither turret of chassis of Al-Zarrar MBT was penetrated which also proved the recent upgrade was successful. Survival of the crew form the destroyed Al-Zarrar MBT is also going to be a major moral booster for the crew as they will have more confidence in the crew protection capability of the tank. According to the soldiers participating in this furious battle fought in first week of this recent attempt by the Pakistan army to clear out the areas from Taliban militants, they were attacked from three sides by different militant groups that have divided themselves into smaller groups of four to five. First attack was through improvise explosive devices which resulted in destruction of the tanks and afterwards Taliban started firing at them, they say that it was very difficult for them to access the direction of the fire and strength of the enemy. Soldiers involved in this fight say that it took us some time to estimate their positions and after that we started counter attack by sending our troops to surround them. Taliban felt the heat and started second part of the attack to scatter and destroy the advance party of Pakistan army, they launched one of their front end weapon against this small advance party; suicide bombers. Because of the magnitude of this attack, one can easily describe it as the largest suicide attack in Pakistan if not the largest in the world, mounted against a small force in shuch a limited time. This attack involved at least six different vehicles and three motor bikes filled with explosives and driven by suicide bombers within short span of time of only fifteen minutes. Pakistani soldiers first gave them warnings to stop as they thought these were civilian vehicles, but later on they recognized the threat in time and started firing at them, most of these vehicles were destroyed but due to high speed these did at front line vehicles of this small military force. According to the commanding officer of this advance force, they were very fortunate that none of their troop involved in this operation was killed and all thirty five of them were able to survive this attack.

This report is based on the program of AAJ TV which included the interviews of the Pakistani army personals involved

The same t-72s whose barells blow up like its your diwali celebrations? all of them being blind .. probably a few upgraded with new sights n so on? Even the RPGs are blowing em up like shit.. :lol:

Comparing AZ to Abrams is stupid.. but compare tin can t-72s with new AZs is a joke...

Be it Iraq,Syria,Georgia n so on.. we know how cool T-72s are.. so spare us the nonsense.. apart from upgrades to its FCS n imagery system... it has new engine,new armour,new tank gun and so on..

Hahaha.. thanks.. must be made of kyrponite... than... :lol:

You must be really stupid... the armour blocks were removed later sunny... i posted the same tank with its armour blocks intact didnt i kiddo??

Anyways here .. knock yourself out :

View attachment 27941 View attachment 27942

Do you see the "hollow" metal plate penetrated and removed????

And no kiddo.. these are used by the Frontier Corps ... against talibitches.. and not against india.. the ones facing you will be Upgraded AKs,New AK-Is,T-80UDs,T-85IIAPs and AZs.
Dude there is a hmg on the tank with the front sheet metal plate missing.And i cant see any hmg on the other pics you posted. Do you mean to say they installed the HMG and removed the sheet metal panel?? What did the mount the HMG for? To protect the junk? Those images you posted are of a different tank. Lolz
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Its Interesting that pakistan always gets tanks that are rejected by china.

From Wiki :
Type 8X's
What is known is that China's North Industries Group Corporation (Norinco), most likely in association with 201 Institute (now China North Vehicle Research Institute), unveiled their own version, the Type 85 MBT in 1988. The PLA did not initially accept the Type 85 MBT, and it was further developed for export to Pakistan (Type 85-IIAP and Type 85-III.)

The Type 85 MBT was further developed into the Type 90, but besides a few test vehicles for evaluation, this tank was not adopted by the People's Liberation Army, instead, the tank became the export model for Pakistan which developed the MBT-2000 (Al-Khalid) tank based on the Type 90
The Type 80 and Type 85 tanks led to the Type 90. The Type 90 was rejected for Chinese service in favour of other designs, but it influenced further development which would lead to China's third-generation Type 98 and Type 99 tanks.

Maybe CHina gives them so much funds, that pakisatn has to say yes to sub standard tanks that even Chinese would not want to operate. Many Pakistanis cry about being puppet controlled by West. It seems they are more puppet controlled by China, allowing sub standard defence equipment for use.

Lol.. you guys are so damn stupid... T-85IIAP was modified n customised by Pakistan and produced by HIT... with further upgrades etc.

AK is based on a chinese mbt ... But uses not a single chinese sub system..

Lets talk about the german leo copy arjun which as we can all see is a failure...

WRT the issues of RPGs etc. the bolted on 'slat armor' works.
The T-72s are already fitted with ERA blocks which have been tested to defeat TOW, Milan and Bakhtar Shikan warheads. There is a newer RA design that is being proto-ed even as we speak.

How did you test TOW and BS on your t-72s?

Last time Baktar Shikan was tested against tanks in battle it was against the Serbs ... who didnt like it a single bit.. :lol:

TOW.. do you have em? nope..

Milan .. got proof? coz i saw upgraded russian t-72s blown to shit in georgia recently.. probablyy by older 1 or 2nd gen ATGMs n RPG variants?

Dude there is a hmg on the tank with the front sheet metal plate missing.And i cant see any hmg on the other pics you posted. Do you mean to say they installed the HMG and removed the sheet metal panel?? What did the mount the HMG for? To protect the junk? Those images you posted are of a different tank. Lolz

You know how stupid you sound? the thing you are calling a HMG is a stand.. a stand for HMGs.. not a weapon itself...
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Lol.. you guys are so damn stupid... T-85IIAP was modified n customised by Pakistan and produced by HIT... with further upgrades etc.
AK is based on a chinese mbt ... But uses not a single chinese sub system..
Lets talk about the german leo copy arjun which as we can all see is a failure...
Lolz how naive: The AK is derived from Type 90II , it has a Chinese 125 mm gun and autoloader. Rather it has no pakistani component.
And about Type 85..here read this :
  • Type 85-III - An export version intended for Pakistan with 1,000 hp diesel engine and 125 mm smoothbore gun. Rejected by the Pakistan Army after engine failures occurred during demonstrations in the Pakistani desert. The engine problems were later solved and Norinco incorporated additional features in 1995 such as ERA upgrades, but Type 85-III could not compete with more modern designs and did not enter mass production. Earlier Type 85 tanks have been upgraded to Type 85-III standard, including all Type 85-IIAP in Pakistani service.
Lolz how naive: The AK is derived from Type 90II , it has a Chinese 125 mm gun and autoloader. Rather it has no pakistani component.
And about Type 85..here read this :
  • Type 85-III - An export version intended for Pakistan with 1,000 hp diesel engine and 125 mm smoothbore gun. Rejected by the Pakistan Army after engine failures occurred during demonstrations in the Pakistani desert. The engine problems were later solved and Norinco incorporated additional features in 1995 such as ERA upgrades, but Type 85-III could not compete with more modern designs and did not enter mass production. Earlier Type 85 tanks have been upgraded to Type 85-III standard, including all Type 85-IIAP in Pakistani service.

hahahaha... here comes the tank expert... quit embarassing yourself moron..

AK used a French smoothbore... later a Pak gun based on a KBA-3 was introduced... it uses a long rod capable Autoloader.. (no info on its autoloader out yet)...

You are dumb .. more like a punching bag..
hahahaha... here comes the tank expert... quit embarassing yourself moron..
AK used a French smoothbore... later a Pak gun based on a KBA-3 was introduced... it uses a long rod capable Autoloader.. (no info on its autoloader out yet)...
You are dumb .. more like a punching bag..

I am no tank expert for sure. But atleast i wont get cheated to get khokhla armor as seen in that al zarrar type 85 turrent.Kya donkey banaya.
Any source on the french smooth bore? Stop dreaming of getting a GIAT on that AK
The only french componets are the auto transmission and the FCS. Go get some sources before you engage in verbal vomit
Lol.. you guys are so damn stupid... T-85IIAP was modified n customised by Pakistan and produced by HIT... with further upgrades etc.

AK is based on a chinese mbt ... But uses not a single chinese sub system..

Lets talk about the german leo copy arjun which as we can all see is a failure...

How did you test TOW and BS on your t-72s?

Last time Baktar Shikan was tested against tanks in battle it was against the Serbs ... who didnt like it a single bit.. :lol:

TOW.. do you have em? nope..

Milan .. got proof? coz i saw upgraded russian t-72s blown to shit in georgia recently.. probablyy by older 1 or 2nd gen ATGMs n RPG variants?

You know how stupid you sound? the thing you are calling a HMG is a stand.. a stand for HMGs.. not a weapon itself...
Lol what ever... why is the stand missing fromthe pics you posted....those tanks are not same. Even frontal damage is different. Go fool someone else. Stupid poster
I am no tank expert for sure. But atleast i wont get cheated to get khokhla armor as seen in that al zarrar type 85 turrent.Kya donkey banaya.

Oh you are one of a kind... AZ isnt a Type-85 ... kiddo.. Nor is its composite armour empty.. the composite armour was removed .. and if you werent such a dimwit you can see other pics of the same tank with its armour intact..

Here is an old T-85 :


All upgraded as of now..

Any source on the french smooth bore? Stop dreaming of getting a GIAT on that AK
The only french componets are the auto transmission and the FCS. Go get some sources before you engage in verbal vomit

Owning you again :

1: Uses French sights aswell... kiddo.

2:The source for the gun:

ISLAMABAD, April 17: The first locally-produced tank gun is ready for delivery to the Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT) for Al-Khalid and Al-Zarar tanks.

So far the HIT used to get 125 millimetre 'blanks' from France for the two main battle tanks (MBTs) of the Pakistan Army. Blanks are the final shape of the gun barrel prior to its finishing and its fitting into the tank is done at the HIT.

The first blank has been jointly produced at the Heavy Mechanical Complex (HMC) in Taxila by experts of the HIT, the Peoples Steel Mills Limited (PSML) of Karachi and other defence-related organisations, in coordination with the army -- the end-user.

An HIT official told Dawn that the army had given a go-ahead for the production of 50 125mm barrels for the two MBTs at the HMC after a joint team assured it of meeting strict standards.

According to sources, the army and the HIT wanted the barrels to fire at least eight rounds a minute, and for the automatic ammunition handling system, with 24-round ready-to-fire magazine of Al-Khalid tank.

The official said that the manufacturing of the first 125mm tank gun was an achievement of the Strategic Plans Division (SPD) set up in 2000 to improve the control of nuclear operations and monitor and develop coordination among various defence production and research organisations in the country.

The specialised weapons grade steel was manufactured at the PSML and the block of metal was retreated at the HMC which has such facilities under the heavy forge and foundry section. The block of specialised metal is pressed to become a five-metre-long square bar that is forged into a smooth bore 125mm barrel.

The HMC also has specialised facilities of large vertical furnace where the blanks are given heat treatments several times. Since it was the first job for the HMC, experts from other defence organisations monitored the process which took almost two to three months to complete.

The HIT has finalised a deal Rs200 million for 50 barrels which is slightly less than the cost of each barrel procured from France.

The official said that after the completion of 50 tank barrels, the HMC would consider producing artillery guns for the Pakistan Army.

Al-Khalid is a product of a joint venture between Pakistan and China. It has been in use of the army since 2001. Al-Zarar is an upgradation of T-59 tanks. The new barrels are likely to be part of the project for upgraded variants of Al-Khalid II and III now under way at the HIT.

Locally-produced gun delivered to HIT for tanks - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

Lol what ever... why is the stand missing fromthe pics you posted....those tanks are not same. Even frontal damage is different. Go fool someone else. Stupid poster

Hey stop making yourself look like an idiot.. the video first showed on air was by Al Jazeera n than some idiot journo from geo group visited swat ... after Operation Rah e Rast... so instead of talking shit talk hard facts.. but hey what would a kid who doesnt know the difference between a stand and a HMG know about that.
Oh you are one of a kind... AZ isnt a Type-85 ... kiddo.. Nor is its composite armour empty.. the composite armour was removed .. and if you werent such a dimwit you can see other pics of the same tank with its armour intact..

Here is an old T-85 :

View attachment 28547 View attachment 28547

All upgraded as of now..

Owning you again :

1: Uses French sights aswell... kiddo.

2:The source for the gun:

ISLAMABAD, April 17: The first locally-produced tank gun is ready for delivery to the Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT) for Al-Khalid and Al-Zarar tanks.

So far the HIT used to get 125 millimetre 'blanks' from France for the two main battle tanks (MBTs) of the Pakistan Army. Blanks are the final shape of the gun barrel prior to its finishing and its fitting into the tank is done at the HIT.

The first blank has been jointly produced at the Heavy Mechanical Complex (HMC) in Taxila by experts of the HIT, the Peoples Steel Mills Limited (PSML) of Karachi and other defence-related organisations, in coordination with the army -- the end-user.

An HIT official told Dawn that the army had given a go-ahead for the production of 50 125mm barrels for the two MBTs at the HMC after a joint team assured it of meeting strict standards.

According to sources, the army and the HIT wanted the barrels to fire at least eight rounds a minute, and for the automatic ammunition handling system, with 24-round ready-to-fire magazine of Al-Khalid tank.

The official said that the manufacturing of the first 125mm tank gun was an achievement of the Strategic Plans Division (SPD) set up in 2000 to improve the control of nuclear operations and monitor and develop coordination among various defence production and research organisations in the country.

The specialised weapons grade steel was manufactured at the PSML and the block of metal was retreated at the HMC which has such facilities under the heavy forge and foundry section. The block of specialised metal is pressed to become a five-metre-long square bar that is forged into a smooth bore 125mm barrel.

The HMC also has specialised facilities of large vertical furnace where the blanks are given heat treatments several times. Since it was the first job for the HMC, experts from other defence organisations monitored the process which took almost two to three months to complete.

The HIT has finalised a deal Rs200 million for 50 barrels which is slightly less than the cost of each barrel procured from France.

The official said that after the completion of 50 tank barrels, the HMC would consider producing artillery guns for the Pakistan Army.

Al-Khalid is a product of a joint venture between Pakistan and China. It has been in use of the army since 2001. Al-Zarar is an upgradation of T-59 tanks. The new barrels are likely to be part of the project for upgraded variants of Al-Khalid II and III now under way at the HIT.

Locally-produced gun delivered to HIT for tanks - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

Hey stop making yourself look like an idiot.. the video first showed on air was by Al Jazeera n than some idiot journo from geo group visited swat ... after Operation Rah e Rast... so instead of talking shit talk hard facts.. but hey what would a kid who doesnt know the difference between a stand and a HMG know about that.
Dude the image was off poor quality...still you didn't explain why the stand is missing...that's 2 of your super high tech tanks down by talibs.
Oh you are one of a kind... AZ isnt a Type-85 ... moron... Nor is it empty.. the composite armour was removed .. and if you werent such a dimwit you can see other pics of the same tank with its armour intact..
Here is an old T-85 :

All upgraded as of now..
Any source on the french smooth bore? Stop dreaming of getting a GIAT on that AK
The only french componets are the auto transmission and the FCS. Go get some sources before you engage in verbal vomit
Owning you again :
1: Uses French sights aswell... kiddo.
2:The source for the gun:
ISLAMABAD, April 17: The first locally-produced tank gun is ready for delivery to the Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT) for Al-Khalid and Al-Zarar tanks.
So far the HIT used to get 125 millimetre 'blanks' from France for the two main battle tanks (MBTs) of the Pakistan Army. Blanks are the final shape of the gun barrel prior to its finishing and its fitting into the tank is done at the HIT.
The first blank has been jointly produced at the Heavy Mechanical Complex (HMC) in Taxila by experts of the HIT, the Peoples Steel Mills Limited (PSML) of Karachi and other defence-related organisations, in coordination with the army -- the end-user.
An HIT official told Dawn that the army had given a go-ahead for the production of 50 125mm barrels for the two MBTs at the HMC after a joint team assured it of meeting strict standards.
According to sources, the army and the HIT wanted the barrels to fire at least eight rounds a minute, and for the automatic ammunition handling system, with 24-round ready-to-fire magazine of Al-Khalid tank.
The official said that the manufacturing of the first 125mm tank gun was an achievement of the Strategic Plans Division (SPD) set up in 2000 to improve the control of nuclear operations and monitor and develop coordination among various defence production and research organisations in the country.
The specialised weapons grade steel was manufactured at the PSML and the block of metal was retreated at the HMC which has such facilities under the heavy forge and foundry section. The block of specialised metal is pressed to become a five-metre-long square bar that is forged into a smooth bore 125mm barrel.
The HMC also has specialised facilities of large vertical furnace where the blanks are given heat treatments several times. Since it was the first job for the HMC, experts from other defence organisations monitored the process which took almost two to three months to complete.
The HIT has finalised a deal Rs200 million for 50 barrels which is slightly less than the cost of each barrel procured from France.
The official said that after the completion of 50 tank barrels, the HMC would consider producing artillery guns for the Pakistan Army.
Al-Khalid is a product of a joint venture between Pakistan and China. It has been in use of the army since 2001. Al-Zarar is an upgradation of T-59 tanks. The new barrels are likely to be part of the project for upgraded variants of Al-Khalid II and III now under way at the HIT.
Locally-produced gun delivered to HIT for tanks - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

Quite persistent on getting humiliated arent you?
The AZ is nothing but a fancy name for an upgraded Type59 which itself is based on the ancient T54. Its a "cost" effective uprade.Cost being the operative word here. Surely you do not want me to humiliate on the armor stats?
Why would armor be removed in a war zone. And that too in the front hemisphere where it is most likely to take a HIT? Either your tank commanders idiots or you are giving the silliest excuse ever. Lolz

Coming to your so called french cannon, i see no links anywhere apart from this homegrown source, about GIAT supplying smoothbores for the AK. GIAT is the only manufacturer for tank canons in France. Care to educate me which other company has decided to supply the canon?
Dude the image was off poor quality...still you didn't explain why the stand is missing...that's 2 of your super high tech tanks down by talibs.

Yeah sure okay.. haha

Although there was only 1... reported by both international and domestic media who was taken to Swat after it was cleared..

Quite persistent on getting humiliated arent you?
The AZ is nothing but a fancy name for an upgraded Type59 which itself is based on the ancient T54. Its a "cost" effective uprade.Cost being the operative word here. Surely you do not want me to humiliate on the armor stats?
Why would armor be removed in a war zone. And that too in the front hemisphere where it is most likely to take a HIT? Either your tank commanders idiots or you are giving the silliest excuse ever. Lolz

Coming to your so called french cannon, i see no links anywhere apart from this homegrown source, about GIAT supplying smoothbores for the AK. GIAT is the only manufacturer for tank canons in France. Care to educate me which other company has decided to supply the canon?

Listen kid .. i got no time to baby sit you... go find somebody else... its not my fault you are so stupid...
Yeah sure okay.. haha

Although there was only 1... reported by both international and domestic media who was taken to Swat after it was cleared..

Listen kid .. i got no time to baby sit you... go find somebody else... its not my fault you are so stupid...

If you aren't Blind you can make out they are different tanks...no need to reply to me anymore
If you aren't Blind you can make out they are different tanks...no need to reply to me anymore

Sure sure... the guy who doesnt know the difference between a HMG n its stand has every right to state such nonsense.. international media,domestic media,PA all liars.. :lol:

You know everything..
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