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Indian Army stocking up munitions for 40-day war

Using Indian army's rate of ammo expenditure which is 2000 ATGMs excluding 50% reserves fired daily and 25000 Tank rounds fired daily, Pak army ammo will last for 4-5 days at that rate
thats too less.....
you mean to say all defense lines and offensive formations will use 2000 max per day.....
keep into account that the enemy also fires back, then there will be fatalities of the user....
i believe india should increase its benchmarks
Using Indian army's rate of ammo expenditure which is 2000 ATGMs excluding 50% reserves fired daily and 25000 Tank rounds fired daily, Pak army ammo will last for 4-5 days at that rate

PA have good numbers of ATGM in stock as Bakter Shikan variants are built locally while there are also other ATGMs too.
40 Days ammunition means ... multifold rise in production and storage capacity and transportation...
Translates to exponential rise in cost...
Simple economics will not let this happen in next few years

40 days is very long war time for both countries, world will stop war within 2 weeks as after that MAD will be on the horizon.

You should talk to your grandparents kid what is full blown war looks like. They will be having nice story to tell you.

They say it was nice, but regret Pakistan lost Kashmir in Tashqand talks.
1971 war only lasted 13 days. Why are they stocking up for 40 days ? :D
Maybe they are preparing for their own version of Operation Gladio for once Pakistan Army overuns Indian positions in a few days
I think all pajeets will come on boarder & piss in Pakistani direction in hope of flooding us. They always had this weird fetish to flood us with their pee. :lol:
The military better install fire hydrants on the border
Current mere dosto, current!!

trailer assault
A huge advantage of Tejas is that it can be driven by anyone having HV license. Don't forget that... A plane manufactured internally with an unlimited number of drivers!

O Pajee,

What has India to do to gain Our respect?

Look at this thread... 40 days of indian ammunition and all Paks are still unimpressed!!!

@Windjammer has tried to terrify us with The Might of India thread... and yet Paks are rubshing India non-stop...

My Dear Paks, what has India to do to gain our respect?

Seems nobody respects The Might of India here... Poor Indians... they keep on trying to scare us... but YoungPaks, OldPaks... none takes them seriously!

After the annoucement of 100s Tejas to be produced... shouldn't we be a little scared?


On a serious note, India can earn a very high degree of respect, from Pakistan, by dealing it on the principles of justice and fair play. But that dark historical demon, residing in their conscious, doesn't allow them to do, what is prudent.

A huge advantage of Tejas is that it can be driven by anyone having HV license. Don't forget that... A plane manufactured internally with an unlimited number of drivers!

Can "Khoti Rairhi" driver also fly this plane?:lol:
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