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Indian Army successfully defuses IED on Jammu-Poonch National Highway

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And on what basis are you comparing it to the HIV epedemic india has faced since the 1960s?
Are you for real? The epidemiology of AIDS syndrome and its association with HIV retrovirus wasn't even obvious to the scientists till the early/mid 80s. And you are talking about the 60s..
Indeed, it has been but we realise the burden that face us. That helped us formulate a nation wide strategy yielding results in the last two decades. That's not the case with Pakistan, with slow case detection rate and lack of ability to monitor the efficacy of NACP, it has been a failure mostly.

Do you have any proof that monitoring efficency of National Aids control program is a failure because A village in sindh has reported an outbreak??? Your mechanism for Aids awareness and control is all robust on papers but in reality its in pathetic state hence the epidemic of HIV in India.
Glad you are being honest. Similarly, we have sent the Muslims of Jammu packing, and the valley is going to be the next to be cleansed of radical Islamism. And you cannot do anything about it.

All we will do is support the people of Kashmir

Jinnah said clearly in 1947 that hindus could not be trusted.
He was adamant that the hindus carried the burden of 1000 years of muslim domination and the damage to the hindu psyche was so great that they would justify the murder and abuse of even unarmed civilians ergo muslims could not trust india

Indian muslims are learning the lesson now and hearing Jinnahs message clearly

Kashmiris already understood it and are more anti indian then ever

All we can do is support them in their struggle

Are you for real? The epidemiology of AIDS syndrome and its association with HIV retrovirus wasn't even obvious to the scientists till the early/mid 80s. And you are talking about the 60s..

If something is obvious to scientists or not dosent mean it dosent exist
Do you have any proof that monitoring efficency of National Aids control program is a failure because A village in sindh has reported an outbreak??? Your mechanism for Aids awareness and control is all robust on papers but in reality its in pathetic state hence the epidemic of HIV in India.
As i have already stated before, look at the case detection rates in your country, the funds allocated to NACP as percentage of your overall health budget and the abysmal integration of the same with other health programmes and their outreach at the grassroot level in all corners of your country. You will have your answer.

Lol the truth is the Muslims of modern Pakistan have been dominated by the Hindus of modern India for centuries. That continued past independence. Hence why Pakistanis are always crying about Kashmir at the UN only to get slapped every time
If something is obvious to scientists or not dosent mean it dosent exist
Think straight buddy, how on earth do you expect the world to know about the AIDS burden in the 60s when the virus responsible for AIDS syndrome wasn't discovered till then! Do you really think people back then knew they had AIDS, what caused it, and how to stop the transmission..
As i have already stated before, look at the case detection rates in your country, the funds allocated to NACP as percentage of your overall health budget and the abysmal integration of the same with other health programmes and their outreach at the grassroot level in all corners of your country. You will have your answer.

Thankyou for your reply!! I see you dont have any evidence yet your comments are based on personal assumptions about health budget and integration.

You obviously have no idea about the ground realities and the work that has been carried on HIV hence yourclaim NACP is a failure is just another Indian observation over the Internet which adds up to Nothing.

Lol the truth is the Muslims of modern Pakistan have been dominated by the Hindus of modern India for centuries. That continued past independence. Hence why Pakistanis are always crying about Kashmir at the UN only to get slapped every time

The absolute pounding the hindus received from muslim armies over the last 1000 years is only comparable to the mass genocide that native populations went through in south and north America

We have nothing but contempt for hindus

We broke away and created our own land

We built up a military capable of taking on our enemy

We made nuclear warheads to turn you to dust

We are ready and as we showed in February when India acts stupid we will slap the humiliation upon india

Think straight buddy, how on earth do you expect the world to know about the AIDS burden in the 60s when the virus responsible for AIDS syndrome wasn't discovered till then! Do you really think people back then knew they had AIDS, what caused it, and how to stop the transmission..

Just because you didn't call it Aids dosent mean it wasent
As usual, Pakistanis know nothing about real history other than what they have been taught in their Madrassahs. Indian Empires such as the Marathas and Vijayanagar have trashed, defeated and humiliated Invading Muslim armies from the west for centuries. The fact is, Muslims of Pakistan are insecure because of the defeats and humiliations the Hindus of the East inflicted on them for Centuries. This was how the subcontinent looked when the British arrived

And of course, we cannot forget the world's largest surrender in human history, committed by those same Muslims to the Hindus they hate. Nothing will ever make them get over that insecurity.
Thankyou for your reply!! I see you dont have any evidence yet your comments are based on personal assumptions about health budget and integration.

You obviously have no idea about the ground realities and the work that has been carried on HIV hence yourclaim NACP is a failure is just another Indian observation over the Internet which adds up to Nothing.
Here, have a read, revert back to me in case of further queries.


  • Review of HIV response in Pakistan using a system thinking framework.pdf
    563.7 KB · Views: 8
So funny to hear Pakistani Muslims talking shit here, because they are the product of mass rape. They are the people who have been enslaved and humiliated for 1000 years. And they try to project their insecurity on us.
Is that why in past some years first time this year more virat Hindus of Indian security forces died than Pakistanis?

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View attachment 562813

at least we get virgins. What you get in hell?

Gau mata giving deep throat to her b@stard kids??? :)

Last time this guy was killed because of IED blast at LOC

View attachment 562814

He was about to get married in few months

Poor b@stard died before he could even get laid :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Since when Pakistan started officially acknowledging their dead :woot:
Just because you didn't call it Aids dosent mean it wasent
Stop being a laughing stock in front of your countrymen, no one(not only India) called it AIDS back then because little was known about the disease. May be the Pakistanis had some inside information, in that case you should have shared the same with the world community in the 60s.
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