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Indian Army successfully defuses IED on Jammu-Poonch National Highway

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You lost the more than Pakistanis unlike last few years. Clearly tells us the tide is changing.

So you should be the last one talking about IED or making jokes about it

As for civilians. The kind of terrorists that we face are far different than militants that India face. While militants that India faces are mostly focused on attacking security forces the Indian sponsored coward terrorists that we face mostly attack civilians.

But even civilians losses are going down as compared to previous few years
The only reason we have more as of now is because Pulwama skewed the number. Now that we have killed almost 100 JeM and LeT terrorists and eliminated their commanders, combined with the fact that you have been forced to seize JeM and LeT Madrassahs and arrest their leaders to avoid getting blacklisted by the FATF, the tide is indeed turning.

Meanwhile, terrorist activity in Balochistan, KP, and Pak in general has been increasing. The fact that the BLA could block a highway and shoot 14 of your soldiers at point blank range is significant. Anyone can create an IED, whereas an attack of that style requires strong control over specific territories, careful planning, as well as confidence. So keep believing what you want to believe. Oh btw, two more terrorists were killed a couple hours ago. That brings the grand total so far to around 93 in Kashmir.

Oh, and the naxals are almost dead, although there has been an increase in naxal activity due to elections. They are only prevalent in a few districts in Cental India, and are on the verge of dying off.
The only reason we have more as of now is because Pulwama skewed the number. Now that we have killed almost 100 JeM and LeT terrorists and eliminated their commanders, combined with the fact that you have been forced to seize JeM and LeT Madrassahs and arrest their leaders to avoid getting blacklisted by the FATF, the tide is indeed turning.

Meanwhile, terrorist activity in Balochistan, KP, and Pak in general has been increasing. The fact that the BLA could block a highway and shoot 14 of your soldiers at point blank range is significant. Anyone can create an IED, whereas an attack of that style requires strong control over specific territories, careful planning, as well as confidence. So keep believing what you want to believe. Oh btw, two more terrorists were killed a couple hours ago. That brings the grand total so far to around 93 in Kashmir.

Before Pulwama India never lost 40 troopers in a single day in IOK in past 17 or 18 years.

So the tide has already changed.

As for KP and FATA. This year has been more or less peaceful except few attacks in border areas of Waziristan

Only Baluchistan is the last remaining front for us. and even here we are killing terrorists both inside and outside Pakistani territory.

Unlike your fake surgical strikes which have zero proof of any militants deaths we went after terrorists involved in terrorism in Balochistan and killed them in their hideouts

Aslam Achu Assassinated


Pretty soon the terrorists operating in Balochistan would lose their hideouts outside Pakistan too

You have been killing hundreds of militants in IOK and still Pulwama happened. So yeah keep doing that :lol:

Oh, and the naxals are almost dead, although there has been an increase in naxal activity due to elections. They are only prevalent in a few districts in Cental India, and are on the verge of dying off.

Have been listening to this BS since years now. :lol:
Is that why in past some years first time this year more virat Hindus of Indian security forces died than Pakistanis?


Lot of mistakes in SATP data for Pakistan in 2019.
They forgot to include the 14 Pakistan military fatalities in Ormara incident in April 2019 as well as three Pak army fatalities in N. Waziristan on 1 May & 3 FC fatalities in same Waziristan on 6 May.
They are several other exclusions too like 1 FC fatality in Mohmand in Jan 2019 & two cops in Rawalpindi in February.

So actual figure is 86+ for Pakistan.


Today or tomorrow I will write an email to them to rectify their mistakes (SATP head Ajai Sahni is a good friend of mine)
Lot of mistakes in SATP data for Pakistan in 2019.
They forgot to include the 14 Pakistan military fatalities in Ormara incident in April 2019 as well as three zpak army fatalities on Waziristan on 1 May & 3 FC fatalities in same Waziristan on 6 May.
They are several other exclusions too like 1 FC fatality in Mohmand in Jan 2019 & Two cops in Rawalpindi in February.

So actual figure is 86+ for Pakistan.


Today or tomorrow I will write an email to them to rectify their mistakes (SATP head Ajai Sahni is a good friend of mine)

Go whine to them multiple ID rat

But till then. More virat hindus have died than Pakistanis :lol:
I have been hearing that Balochistan and KP were supposed to be getting better for years now, yet every year terrorism increases in those places. Very bad and very sad. And Pulwama-like incidents are not going to happen again now that we eliminated their terrorists and leadership and now that Pakistan has been forced to shut down its terror operations before the FATF comes. Both the Maoists and Kashmiri millitants are on their deathbeds. Meanwhile the NE rebel groups like NSCN have already made peace with the Central gov. or have fled into Myanmar, where they have been eliminated by joint Indo-Myanmar surgical strikes. So Pakistan can keep crying, which is all it can do while we keep on eliminating terrorists throughout india. In the meantime, dozens of PAkistani forces will continue to get sent to Allah every month.
I have been hearing that Balochistan and KP were supposed to be getting better for years now, yet every year terrorism increases in those places. Very bad and very sad. And Pulwama-like incidents are not going to happen again now that we eliminated their terrorists and leadership and now that Pakistan has been forced to shut down its terror operations before the FATF comes. Both the Maoists and Kashmiri millitants are on their deathbeds. Meanwhile the NE rebel groups like NSCN have already made peace with the Central gov. or have fled into Myanmar, where they have been eliminated by joint Indo-Myanmar surgical strikes. So Pakistan can keep crying, which is all it can do while we keep on eliminating terrorists throughout india. In the meantime, dozens of PAkistani forces will continue to get sent to Allah every month.

You have been saying the same and giving excuses since 60s for Maoists and since late 80s for IOK

First save bhishts from getting killed before they get laid and then we would talk about how successful your war against militancy is :lol:
You have been saying the same and giving excuses since 60s for Maoists and since late 80s for IOK

First save bhishts from getting killed before they get laid and then we would talk about how successful your war against militancy is :lol:
Even 40 years of Maoism has not killed as many Indians as the 70,000 Pakistanis killed in ten years of WOT.
Even 40 years of Maoism has not killed as many Indians as the 70,000 Pakistanis killed in ten years of WOT.

Doesn't matter

Go win war against them instead of b!tching about IEDs here

PS: A large number of those 70000 are terrorists. So meh. Whatever.
Doesn't matter

Go win war against them instead of b!tching about IEDs here

PS: A large number of those 70000 are terrorists. So meh. Whatever.
I was not the one bitching. I simply posted some news, and you guys started trolling.

So stop your whining
I was not the one bitching. I simply posted some news, and you guys started trolling.

You actually brought 72 virgin BS. So I had to reply in kind

Poor Bishts don't get virgins even in this world :)
Even 40 years of Maoism has not killed as many Indians as the 70,000 Pakistanis killed in ten years of WOT.
Deaths are a fact of life

In 2016, India had 80 000 (62 000 - 100 000) new HIV infections and 62 000 (43 000 - 91 000) AIDS-related deaths.
You actually brought 72 virgin BS. So I had to reply in kind

Poor Bishts don't get virgins even in this world :)
Do the thousands of Kashmiri women who you claim were allegedly raped by the Indian army count?

Deaths are a fact of life

In 2016, India had 80 000 (62 000 - 100 000) new HIV infections and 62 000 (43 000 - 91 000) AIDS-related deaths.
Funny how you bring up HIV, when Pakistan has been in the news nonstop for the past few days for HIV infections.
Do the thousands of Kashmiri women who you claim were allegedly raped by the Indian army count?

Do millions of Hindu women who were allegedly r@ped by muslim invaders count?
Do millions of Hindu women who were allegedly r@ped muslim invaders count?
Yes. But most of them were in modern-day Pakistan. How do you think you guys became Muslim in the first place?
Yes. But most of them were in modern-day Pakistan. How do you think you guys became Muslim in the first place?

No you actually believe millions were in present day India too

How do you know think Ram mandir was demolished to bring in Babri Mosque? :)
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