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Indian army set to nail China’s lies on LaC firing

May 20, 2011
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Forget the title. It is according to the Forum Rules, the headline of the video state that so I copied to start the thread.

The real message is that Indian Wing Commander (Retd) P Bakshi has stated some home truths in this video.

He admitted that India has already lost over 48,000 sq km to the Chinese. He also admit that if we continue like this and not talk from state of strength, China wouldn't listen to us and would not negotiate. We will end up as losers like we have been losers everywhere.

Wow, this is a truthful admission by an ex Indian Air Force personnel.

Forget the title. It is according to the Forum Rules, the headline of the video state that so I copied to start the thread.

The real message is that Indian Wing Commander (Retd) P Bakshi has stated some home truths in this video.

He admitted that India has already lost over 48,000 sq km to the Chinese. He also admit that if we continue like this and not talk from state of strength, China wouldn't listen to us and would not negotiate. We will end up as losers like we have been losers everywhere.

Wow, this is a truthful admission by an ex Indian Air Force personnel.

My god Indian soldiers are still dressed in World War II, early Cold War helmets. Hopefully they don't sustain many head wounds in the coming war against the Chinese.
After disclosure on the PDF forum that clashes are going on at the LAC between Indian Army and Chinese Army.
Chinese have responded to Indian's aggression on the south banks of Pangong Tso.

It had been disclosed that PLA UCAV have fired shot and Indian Army have suffered casualties.

It seems something is definitely happening. The Indian channel admitted that Chinese try to close in , in to the Indian Army positions.
A somewhat hesitant admission that PLA had made a move on Pangong Tso.
Off course Indians as their habit is would never tell the truth.
The fact that their media has started to show response to the news on situation at LAC, prove in itself that troubles are brewing at south of Pangong Tso.

We should all wait for the fog to clear to know whats happening at south bank of Pangong Tso.

The Indian reporter admitted that Chines forces try to attack the Indian positions , calling it Indian territory.
It is absurd to think or say that Chinese attacked Indian positions and nothing happened.

It is neigh impossible that if the move is made by an army, there would be no casualties. Unless India surrender without a fight, which is a real possibility.

Indian has no replicable and advance UCAV. Their reaper is not here yet.
My god Indian soldiers are still dressed in World War II, early Cold War helmets. Hopefully they don't sustain many head wounds in the coming war against the Chinese.
To indians, old is gold. :enjoy:
Forget the title. It is according to the Forum Rules, the headline of the video state that so I copied to start the thread.

The real message is that Indian Wing Commander (Retd) P Bakshi has stated some home truths in this video.

He admitted that India has already lost over 48,000 sq km to the Chinese. He also admit that if we continue like this and not talk from state of strength, China wouldn't listen to us and would not negotiate. We will end up as losers like we have been losers everywhere.

Wow, this is a truthful admission by an ex Indian Air Force personnel.

This new India was humiliated by Pakistan. It would face more humiliation on China front.
Thanks to the makers and distributors of the CCP virus most of the world economy is failing.
The origin of the virus is still unkown whose earliest trace can be tracked back to Spain early last year, but China contained it casue China has a highly efficient working government, India is the opposite, unsurprisingly failed every test in the history.
Thanks to the makers and distributors of the CCP virus most of the world economy is failing.
Keep blaming others for your incompetent. The most useless country in the world. :enjoy:
I have a feeling that the war has begun.Rumours are rife in China.
1,The missile launch was photographed in Tibet.
2,PLA has occupied the Frontier Airport in India.
3, The PLA has surrounded the Indian army on the front line.Artillery has been aimed at the Indian army .
After the war in 1962, the PLA voluntarily withdrawn 20 km from this area and left these areas as demilitarise zone.
India disrupted the agreement by entering into these area and now occupied a high peak there.
In the old school this will be a great advantage but based on today warfare, it will be absolutely suicidal for India jawans.
The Indian army better pray very hard that the war won't break out otherwise they will be as good as dead trapped in those defenseless position.
Especially towards the end of this year 2020.

IMO the only reason why India is doing such a silly thing is
1. They knew China won't want to engage itself in a war at this moment.
2. Modi is desperate and needed to win a propaganda war to stir up nationalism. :coffee:
The latest news is that the two sides have begun negotiations.I feel India is just buying time and they will continue to provoke before long.

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