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Indian Army reworks war doctrine for Pakistan, China

In modern war I don't think we need to use nuclear weapon. But I agree with your suggestion about increasing Chinese nuclear warheads and much more SSBNs. China should have 4000 nuclear warheads and 40 SSBNs to make sure we can keep our nuclear threat against US or Russia. We also need much more strategic bombers.

Stax man 2 nukes bought Japan on its knees, just imagin what would be the out come of 4000 nukes. :sick: :P
If pakistan wont nuke india.

because india will not invade Pakistan. or indeed capture territory that vital to their survival.

India may destry their nuke plants and destroy gwader or wreck havoc on their air bases in a short limited war


So pakistan cant use NUKES in that scenario.

It does not seem Beijing is awaken... still sleeping....


When will China realize India's existence is the most dangerous threat to China's existence? I urge all the Chinese all over the world to unite and awaken the Beijing leadership from slumber. Build more thermo nuclear missiles since the size of our enemy is big.

Train the civilians how to survive nuclear strikes so that the number of casualties would be lessened. Lock the ICBMs and get ready for a retaliatory strike. This is pragmatism.

We do not have much time.

:china: :pakistan:

Several of us are delightful about war but Administrators of both sides know what will be results of an all out war between India and China. So there wont be any war between us.
If pakistan wont nuke india.

because india will not invade Pakistan. or indeed capture territory that vital to their survival.

India may destry their nuke plants and destroy gwader or wreck havoc on their air bases in a short limited war


So pakistan cant use NUKES in that scenario.

We know that India is not going to capture or invade Pakistan territory, but during war this wont be considered. Even if there is a limited war (just if it happens so) there would be some trouble makers who would take advantage to move the LW to Full war.


Ya only against Pakistan what about China, we even have to be ready on the easten front.
Its useless to try to convince these Indians.OK man you win happy now.And by the way don't be fooled by kargil you dont know future i dont know future its foolish to assume that what happened in the past would happen in the future.When war breaks out it is difficult to predict what would would be the next move of the enemy and remember you could only guess that a limited war will remain limited and there is no room for and if you are wrong then GOODBYE South Asia.
pak-yes....your right considering Limited and full scale war, but its some pakistani member who always talk of nuke's when it come's to any kind of conflict with India it raise, this is kind of childish talk. Even your are aware of the consequences or the outcome of a nuclear war and so are we.

I do agree and have mentioned before that no one predict or tell when a limited war turns into a full scale war. So its better for both to avoide it, as it would be good for the whole region itself.

But this dosen't am denying what "Storm Force" have to say as he is right on what he means to say, i was just trying to tell him that things can get out of hand and get ugly when war happens may it be limited of full scale.
Hey my comments were not directed towards you.But what i read in the first page of this thread.I am just trying to say that don't take the risk of limited war because what near you be limited is not necessary that your enemy would also think the same.And even if one side thinks that the war is not limited then the ppl of South Asia would only left in history books.

India or pakistan will neva use nukes. Its rubbish and childish.

How can you nuke another nation WHICH ITSELF is armed with nuke weapons.



Thats why india is ready to spend $30billion in next 5 years alone on new hardware including MMRCA

We made Nukes not for display on exhibitions ok!! mind it!! this childish A B C D things thought before nuke test how funny when Pak tested nuke thn India start "we will never go for nuke war between pakistan and india lol such a bs i bet if today we dont have nuke today indian ministers all the time thread to pakistan on the name of NUKE strike unforuntly pak also have nuke so thats why Indians always said "there is zero chance of nuke war between pak india lol" how funny !!
Yup i did got your point, i took you view in general and not directing to any one. Was bit uneasy regaridng the nuclear comments nothing else. Bcoz most ofter have noticed that some members think that nuclear war is like a convential war, as they have not idea what actually will happen.
Hey my comments were not directed towards you.But what i read in the first page of this thread.I am just trying to say that don't take the risk of limited war because what near you be limited is not necessary that your enemy would also think the same.And even if one side thinks that the war is not limited then the ppl of South Asia would only left in history books.

no i dont think so... a limited/conventional war can definately happen... though i am against any war totally...
but in case things go out of hand...or someone from Pakistan side(some military gereral or some foolish politician..!!) mistakenly beleives thta because of nukes India will not attack and so does something foolish(like Kargil etc )that will be a mistake... India if pushed will attack irrespective of nuclear weapons....Nuclear weapons can ensure India will not invade but to think that they can be used to blackmail and get away after doing something very harmful to India will be mistaken and wrong thinking.....I hope it doesnt happen(any such act that leads to any kind of war b/w the two countries)....

Also Pakistan before it decides to use nuclear weapons must make sure that it is ready for total annihilation....

if it is ready for it than it can use nuclear weapons....

but even if it does it will be useless for pakistan...
U fight a war to win and not to loose...
After using nuclear weapons Pakistan will than loose everything(everything that is remaining also at the point it decides to use nukes) as against the total country which will be left after a conventional war and so you can rebuild and develop again and start new(as conventional war can only damage and not cause whole country to vanish).....

But to think that nuclear weapons will ensure that Pakistan can get away with anything and India will bear silently and there will be no war will be the biggest mistake of any bad element in Paksitan power....hope such elements stay away from Power in Pakistan and it leads a better path to development and progress under some better politicians and better army generals(than past ones)...
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Yup i did got your point, i took you view in general and not directing to any one. Was bit uneasy regaridng the nuclear comments nothing else. Bcoz most ofter have noticed that some members think that nuclear war is like a convential war, as they have not idea what actually will happen.

Yes you are right some ppl think that nuke war is a joke.
no i dont think so... a limited/conventional war can definately happen... though i am against any war totally...
but in case things go out of hand...or someone from Pakistan side(some military gereral or some foolish politician..!!) mistakenly beleives thta because of nukes India will not attack and so does something foolish(like Kargil etc )that will be a mistake... India if pushed will attack irrespective of nuclear weapons....Nuclear weapons can ensure India will not invade but to think that they can be used to blackmail and get away after doing something very harmful to India will be mistaken and wrong thinking.....I hope it doesnt happen(any such act that leads to any kind of war b/w the two countries)....

Also Pakistan before it decides to use nuclear weapons must make sure that it is ready for total annihilation....

if it is ready for it than it can use nuclear weapons....

but even if it does it will be useless for pakistan...
U fight a war to win and not to loose...
After using nuclear weapons Pakistan will have loose everything as against the total country which will be left after a conventional war and so you can rebuild and develop again and start new(as conventional war can only damage and not cause whole country to vanish).....

But to think that nuclear weapons will ensure that Pakistan can get away with anything and India will bear silently and there will be no war will be the biggest mistake of any bad element in Paksitan power....hope such elements stay away from Power in Pakistan and it leads a better path to development and progress under some better politicians and better army generals(than past ones)...

man the only thing i can say is that you seriously need to watch some videos of nukes and try to read some thing called radiation and nuclear winter

if Pakistan dont change there policy then at last war will take place

jai hind
man the only thing i can say is that you seriously need to watch some videos of nukes and try to read some thing called radiation and nuclear winter

i didnt get ur point...???

u mean to say i dont know its harmful effects..!!!!
man anyone on earth knows that...

BUT do u know that..!!!! i doubt because you use nukes at the first shot of a bullet across Pakistan border..!!!! I mean for you it is so simple...

u say ok fire a bullet i fire nuke..!!!

So who needs to see the movie me or u...:confused:
man the only thing i can say is that you seriously need to watch some videos of nukes and try to read some thing called radiation and nuclear winter

so whats ur point..???

and i know they are very harmful.. that is why i am saying India will not use them...!!!!!!

or no one should use them...!!!

i am not the one saying use nukes..!!!!

i surely dont want anyone to use them-- anyone in this world...!!!!!

but u cant do much if the other sides uses it..u have to retaliate...only in such a case i am saying India will use nukes....but than there is no option left once other side uses nuke against you...
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