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Indian Army stocking up munitions for 40-day war

You should talk to your grandparents kid what is full blown war looks like. They will be having nice story to tell you.

Why do we need any fantashtik tea to begin with??? Inspite of their GIGANTIC VICTORY (on pdf) on 27th Feb bad boy India couldn't resist himself from annexing so called jagular vein.... it's now their Shaheen's turn to liberate it.... let's wait with our LIPTON TIGER tea....
You should talk to your grandparents kid what is full blown war looks like. They will be having nice story to tell you.
first off, I'm pretty sure I'm older than your dad. And secondly, before your "brokenarse" starts posting that brow beaten 50 year old photo, perhaps you should listen & listen very closely to your own grandpa over here who can show the painful scars he got from us on his own broken arse!:lol:
In last Stand off India lost 1000+ soldiers without firing a single shot .. both countries have increase their war fighting capabilities and reserves but not more than 15-20 days in a full scale war, cause after 15-20 days Nukes will be launched, in fact missiles will start launching from day 2 or 3 ..
India last 40 days in a war?

more like 40 minutes

Pakistan can now get a air lift from China for resupply

Even Thunder can fit inside Y20

Times have changed
India last 40 days in a war?

more like 40 minutes

Pakistan can now get a air lift from China for resupply

Even Thunder can fit inside Y20

Times have changed
Further more, india will have no CHOICE but to face a two front war as Pakistan will ALSO attack india from the northern Chinese borders. if indians think that we don't have muscle there to cross into india they are sadly mistaken.
I always find it amusing Indian Plans and strategies always leaked out and give ample time to Pakistan to plan to counter Indian strategies by planning accordingly

For Example Cold Start :azn: and counter measurement Nasr Missile :rofl:
One of Pakistan's strength against India is that India underestimated Pakistan - and your thinking pattern makes you do that over-and-over again.

I just did the addition:

One of Pakistan's strength against India is that India underestimated Pakistan and Pakistanis- and your thinking pattern makes you do that over-and-over again. Moronic Indians.
What do you think artillery are for?
Artillery won't help you.
We are a country where rocket launchers have been known to be used to settle village disputes.
The hatred of the Pakistani people of all things Indian and our willingness to fight and die for our freedom is the greatest reason you cannot conquer and dominate us regardless of the imbalance in size and wealth.
If India does attack Pakistan, I request Pakistani Army to concentrate on defending the country, and allow millions of armed civilians to pour across the border in multiple directions under military guidance. Even if we achieve no great strategic victory, we can still find soft spots and cause some havoc in the enemy ranks.

P.S. Not very serious.
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